Code archives/Graphics/Seamless Tiles

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Seamless Tiles by impixi2006
Create a seamless tile pixmap from a source pixmap
	Seamless Texture Tiling Example
	ORIGINAL AUTHOR (Article and C Code):
		Paul Bourke
		January 2000
		BlitzMax 1.22
		Windows XP (Linux and MacOS untested)
		Create a seamless 'tile' pixmap from a source pixmap


AppTitle = "Seamless Texture Tiling Example"

Graphics 1024, 768

Local tex:TPixmap = LoadPixmap("tex.png")	'<--- Provide your own texture for this example. <---

If (tex.format <> PF_RGBA8888) Then tex = ConvertPixmap(tex, PF_RGBA8888)

Local tile:TPixmap = createSeamlessTile(tex, MASK_RADIAL)

Local img:TImage = LoadImage(tile)

SetClsColor 255, 255, 255

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)


	SetViewport 0, 0, GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight()

	DrawText "Source:", 2, 2
	DrawPixmap tex, 2, 22
	DrawText "Result:", 2, tex.height + 42
	DrawPixmap tile, 2, tex.height + 62

	DrawText "Tiled Result:", tex.width + 20, 2
	SetViewport tex.width + 20, 22, GraphicsWidth() - tex.width - 22, GraphicsHeight() - 26
	TileImage img
	Flip 1



'*************** SEAMLESS TILE FUNCTION AND RELATED CONSTANTS *************************************

Const MASK_LINEAR:Int = 0
Const MASK_RADIAL:Int = 1

Function createSeamlessTile:TPixmap(src:TPixmap, masktype:Int = MASK_LINEAR)

	'src: Source pixmap texture. Format should be PF_RGBA8888.
	'masktype: Mask type. MASK_LINEAR or MASK_RADIAL. Some textures tile better using a different mask.
	'Returns a new 'tileable' pixmap.

	Local outp:TPixmap = CreatePixmap(src.width, src.height, src.format)
	Local diag:TPixmap = CreatePixmap(src.width, src.height, src.format)

	Local temp:TPixmap = PixmapWindow(src, 0, 0, src.width / 2, src.height / 2)

	For Local x:Int = 0 To temp.width - 1
		For Local z:Int = 0 To temp.height - 1
			WritePixel diag, (src.width / 2) + x, (src.height / 2) + z, ReadPixel(temp, x, z)
	temp = PixmapWindow(src, src.width / 2, src.height / 2, src.width / 2, src.height / 2)
	For Local x:Int = 0 To temp.width - 1
		For Local z:Int = 0 To temp.height - 1
			WritePixel diag, x, z, ReadPixel(temp, x, z)

	temp = PixmapWindow(src, src.width / 2, 0, src.width / 2, src.height / 2)
	For Local x:Int = 0 To temp.width - 1
		For Local z:Int = 0 To temp.height - 1
			WritePixel diag, x, (src.height / 2) + z, ReadPixel(temp, x, z)

	temp = PixmapWindow(src, 0, src.height / 2, src.width / 2, src.height / 2)
	For Local x:Int = 0 To temp.width - 1
		For Local z:Int = 0 To temp.height - 1
			WritePixel diag, (src.width / 2) + x, z, ReadPixel(temp, x, z)

	Local masksize:Int
	If (src.width > src.height) Then masksize = src.width Else masksize = src.height 
	Local mask:TPixmap = CreatePixmap(masksize, masksize, PF_RGB888)

	For Local x:Int = 0 To masksize / 2
		For Local z:Int = 0 To masksize / 2

			Local d:Float = 0.0
			If masktype = MASK_RADIAL
				d = Sqr((x - (masksize / 2)) * (x - (masksize / 2)) + (z - (masksize / 2)) * (z - (masksize / 2))) / (masksize / 2)
				If masktype = MASK_LINEAR
					d = Max(Float((masksize / 2) - x), Float((masksize / 2) - z)) / Float(masksize / 2)
			d = 255 - (255 * d)
			If d < 1 Then d = 1
			If d > 255 Then d = 255
			WritePixel mask, x, z, Int(Byte(d) Shl 16 | Byte(d) Shl 8 | Byte(d))
			WritePixel mask, x, (masksize - 1 - z), Int(Byte(d) Shl 16 | Byte(d) Shl 8 | Byte(d))
			WritePixel mask, (masksize - 1 - x), z, Int(Byte(d) Shl 16 | Byte(d) Shl 8 | Byte(d))
			WritePixel mask, (masksize - 1 - x), (masksize - 1 - z), Int(Byte(d) Shl 16 | Byte(d) Shl 8 | Byte(d))


	mask = ResizePixmap(mask, src.width, src.height)

	For Local z:Int = 0 To src.height - 1
		For Local x:Int = 0 To src.width - 1
			Local a1:Float = Float(Byte(ReadPixel(mask, x, z) Shr 16))
			Local a2:Float = Float(Byte(ReadPixel(mask, ((x + src.width / 2) Mod src.width), ((z + src.height / 2) Mod src.height)) Shr 16))
			Local px1:Int = ReadPixel(src, x, z)
			Local px1a:Byte = px1 Shr 24
			Local px1b:Byte = px1 Shr 16
			Local px1g:Byte = px1 Shr 8
			Local px1r:Byte = px1
			Local px2:Int = ReadPixel(diag, x, z)
			Local px2a:Byte = px2 Shr 24
			Local px2b:Byte = px2 Shr 16
			Local px2g:Byte = px2 Shr 8
			Local px2r:Byte = px2
			Local pxRa:Byte = px1a
			Local pxRb:Byte = (a1 * (px1b / (a1 + a2))) + (a2 * (px2b / (a1 + a2)))
			Local pxRg:Byte = (a1 * (px1g / (a1 + a2))) + (a2 * (px2g / (a1 + a2)))
			Local pxRr:Byte = (a1 * (px1r / (a1 + a2))) + (a2 * (px2r / (a1 + a2)))
			Local pxR:Int = Int(pxRa Shl 24 | pxRb Shl 16 | pxRg Shl 8 | pxRr)
			WritePixel outp, x, z, pxR

	Return outp



Thats damned handy! I did notice on a few test runs that a horizontal black line appears on some images that I used. Just picked some random grass images from here:

but other than that its a killer bit of code, thanks!

EDIT: Removed dead links.

Tested With about half a dozen of my own images of varying sizes and sources and had no problems. Good work, and a useful utility.

As requested in another thread, here's the source for Ultra Simple Seamless Tiler V1.00. You will need to change the framework and possibly tweak the code if compiling for other platforms. The MaxGUI module is required.

EDIT: Added code line "Import BRL.EventQueue".

Here's the latest version of Ultra Simple Seamless Tiler 1.01, to be compiled against maxgui.mod revision 29:

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