Code archives/Graphics/Image Hueing

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Image Hueing by plash2008
The code below is just a showcase of the functions that are used, if you want to try things out download this (includes tools):;9972923;/fileinfo.html
Sorry no comments :P
Function conv_UnCompRGBA(px:Int, r:Byte Var, g:Byte Var, b:Byte Var, a:Byte Var) 
	a = px Shr 24
	r = px Shr 16
	g = px Shr 8
	b = px
End Function

Function conv_CompRGBA:Int(r:Int, g:Int, b:Int, a:Int = 255) 
	Return (a Shl 24 | r Shl 16 | g Shl 8 | b) 
End Function

Function gfx_HueCoordArrayArea(pm:TPixmap Var, flurl:String, single:Int = 0) 
   Local flovl:TStream = ReadFile(flurl) 
    If Not flovl Return
	If Not pm Then Return
	Local pm_format:Int = PixmapFormat(pm) 
	 If (pm_format <> PF_RGBA8888) Then pm = ConvertPixmap(pm, PF_RGBA8888) 
	Local CRGBA:Int
	Local sea:Int, ser:Int, seg:Int, seb:Int
	 Local nr:Byte, ng:Byte, nb:Byte, na:Byte
	  Local cl_list:TList = CreateList() 
	   Local lnovl:String
		While Not Eof(flovl) 
		  lnovl = ReadLine(flovl) 
			If Left(lnovl, 6) = "colid:"
				CRGBA = Int(Right(lnovl, Len(lnovl) - 6)) 
				  Local px_x:Int, px_y:Int, ic:Int
				   Local px:Int, lr:Byte, lg:Byte, lb:Byte, la:Byte
				    conv_UnCompRGBA CRGBA, nr, ng, nb, na
	  				 DebugLog nr + "," + ng + "," + nb + "," + na
					While Not Eof(flovl) 
					 lnovl = ReadLine(flovl) 
					  ic = Instr(lnovl, ",") 
						If ic = 0 And single = 0
					   		CRGBA = Int(Right(lnovl, Len(lnovl) - 6)) 
							If cl_list.Contains(String(CRGBA)) = 0
								conv_UnCompRGBA CRGBA, nr, ng, nb, na
						ElseIf ic > 0
							px_x = Int(Left(lnovl, ic - 1)) 
							px_y = Int(Right(lnovl, Len(lnovl) - ic)) 
							px = ReadPixel(pm, px_x, px_y) 
							conv_UnCompRGBA px, lr, lg, lb, la
							'DebugLog lr + "," + lg + "," + lb + "," + la
							sea = (na + la) 
							 If sea < 0 Then sea = 0
							 If sea > 255 Then sea = 255
							ser = (nr + lr) 
							 If ser < 0 Then ser = 0
							 If ser > 255 Then ser = 255
							seg = (ng + lg) 
							 If seg < 0 Then seg = 0
							 If seg > 255 Then seg = 255
							seb = (nb + lb) 
							 If seb < 0 Then seb = 0
							 If seb > 255 Then seb = 255
							WritePixel pm, px_x, px_y, Int(sea Shl 24 | ser Shl 16 | seg Shl 8 | seb) 
	  CloseFile flovl
	If (pm_format <> PF_RGBA8888) Then pm = ConvertPixmap(pm, pm_format) 
End Function

Function dat_CreateHueCoordArray(url:String, ner:Int, neg:Int, neb:Int) 
  Local pm:TPixmap = LoadPixmap(url) 
   If Not pm Then Return
	 If (PixmapFormat(pm) <> PF_RGBA8888) Then pm = ConvertPixmap(pm, PF_RGBA8888) 
	Local flovl:TStream
	Local fnm:String = Left(url, Len(url) - 3) + "ovl" ; DebugLog fnm
		If FileType(fnm) = FILETYPE_FILE
			flovl = OpenStream(fnm) 
			SeekStream(flovl, StreamSize(flovl)) 
			WriteLine flovl, "colid:" + (255 Shl 24 | ner Shl 16 | neg Shl 8 | neb) 
			flovl = WriteFile(fnm) 
			WriteLine flovl, "colid:" + (255 Shl 24 | ner Shl 16 | neg Shl 8 | neb) 
	Local x:Int, y:Int
	Local px:Int, olr:Byte, olg:Byte, olb:Byte
	For x = 0 To (pm.width - 1) 
		For y = 0 To (pm.Height - 1) 
			px = ReadPixel(pm, x, y) 
			olr = px Shr 16 ; olg = px Shr 8 ; olb = px
			'DebugLog olr + "," + olg + "," + olb + ";" + ner + "," + neg + "," + neb
				If olr = ner And olg = neg And olb = neb
					WriteLine flovl, x + "," + y
   'WriteLine flovl, "endcolid:" + cid
  CloseFile flovl
End Function

Function gfx_HuePixmapTintA:TPixmap(pm:TPixmap Var, rer:Int, reg:Int, reb:Int, ner:Int, neg:Int, neb:Int, ula:Int = Null, rtp:Int = 0) 

   If Not pm Then Return Null
	Local pm_format:Int = PixmapFormat(pm) 
	 If (pm_format <> PF_RGBA8888) Then pm = ConvertPixmap(pm, PF_RGBA8888) 
	Local x:Int, y:Int
	Local sea:Int, ser:Int, seg:Int, seb:Int
	Local px:Int, olr:Byte, olg:Byte, olb:Byte, ola:Byte
	If ula <> Null Then ola = Byte(ula) 
	For x = 0 To (pm.width - 1) 
		For y = 0 To (pm.Height - 1) 
		  px = ReadPixel(pm, x, y) 
		   If ula = Null Then ola = px Shr 24
		   olr = px Shr 16 ; olg = px Shr 8 ; olb = px
			If rtp = 0 ' BY COLOR
				If olr = rer And olg = reg And olb = reb
				    sea = (ola + Byte(ula)) 
					 If sea < 0 Then sea = 0
					 If sea > 255 Then sea = 255
					ser = (ner + olr) 
					 If ser < 0 Then ser = 0
					 If ser > 255 Then ser = 255
					seg = (neg + olg) 
					 If seg < 0 Then seg = 0
					 If seg > 255 Then seg = 255
					seb = (neb + olb) 
					 If seb < 0 Then seb = 0
					 If seb > 255 Then seb = 255
					WritePixel pm, x, y, Int(sea Shl 24 | ser Shl 16 | seg Shl 8 | seb) 
			ElseIf rtp = 1 ' BY MASK
				If olr <> rer And olg <> reg And olb <> reb
				    sea = (ola + Byte(ula)) 
					 If sea < 0 Then sea = 0
					 If sea > 255 Then sea = 255
					ser = (ner + olr) 
					 If ser < 0 Then ser = 0
					 If ser > 255 Then ser = 255
					seg = (neg + olg) 
					 If seg < 0 Then seg = 0
					 If seg > 255 Then seg = 255
					seb = (neb + olb) 
					 If seb < 0 Then seb = 0
					 If seb > 255 Then seb = 255
					WritePixel pm, x, y, Int(sea Shl 24 | ser Shl 16 | seg Shl 8 | seb) 
   If (pm_format <> PF_RGBA8888) Then pm = ConvertPixmap(pm, pm_format) 
  Return pm
End Function

Function gfx_HuePixmapTC:TPixmap(pm:TPixmap Var, rer:Int, reg:Int, reb:Int, ner:Int, neg:Int, neb:Int, ula:Int = Null) 

   If Not pm Then Return Null
	Local pm_format:Int = PixmapFormat(pm)
	 If (pm_format <> PF_RGBA8888) Then pm = ConvertPixmap(pm, PF_RGBA8888) 
	Local x:Int, y:Int
	Local px:Int, olr:Byte, olg:Byte, olb:Byte, ola:Byte
	If ula <> Null Then ola = Byte(ula) 
	'DebugLog ula + "," + ola + "," + ola Shl 24
	For x = 0 To (pm.width - 1) 
		For y = 0 To (pm.Height - 1) 
			px = ReadPixel(pm, x, y) 
			If ula = Null Then ola = px Shr 24
			olr = px Shr 16 ; olg = px Shr 8 ; olb = px
		'DebugLog ola
			If olr = rer And olg = reg And olb = reb
			   Local sea:Int, ser:Int, seg:Int, seb:Int
			    sea = (ola + Byte(ula)) 
				 If sea < 0 Then sea = ola
				ser = (ner + olr) 
				 If ser < 0 Then ser = olr
				 If ser > 255 Then ser = 255
				seg = (neg + olg) 
				 If seg < 0 Then seg = olg
				 If seg > 255 Then seg = 255
				seb = (neb + olb) 
				 If seb < 0 Then seb = olb
				 If seb > 255 Then seb = 255
				WritePixel pm, x, y, Int(ola Shl 24 | ner Shl 16 | neg Shl 8 | neb) 
   If (pm_format <> PF_RGBA8888) Then pm = ConvertPixmap(pm, pm_format) 
  Return pm
End Function

Function gfx_HuePixmapRC:TPixmap(pm:TPixmap Var, rer:Int, reg:Int, reb:Int, ner:Int, neg:Int, neb:Int, ula:Int = Null) 

   If Not pm Then Return Null
	Local pm_format:Int = PixmapFormat(pm)
	 If (pm_format <> PF_RGBA8888) Then pm = ConvertPixmap(pm, PF_RGBA8888) 
	Local x:Int, y:Int
	Local px:Int, olr:Byte, olg:Byte, olb:Byte, ola:Byte
	If ula <> Null Then ola = Byte(ula) 
	'DebugLog ula + "," + ola + "," + ola Shl 24
	For x = 0 To (pm.width - 1) 
		For y = 0 To (pm.Height - 1) 
			px = ReadPixel(pm, x, y) 
			If ula = Null Then ola = px Shr 24
			olr = px Shr 16 ; olg = px Shr 8 ; olb = px
		'DebugLog ola
			If olr = rer And olg = reg And olb = reb
				WritePixel pm, x, y, Int(ola Shl 24 | ner Shl 16 | neg Shl 8 | neb) 
   If (pm_format <> PF_RGBA8888) Then pm = ConvertPixmap(pm, pm_format) 
  Return pm
End Function


Very interesting, I bet it will come in handy when doing stuff like Frozen enemies in Metroid, or Bosses getting "redder" when they lose HP, like in Metroid too :).

Though, I only wish it was turned into a properly documented module, as honestly speaking it is really difficult to get to understand it.

It simply adds to or subtracts the given RGB values against each designated pixel.

There are a lot of different algorithms you could pull on an image or set of pixels to do hueing.

Though, I only wish it was turned into a properly documented module, as honestly speaking it is really difficult to get to understand it.
I may eventually find the time to properly introduce it, just too busy right now. This code is quite old too, since then my more unusual coding habits have been forgotten.

Code here is good for changing the colour of an image.

That code is nice, but what I have in mind is code to, more like, "changes palette" though that's not exactly the best name.

Fortunately I won't need it anytime soon, but for sure I will keep my eyes open to it.

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