Code archives/Graphics/Breakout Physics ..

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Breakout Physics .. by Yahfree2007
an example on how i did the base for my breakout game hope it helps, it helped me alot to learn the basics of programing

Edit1: I'v added some readouts as well as some extra functions to play with the balls speed ect.

Special thanks to B23, slege and some other guys that we're a great help..
;Breakout by Yahfree
;2007-04-4 -> ????-??-(?)?
AppTitle "Breakout by Yahfree","Are you sure?"

;Hides our pointer

;sets the graphics mode, and the setbuffer
Graphics 800,600,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

;Globalized stuff
Global paddle, paddlex=380, paddley=560
Global ball,ballx=380, bally=580, ballxdir#=0, ballydir=-1, move=1, ballsleft=3, life1, life2, life3, speed=1
Global ;blope=LoadSound("Beep.wav")

;Constant numbers that never change..
Const ESC=1, RIGHTARR=205, LEFTARR=203, SPACE=57, MOUSE1=1

;Mid handles all of the images and creates a image called paddle.
AutoMidHandle True

;draws on the empty image container..
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(paddle)
   Rect 0,0,70,15,1
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(ball)
   Oval 0,0,10,10,1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

;Copys the ball image 3 times these will be our lifes displayed on the bottom of the screen.

;!@!@!@!@ MAIN LOOP !@!@!@!!@
While Not KeyHit(1)

;Calls functions.

;small delay in the loop for less slow down.
;flips, ends the loop and termanates the program..
Delay 5

;Include ""

;Player controls
Function addplayercontrols()

;Paddle movemovement and controls
MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2
If paddlex<35 paddlex=35
If paddlex>765 paddlex=765

;Ball control.
If move=1 ballx=paddlex
If move=1 And ballx<35 ballx=35
If move=1 bally=paddley-15
If move=1 ballydir=-1 ballxdir=0
If KeyHit(30) And speed<25 speed=speed+1
If KeyHit(44) And speed>1 speed=speed-1
If KeyHit(SPACE) Or MouseHit(MOUSE1)
End If

;calls the moveball function if move=2
If move=2
End If

End Function

;Moving the ball
Function moveball()

;All physics behind moving the ball and bouncing it.
If bally<0 ballydir=1 ;PlaySound(blope)
If bally>600 move=1 ballydir=-1 ballsleft=ballsleft-1
If ballx<0 ballxdir=1 ;PlaySound(blope)
If ballx>800 ballxdir=-1 ;PlaySound(blope)

End Function

;All the games collisions..
Function addcollisions()

If ImagesCollide(paddle,paddlex,paddley,0,ball,ballx,bally,0)
   ballxdir=(ballx - paddlex)*.025
End If

End Function

;Draws the images
Function drawmyimages()

;Draws the images...
DrawImage paddle,paddlex,paddley
DrawImage ball,ballx,bally
If ballsleft>2 DrawImage life3,680,580
If ballsleft>1 DrawImage life2,700,580
If ballsleft>0 DrawImage life1,720,580
If ballsleft=0 ballsleft=3

End Function

;Text maths ect...
Function addtext()

;All the text..
Text 20,50,"Breakout physics by Yahfree"
Text 20,80,"Controls: Press ESC to exit, LMB to release the ball,"
Text 20,100," mouse to move, A accelerate ball, Z decelerate ball."
Text 20,140,"Status':"
Text 20,160,"Ballspeed: "+speed+" MPH"
Text 20,180,"Ball X: "+ballx
Text 20,200,"Ball Y: "+bally
If ballxdir#<0 And move=2
Text 20,220,"Ball direction Left or right? Left"
Text 20,220,"Ball direction Left or right? Right"
End If
If ballydir<0 And move=2
Text 20,240,"Ball direction Up or Down? Up"
Text 20,240,"Ball direction Up or Down? down"
End If

End Function


There is a big problem : I can't move the mouse when running ( BB2D or BP ) :((((

You mean you cant move the mouse while this is minimized? yeah, that seems to be a problem ... just close the program to resume normal mouse function (close = ESC)

Well, I can't move the mouse anymore while it is running ! I have to do CTRL+ALT+DEL and use TAB to stop Blitz running...


yeah i noticed that, because the program itself locks down the mouse, so that the mouse won't run off the window while playing, even while its running in the background it locks it down... you have to alt tab back to the program and press ESC to exit... or CTR+ALT+DEL.

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