Code archives/Graphics/Interface maker bluegrid (b+)

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Interface maker bluegrid (b+) by Nebula2008
Mouse to move ; release ;

Fog textured ; buttonized ; grid lined.
Global wwidth = 640
Global wheight =  480

Global win = CreateWindow("Test Window - Basic (3)",200,100,wwidth,wheight,0,3^2) 
Global can = CreateCanvas(0,0,GadgetWidth(win),GadgetHeight(win),win)
Global md,mu
; wait until the user closes one of the windows 
Dim coppermap(1,640)
Dim genmap(100,100)
subdivide 0,0,100,100
Type editor
	Field x,y,w,h
	Field x1,y1,x2,y2,ix1,iy1,mc
	Field gt
End Type
Global editor.editor = New editor
Type shape
	Field bmap
	Field x,y,w,h,div#
	Field tp	
End Type
Type bmap
	Field gridmap,colormap,effectmap,tempmap
End Type
Global bmap.bmap = New bmap
bmap\gridmap = CreateImage(GadgetWidth(can),GadgetHeight(can))
bmap\colormap = CreateImage(GadgetWidth(can),GadgetHeight(can))
bmap\effectmap = CreateImage(GadgetWidth(can),GadgetHeight(can))
bmap\tempmap = CreateImage(GadgetWidth(can),GadgetHeight(can))
t = CreateTimer(20)
ms = MilliSecs()
;flashyblendoval 100,100,100,100,1.5
;flashyblendoval 200,200,64,64,3.5
ms = MilliSecs()-ms
	vw$ = WaitEvent()
	If vw = $803 Then Exit 
	Select vw
		Case $205
			ActivateGadget can
		Case $102
			Select EventData()
				Case 2:editor\gt = 1
				Case 3:editor\gt = 2
			End Select
		Case $201 ; mouse down
				If RectsOverlap(EventX(),EventY(),1,1,GadgetX(can),GadgetY(can),GadgetWidth(can),GadgetHeight(can)) = True Then
				md = True : mu = False			
				;this.shape = New shape
				;this\tp = 1
				;this\x = EventX()
				;this\y = EventY()
				;this\w = 100
				;this\h  = 100
				;this\div = 1.5
				editor\ix1 = EventX()
				editor\iy1 = EventY()
				editor\x1 = EventX()
				editor\y1 = EventY()
				editor\x2 = EventX()
				editor\y2 = EventY()
				End If
		Case $203
			If EventX() < GadgetWidth(can) And EventX() > 0
				editor\x2 = EventX()
			End If
			If EventY() < GadgetHeight(can)-32 And EventY()>0
				editor\y2 = EventY()
			End If
		Case $202 ; mouse up
			md = False : mu=True
			this.shape = New shape
			this\x = editor\x1
			this\y = editor\y1
			this\w = editor\x2-editor\x1
			this\h = editor\y2 - editor\y1
				  If editor\x2 < editor\ix1 Then this\x = editor\x2 : this\w = editor\x1 - editor\x2
				  If editor\y2 < editor\iy1 Then this\y = editor\y2 : this\h = editor\y1 - editor\y2

		Case $4001
			SetBuffer CanvasBuffer(can)
			DrawBlock bmap\gridmap,0,0
			DrawImage bmap\effectmap,0,0
			Color 255,255,255
			Text 0,0,md
			Text 0,20,mu
			;Rect 100,100,200,200
			ax = Sin(n1) * 128
			;DebugLog ax
			If md = True Then ovalmouserect
			Text 320,0, ms
			Text 320,20,shapecount()
			;flashyoval 128+ax,128+ax,64,64,128,128+ax,1
			;blendcopypasteoval 128+ax,128+ax,64,64,1.5
			;blendcopypasteoval 320+ax,140-ax,32,32,1.5
			FlipCanvas can
	End Select

End ; bye! 
Function drawrectangles()
	For this.shape = Each shape
		Select this\tp
			Case 1
				Color 200,0,0
				Oval this\x,this\y,this\w,this\h,True
		End Select
End Function
Function drawrectangle(x,y,w,h)
	Color 200,0,0
	Rect x,y,w,h,True
End Function

Function drawgrid()
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap\gridmap)
		n = 0
		Color n,n,255
		nn = GadgetHeight(can)/16
		sw = 1
		For y = 0 To ImageHeight(bmap\gridmap) Step 32
		For x = 0 To ImageWidth(bmap\gridmap) Step 32	
			oldn = n
			n2 = getcolormapcolor(x,y,2)
			Color n2,n2,n2
			Rect x,y,33,33,False
			sw = -sw			
			n = oldn			
			Color n,n,255
			n = n + nn
			If n > 256 - 32 Then nn = -nn
			;DebugLog n
		; color map plotted
		Color 255,100,100
		For y=0 To ImageHeight(bmap\gridmap) Step 4
		For x=0 To ImageWidth(bmap\gridmap) Step 4
			r = getcolormapcolor(x,y,3)
			Color r,r,r
			Plot x,y
				Color 255,100,100
			For i=0 To 460
				r = getcolormapcolor(x,y,2)
				Color r,r,r
				Plot x-Rand(16),y-Rand(16)
	SetBuffer CanvasBuffer(can)
End Function

Function makecolormap()
End Function
Function getColormapcolor(x#,y#,m#)
If x<0 Then Return
If y>GadgetHeight(can) Then Return
If x>GadgetWidth(can) Then Return
If x<0 Then Return
	a# = 100
	Local mx# = ( 640  / a )
	Local my# = ( 480  / a )
	;DebugLog x + ": " + x/mx
	;DebugLog y
	;DebugLog genmap(x / mx , y / my)
	r = (genmap(x / mx,y / my) + 34) * m#
	If r<0 Then r = 0
	If r>255 Then r=255
	Return r
End Function
Function colmapdisplay()
	For x=0 To GadgetWidth(can) Step 32
	For y=0 To GadgetHeight(can) Step 16
		n$ = getcolormapcolor(x,y,3)
		Color 255,255,n
		Text x,y,n$
End Function
Function SubDivide(x1,y1,x2,y2); 
 If (x2-x1<2) And (y2-y1<2) Then Return; 
;  {If this is pointing at just on pixel, Exit because 
;   it doesn't need doing} 
  dist=(x2-x1+y2-y1); {Find distance between points.  Use when generating a random number} 
  hdist=dist / 2; 
  midx=(x1+x2) / 2; {Find Middle Point} 
  midy=(y1+y2) / 2; 
  c1=Genmap(x1,y1); {Get pixel colors of corners} 
;  { If Not already defined, work out the midpoints of the corners of 
;   the rectangle by means of an average plus a random number. } 
  If Genmap(midx,y1)=0 Then Genmap(midx,y1)=((c1+c2+Rand(dist)-hdist) / 2); 
  If Genmap(midx,y2)=0 Then Genmap(midx,y2)=((c4+c3+Rand(dist)-hdist) / 2); 
  If Genmap(x1,midy)=0 Then Genmap(x1,midy)=((c1+c4+Rand(dist)-hdist) / 2); 
  If Genmap(x2,midy)=0 Then Genmap(x2,midy)=((c2+c3+Rand(dist)-hdist) / 2); 
;  { Work out the middle point... } 
  genmap(midx,midy) = ((c1+c2+c3+c4+Rand(dist)-hdist) / 4)
 ;  { Now divide this rectangle into 4, And call again For Each smaller 
;   rectangle } 
End Function

Function flashyoval_old(this.shape,dx,dy,w,h,offx,offy,dark#=2)
	If w=<0 Then Return
	If h=<0 Then Return
	Local brrb = CreateImage(w,h)
		SetBuffer ImageBuffer(brrb)
		Color 255,255,255
		Oval 0,0,w,h,True
		For y = 0 To h-1
		For x = 0 To w-1
		GetColor x,y
		If ColorRed()>0 Then 
			k = getcolormapcolor(x+offx,y+offy,dark)
			kk = coppermap(0,y)
			SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap\gridmap)
			GetColor x,y
			zr = ColorRed()/2
			zg = ColorGreen()/2
			zb = ColorBlue()/2
			SetBuffer ImageBuffer(brrb)
			ar = k/2
			ag = (k/2)+(kk/3)
			ab = k+kk/3
			;Color k/2,k/2+(kk/3),k+(kk/3)
			qr = zr+ar
			qg = zg+ag
			qb = zb+ab
			If qr>255 Then qr=255
			If qg>255 Then qg=255
			If qb>255 Then qb=255
			If qr<0 Then qr = 0
			If qg<0 Then qg = 0
			If qb<0 Then qb = 0
			Color qr,qg,qb
			Plot x,y
		End If
		For i=0 To 5
			Color k/2+(i*5),k/2+(kk/3),k+(kk/3)

			Oval i,i,w-i*2,h-i*2,False
			Oval i+1,i,w-i*2,h-i*2,False
			Color (k/2+(i*5))+20,(k/2+(kk/3))+20,(k+(kk/3))+20
			Oval 0,0,w,h,False
		;SetBuffer CanvasBuffer(can)
		;SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap\tempmap)
		;DrawImage brrb,dx,dy
		this\bmap = CreateImage(this\w,this\h)
		SetBuffer ImageBuffer(this\bmap)				
		DrawImage brrb,0,0
		FreeImage brrb
End Function
Function flashyoval(this.shape,dx,dy,w,h,offx,offy,dark#=2)
	ms = MilliSecs()
	If w=<0 Then Return
	If h=<0 Then Return
	Local brrb = CreateImage(w,h)
		SetBuffer ImageBuffer(brrb)
		Color 255,255,255
		Oval 0,0,w,h,True
		For y = 0 To h-1
		For x = 0 To w-1
		;GetColor x,y
		LockBuffer ImageBuffer(brrb)
		 pff = ReadPixelFast(x,y)
		;DebugLog getr(pff)
		UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(brrb)
		;If ColorRed()>0 Then 
		;DebugLog getr(pff)
		;DebugLog getr(pff)
		If getr(pff) > 0 Then 
			;DebugLog getr(pff)
			k = getcolormapcolor(x+offx,y+offy,dark)
			kk = coppermap(0,y)
			SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap\gridmap)
			LockBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap\gridmap)
			krr = ReadPixelFast(x,y)
			zr = getr(krr)/2
			zg = getg(krr)/2
			zb = getb(krr)/2
			UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap\gridmap)
			;GetColor x,y
			;zr = ColorRed()/2
			;zg = ColorGreen()/2
			;zb = ColorBlue()/2
			SetBuffer ImageBuffer(brrb)
			ar = k/2
			ag = (k/2)+(kk/3)
			ab = k+kk/3
			;Color k/2,k/2+(kk/3),k+(kk/3)
			qr = zr+ar
			qg = zg+ag
			qb = zb+ab
			If qr>255 Then qr=255
			If qg>255 Then qg=255
			If qb>255 Then qb=255
			If qr<0 Then qr = 0
			If qg<0 Then qg = 0
			If qb<0 Then qb = 0
			LockBuffer ImageBuffer(brrb)
			WritePixelFast x,y,getrgb(qr,qg,qb)
			UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(brrb)
			;Color qr,qg,qb
			;Plot x,y
		End If
		For i=0 To 5
			Color k/2+(i*5),k/2+(kk/3),k+(kk/3)

			Oval i,i,w-i*2,h-i*2,False
			Oval i+1,i,w-i*2,h-i*2,False
			Color (k/2+(i*5))+20,(k/2+(kk/3))+20,(k+(kk/3))+20
			Oval 0,0,w,h,False
		;SetBuffer CanvasBuffer(can)
		;SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap\tempmap)
		;DrawImage brrb,dx,dy
		this\bmap = CreateImage(this\w,this\h)
		SetBuffer ImageBuffer(this\bmap)				
		DrawImage brrb,0,0
		FreeImage brrb
		DebugLog MilliSecs()-ms
End Function

Function makecoppermap()
	a# = 255
	b# = 480
	c# = a/b
	For y=0 To 480-1
		r# = r# + c
		coppermap(0,y) = r
		;DebugLog r
End Function

Function blendcopypasteoval(xb,yb,w,h,div#);paste 1 , paste many
Local m = CreateImage(w,h)
Local mm = CreateImage(w,h)
Local aa#
Local bb#
Local cc#
Local cr#,cg#,cb#

MaskImage m,0,0,0
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(m)
Color 255,255,255
Oval 0,0,w,h,True
LockBuffer ImageBuffer(m)
For y=0 To h-1
For x=0 To w-1
pff = ReadPixelFast(x,y)
;GetColor x,y
If getr(pff) > 0 Then
;If ColorRed() > 0 Then 
;Color 0,0,0
WritePixelFast x,y,getrgb(0,0,0)
;Plot x,y
;Color 255,255,255
;Plot x,y
WritePixelFast x,y,getrgb(255,255,255)
End If
UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(m)
MaskImage mm,255,255,255
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap\tempmap)
GrabImage mm,xb,yb
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(mm)
For y=0 To ImageHeight(mm);
For x=0 To ImageWidth(mm)
GetColor x,y
cr# = ColorRed() 
cg# = ColorGreen()
cb# = ColorBlue()
If cr<0 Then cr=0
If cg<0 Then cg=0
If cb<0 Then cb=0
If cr>255 Then cr=255
If cg>255 Then cg=255
If cb>255 Then cb=255

;If aa<255
	Color cr,cg,cb
	Plot x,y
;End If

DrawImage m,0,0
;SetBuffer CanvasBuffer(can)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap\tempmap)
DrawImage mm,xb,yb
FreeImage m
FreeImage mm
End Function

Function flashyblendoval(this.shape)

;	For this.shape = Each shape	`
		If this\tp = 1 Then
		div = this\div
		flashyoval this,x,y,w,h,x,y,div
		End If
;	Next
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(bmap\effectmap)
	For that.shape = Each shape
		Select that\tp
		Case 1
		DrawImage that\bmap,that\x,that\y
		Case 2
		drawcircrect that.shape
		End Select
	;bmap\effectmap = CopyImage(bmap\tempmap)

End Function

Function ovalmouserect()
	Color 255,255,0
	mx = editor\x1
	my = editor\y1
	mw = editor\x2 - editor\x1
	mh = editor\y2 - editor\y1
	If editor\x2 < editor\ix1 Then mx = editor\x2 : mw = editor\x1 - editor\x2
	If editor\y2 < editor\iy1 Then my = editor\y2 : mh = editor\y1 - editor\y2
	Oval mx,my,mw,mh,False
	Rect mx,my,mw,mh,False

End Function
Function setmouse()
	a = editor\x1
	b = editor\y1
	c = editor\x2
	d = editor\y2
	e = editor\w
	f = editor\h
End Function

;Standard functions for converting colour to RGB values, for WritePixelFast and ReadPixelFast
Function GetRGB(r,g,b)
	Return b Or (g Shl 8) Or (r Shl 16)
End Function

Function GetR(rgb)
    Return rgb Shr 16 And %11111111
End Function

Function GetG(rgb)
	Return rgb Shr 8 And %11111111
End Function

Function GetB(rgb)
	Return rgb And %11111111
End Function

Function shapecount()
	For this.shape = Each shape
	Return cnt
End Function

Function drawcircrect(this.shape)

	Color 255,255,0
	mx = this\x
	my = this\y
	mw = this\w 
	mh = this\h
	;If editor\x2 < editor\ix1 Then mx = editor\x2 : mw = editor\x1 - editor\x2
	;If editor\y2 < editor\iy1 Then my = editor\y2 : mh = editor\y1 - editor\y2
	Oval mx,my,mw,mh,False
	Rect mx,my,mw,mh,False

End Function


Function Create Window Not Found.
Somebody PLEASE make the source code section sorted by compiler.

It is. just go to the top and click the "Code Archives" tab, select category then language tab.

I dont know if you've noticed, but it has (b+) in the archive title, which obviously states its for BlitzPlus!

Attempt to release Unknown object error because Graphics commands are called without initialising a graphics mode.

Please can someone explain how they use B+GUI functions within a Graphics Windows???????

Works fine here; BlitzPlus 1.47, Windows 7 64-bit.

Compatibility is set to XP Service Pack 3. Don't know if it matters. Windows probably made that choice since I don't remember doing anything.

B+ 1.47
Windows 10 (I tried in XP compatibility but no difference)

Did you run in Debug Mode and attempt clicking on the window etc. Floyd?
Clicking on the window (not title bar) gives "Image Does Not Exist error"
Every time the program exits I receive the Attempt to Release Unknown Object error.

Works in both Debug and Release modes.

When I hold the left mouse button down and drag there is a yellow rectangle with an oval inscribed. On release it becomes a filled blue oval with thick border.

Here's what part of my screen looks like after two of these with a third in progress. This is clipped out of a 1920 x 1080 display.

If you get Image Does Not Exist then maybe there is something wrong with DirectX. I have version 11.

I recall some other error reports with people claiming they had to install an earlier version ( DX 9 ) to get something working. I think it was Blitz3D/Windows 8 related.

And back before Windows 10 was released there were reports of many games not working with the tech preview. The fix had something to do with updating DirectX.

Thanks Floyd, that sounds about right, I'm having to use my brother in law's computer for the time being, and aside from standard 'critical' updates etc. I don't think there's been any changes to Windows or DirectX.
Reassured to know that the code itself should be reliable then :)

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