Code archives/Graphics/CopyImageRect()

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CopyImageRect() by TomToad2007
This function will allow you to copy a rectangular selection of one TImage to another TImage.
Call it with
Source is the source TIMage
SX, SY are the upper left corner of the area to copy relative to the upper left corner of the TImage.
SWidth, SHeight are the width and height of the area to copy
Dest is the destination TImage
DX, DY is the location where the rectangle area will be copied to.

The supplied code here also contains an example. Just replace the string on line 2 to point to your own image.
Const Filename:String = "169a.jpg" 'name of image to load

Graphics 800,600

Local Image1:TImage = LoadImage(Filename) 'load the images into pixmaps
Local Image2:TImage = LoadImage(YFlipPixmap(LockImage(Image1))) 'flip second copy

Local Image1Width:Int = ImageWidth(Image1)
Local Image1Height:Int = ImageHeight(Image1)
Local Image2Width:Int = ImageWidth(Image2)
Local Image2Height:Int = ImageHeight(Image2)

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) And Not AppTerminate()
	Local MX:Int = MouseX()
	Local MY:Int = MouseY()
	SetColor 255,255,255
	DrawImage Image1,0,0
	DrawImage Image2,400,0
	SetColor 255,0,0
	DrawLine MX,MY,MX+64,MY
	DrawLine MX,MY,MX,MY+64
	DrawLine MX+64,MY,MX+64,MY+64
	DrawLine MX,MY+64,MX+64,MY+64
	If MouseHit(1)
		If MX >= 0 And MX < Image1Width And MY >= 0 And MY < Image1Height
		Else If MX - 400 >= 0 And MX - 400 < Image2Width And MY >= 0 And MY < Image2Height
		End If
	End If

Function CopyImageRect(Source:TImage,SX:Int,SY:Int,SWidth:Int,SHeight:Int,Dest:TImage,DX:Int,DY:Int)
	'get the pixmap for the images
	Local SourcePix:TPixmap = LockImage(Source)
	Local DestPix:TPixmap = LockImage(Dest)
	'find the dimentions
	Local SourceWidth:Int = PixmapWidth(SourcePix)
	Local SourceHeight:Int = PixmapHeight(SourcePix)
	Local DestWidth:Int = PixmapWidth(DestPix)
	Local DestHeight:Int = PixmapHeight(DestPix)
	If SX < SourceWidth And SY < SourceHeight And DX < DestWidth And DY < DestHeight 'make sure rects are on image
		If SX+SWidth > SourceWidth Then SWidth = SourceWidth - SX 'bound the coordinates to the image area
		If SY+SHeight > SourceHeight Then SHeight = SourceHeight - SY
		If DX+SWidth > DestWidth Then SWidth = DestWidth - DX 'Make sure coordinates will fit into the destination
		If DY+SHeight > DestHeight Then SHeight = DestHeight - DY
		'find the pitch
		Local SourcePitch:Int = PixmapPitch(SourcePix)
		Local DestPitch:Int = PixmapPitch(DestPix)
		'pointers To the first pixel of pixmaps
		Local SourcePtr:Byte Ptr = PixmapPixelPtr(SourcePix) + SY * SourcePitch + SX * 4
		Local DestPtr:Byte Ptr = PixmapPixelPtr(DestPix) + DY * DestPitch + DX * 4
		'copy pixels over one line at a time
		For Local i:Int = 1 To SHeight
			SourcePtr :+ SourcePitch
			DestPtr :+ DestPitch
	End If
	'unlock the buffers
End Function


Great code! Works approximately 2 and half times faster than using TPixmap.Paste to do the same thing!

Perefct timing!

Ive got a 2D radar thingy where I need to do two DrawimageRect of the same image. This is a much neater way! Thansk

Good work! Very useful.

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