Code archives/Graphics/display image on desktop

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display image on desktop by b322007
I'm not sure if the loaded bitmap needs to be cleaned up after usage. I've tested this code on my pc and I was able to draw the image all over the desktop. It doesn't remove it, however, I can imagine you can copy a portion of the desktop before drawing onto it, and place it back afterwards. The program was based on several programs I found on the net.

In combination with the hack to hide your startup window, this can be used for splash screens.
;								draw image on desktop

	Const bmpname$ = "earth.bmp"

	;load image	   	
	image = api_LoadImage(0, bmpname$, 0, 0, 0, $10)
	;get desktop dc
	hdc = api_GetDC(0)

	;create new dc and place image on it
	hdc2 = api_CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
	api_SelectObject(hdc2, image)
	;copy data
	api_BitBlt(hdc, 0, 0, 256, 256, hdc2, 0, 0, $CC0020)
	;clean up dcs
	api_ReleaseDC(DeskHwnd, hdc)

;save these lines as a .decls file in the \program files\blitz\userlibs directory
;	.lib "user32.dll"
;	api_LoadImage% (hInst%, lpsz$, un1%, n1%, n2%, un2%) : "LoadImageA"
;	api_ReleaseDC%(hWnd%,hDC%) : "ReleaseDC"
;	api_GetDC%(hWnd%) : "GetDC"
;	.lib "gdi32.dll"
;	api_BitBlt%(hDestDC%,X%,Y%,nWidth%,nHeight%,hSrcDC,XSrc,YSrc,dwRop) : "BitBlt"
;	api_CreateCompatibleDC% (hdc%) : "CreateCompatibleDC"
;	api_SelectObject% (hdc%, hObject%) : "SelectObject"
;	api_DeleteDC% (hdc%) : "DeleteDC"



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