Code archives/Graphics/Container behavior

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Container behavior by Kistjes2008
This is a small and simple example of using sprites that are related to each other.
A sprite is a type with it's own coordinates, scaleX/Y value and rotation.
Also each sprite has a Draw() method.

Sprites can contain other sprites (and, therefor, a sprite can be content of another sprite.
This relation creates a relative dependence of it's location, scaleX/Y and rotation of the sprite's container.
It was something I was looking for and was finaly able to create myself ;)

Note: it is simplified code. This sprite is always a white rectangle.
You should create abstracts of the TSprite type like TRectange, TCircle, TImage, TText, etc.
Rem *****************************************************************************************
This is a small and simple example of using sprites that are related to each other.
A sprite is a type with it's own coordinates, scaleX/Y value and rotation.
Also each sprite has a Draw() method.

Sprites can contain other sprites (and, therefor, a sprite can be content of an other sprite. 
This relation creates a relative dependence of it's location, scaleX/Y and rotation of the sprite's container. 
It was something I was looking for and was finaly able to create myself ;)

Note: it is simplified code. This sprite is always a white rectangle. 
You should create abstracts of the TSprite type like TRectange, TCircle, TImage, TText, etc. 
End Rem


Graphics 800, 600, 0

Global golSprites:TList = CreateList()			'list with all sprites

'let's create some sprites
Local sp1:TSprite = TSprite.Create(Null, 400, 300, 160, 200, 0, 1)
Local sp2:TSprite = TSprite.Create(sp1, 0, 0, 120, 120)
Local sp3:TSprite = TSprite.Create(sp2, 0,80,120,20)

Local a# = 0
'main loop
	DrawGrid()		'I draw this grid as a check for the location of the sprites
	SetAlpha(0.75)	'make the sprites a little bit transparent
	For Local o:TSprite = EachIn golSprites
'ok, now add some dynamics to the sprites
'(remark or un-remark (is that English?) the following lines to see what happens...)	

	sp1.RotateRel(0.2)													'rotate sp1 CCW around it's registration point
'	sp1.SetAbsS(1.0 + Cos(a)*0.25, 1.0 + Cos(a+180) * 0.25)	'scale sp1 in a different X and Y value
'	sp2.SetAbsS(1)														'prevent sp2 to scale when sp1 is scaled in the previous line
'	sp2.RotateRel(-1.2)													'rotate sp2 CW around it's registration point
'	sp3.RotateRel(1.2)													'rotate sp3 CCW around it's registration point 
'	sp1.pfY:+0.2															'move sp1 downward in small steps, taking sp2 and sp3 with it.
																			'	so it looks like it is not rotating relative to sp2
Until KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)


'As I said, this is a grid to check the sprites location
Function DrawGrid()
	DrawRect(0,0,400, 300)
	DrawRect(400,300,400, 300)
	DrawRect(400,0,400, 300)
	DrawRect(0,300,400, 300)
End Function

'the actual sprite class (or Type)
Type TSprite
	Field poContainer:TSprite = Null
	Field polContent:TList = CreateList()
	'all these values are relative
	Field pfX#
	Field pfY#
	Field pfW#
	Field pfH#
	Field pfR#		'rotation
	Field pfSX#		'scaleX
	Field pfSY#		'scaleY
	Field pfRegX#	'registration point X
	Field pfRegY#	'registration point Y
	Function Create:TSprite(oContainer:TSprite = Null, fx#, fy#, fw#, fh#, fr# = 0, fsx# = 0, fsy# = 0)
		Local o:TSprite = New TSprite
		If oContainer Then
			o.poContainer = oContainer
		End If
		o.pfX = fx
		o.pfY = fy
		o.pfW = fw
		o.pfH = fh
		o.pfR = fr
		o.pfRegX = fw/2
		o.pfRegY = fh/2
		If fsx = 0 Then
			If oContainer Then
				fsx = oContainer.GetAbsSX()
				fsx = 1
			End If
		End If

		If Not fsy Then fsy = fsx		 
		o.SetAbsS(fsx, fsy)
		Return o
	End Function

	Method AddContent(oSprite:TSprite)
		If Not polContent.Contains(oSprite) Then	polContent.AddLast(oSprite) 
	End Method
	Method GetAbsX#()
		If poContainer Then 
			'here all the relations to the container sprite are calculated to the proper absolute X position
			Local dx# = pfX * poContainer.GetAbsSX() * Cos(poContainer.GetAbsR()) - pfY * poContainer.GetAbsSY() * Sin(poContainer.GetAbsR())
			Return poContainer.GetAbsX() + dx
		End If
		'if there is no container, the pfX value is absolute
		Return pfX
	End Method
	Method GetAbsY#()
		If poContainer Then 
			'here all the relations to the container sprite are calculated to the proper absolute Y position
			Local dy# = pfY * poContainer.GetAbsSY() * Cos(poContainer.GetAbsR()) + pfX * poContainer.GetAbsSX() * Sin(poContainer.GetAbsR())
			Return poContainer.GetAbsY() + dy
		End If
		'if there is no container, the pfY value is absolute
		Return pfY
	End Method
	Method GetAbsR#()
		If poContainer Then Return poContainer.GetAbsR() + pfR
		Return pfR
	End Method
	Method GetAbsSX#()
		If poContainer Then Return poContainer.GetAbsSX() + pfSX
		Return pfSX
	End Method

	Method GetAbsSY#()
		If poContainer Then Return poContainer.GetAbsSY() + pfSY
		Return pfSY
	End Method

	Method GetRelX#()
		Return pfX
	End Method
	Method GetRelY#()
		Return pfY
	End Method
	Method GetRelR#()
		Return pfR
	End Method
	Method GetRelSX#()
		Return pfSX
	End Method
	Method GetRelSY#()
		Return pfSY
	End Method
	Method RotateRel(r#)
	End Method
	Method SetAbsS(fsx#, fsy# = -1)
		If fsy = -1 Then fsy = fsx
		If poContainer Then
			Self.SetRelSX(fsx - poContainer.GetAbsSX())
			Self.SetRelSY(fsy - poContainer.GetAbsSY())
		End If
	End Method

	Method SetRelSX(fsx#)
		pfSX = fsx
	End Method

	Method SetRelSY(fsy#)
		pfSY = fsy
	End Method
	Method SetRegPoint(fRegX#, fRegY#)
		pfRegX = fRegX
		pfRegY = fRegY
	End Method
	Method Draw()
		SetTransform(Self.GetAbsR(), Self.GetAbsSX(), Self.GetAbsSY())
		SetHandle(pfRegX, pfRegY)
		DrawRect(Self.GetAbsX(), Self.GetAbsY(), pfW, pfH)
	End Method
End Type



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