Code archives/Graphics/Convert Images to Code

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Convert Images to Code by Petron2007
This program can be used to convert any image to code, including animated images. With very large images sometimes the program doesn't automatically close. If the file is already created then it has worked successfully. You can also normally tell if it is done based on the sound of the computer. I hope that this is useful to someone.
location$ = Input$("Enter file location: ")
name$ = Input$("Enter file name: ")
maskred$ = Input$("Redmask: ")
maskgreen$ = Input$("Greenmask: ")
maskblue$ = Input$("Bluemask: ")
frames = Input$("Frames: ")
GlobalYesOrNo = Input$("Global 1 for yes, 0 for no: ")
frame = 0
xspot = 0 
image = LoadImage (location$)
width = ImageWidth (image)
height = ImageHeight (image)
fwidth = width/frames
x = 0
y = 0
draw = CreateImage(width,height)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(draw)
DrawImage image,0,0
If GlobalYesOrNo = "1" Then WriteLine save,"Global "+name$+" = "+"CreateImage("+fwidth+","+height+","+frames+")"
If GlobalYesOrNo = "0" Then WriteLine save,name$+" = "+"CreateImage("+fwidth+","+height+","+frames+")"
WriteLine save,"SetBuffer ImageBuffer("+name$+","+frame+")"
GetColor x,y
WriteLine save,"Color "+ColorRed()+","+ColorGreen()+","+ColorBlue()
WriteLine save,"Plot "+xspot+","+y
y = y + 1
If y > height   
y = 0  
xspot = xspot + 1
x = x + 1
If xspot > fwidth - 1
frame = frame + 1
If frame = frames 
x = width
y = height
xspot = 0 
If Not x = width And y = height
WriteLine save,"SetBuffer ImageBuffer("+name$+","+frame+")"
Until x => width And y => height
WriteLine save,"MaskImage "+name$+","+maskred$+","+maskgreen$+","+maskblue$ 
CloseFile save 



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