Code archives/Graphics/TGA with alpha

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TGA with alpha by Andres2006
Supports 24 and 32 bpp and frames.

image% = LoadTGA(path$)
DrawTGA(image%, x%, y%[, frames%, frame%])
Const TGAHeaderSize% = 6, TGAAlphaChannel% = True

Function LoadTGA(path$)
	Local bank%, offset% = 0
	Local file% = ReadFile(path$)
	If file%
		IDLenght% = ReadByte(file%)
		ColorMapType% = ReadByte(file%)
		ImageType% = ReadByte(file%)
		ColorMapIndex% = ReadShort(file%)
		ColorMapEntries% = ReadShort(file%)
		ColorMapSize% = ReadByte(file%)
		Xhandle% = ReadShort(file%)
		YHandle% = ReadShort(file%)
		Width% = ReadShort(file%)
		Height% = ReadShort(file%)
		BPP% = ReadByte(file%)
		Attributes% = ReadByte(file%)
		ImageID$ = ""
		For i = 1 To IDLenght
			ImageID$ = ImageID$ + Chr(ReadByte(RF))
		bank% = CreateBank(TGAHeaderSize% + Width% * Height% * 8)
		image% = CreateImage(Width%, Height%)
		MaskImage image%, 255, 0, 255
		PokeShort bank%, 0, Width% * 4
		PokeInt bank%, 2, image%
		LockBuffer ImageBuffer(image%)

		For y = 0 To height% - 1
			For x = 0 To width% - 1
				Select BPP%
					Case 24
						b% = ReadByte(file%)
						g% = ReadByte(file%)
						r% = ReadByte(file%)
						a% = 255
					Case 32
						b% = ReadByte(file%)
						g% = ReadByte(file%)
						r% = ReadByte(file%)
						a% = ReadByte(file%)
				End Select
				If TGAAlphaChannel%
					Select a%
						Case 0
							WritePixelFast x, height% - y - 1, (255 Or (0 Shl 8) Or (255 Shl 16) Or ($FF000000)), ImageBuffer(image%)
						Case 255
							WritePixelFast x, height% - y - 1, (b% Or (g% Shl 8) Or (r% Shl 16) Or ($FF000000)), ImageBuffer(image%)
							WritePixelFast x, height% - y - 1, (255 Or (0 Shl 8) Or (255 Shl 16) Or ($FF000000)), ImageBuffer(image%)
							PokeShort bank%, TGAHeaderSize% + offset + 0, x%
							PokeShort bank%, TGAHeaderSize% + offset + 2, height% - y% - 1
							PokeByte bank%, TGAHeaderSize% + offset + 4, r%
							PokeByte bank%, TGAHeaderSize% + offset + 5, g%
							PokeByte bank%, TGAHeaderSize% + offset + 6, b%
							PokeByte bank%, TGAHeaderSize% + offset + 7, a%
							offset = offset + 8
					End Select
					Select a%
						Case 0
							WritePixelFast x, height% - y, (255 Or (0 Shl 8) Or (255 Shl 16) Or ($FF000000)), ImageBuffer(image%)
							WritePixelFast x, height% - y, (b% Or (g% Shl 8) Or (r% Shl 16) Or ($FF000000)), ImageBuffer(image%)
					End Select
		ResizeBank bank%, TGAHeaderSize% + offset
		UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(image%)
		CloseFile file%
		Return bank%
End Function

Function DrawTGA(screen%, bx%, by%, frames% = 1, frame% = 0)
	Local width% = TGAWidth(screen%), height% = TGAHeight(screen%)
	Local GWidth% = GraphicsWidth(), GHeight% = GraphicsHeight()
	Local FrameWidth% = width% / frames%
	Local StartX% = frame% * FrameWidth%
	DrawImageRect PeekInt(screen%, 2), bx%, by%, StartX%, 0, FrameWidth%, height%
	If Not TGAAlphaChannel% Then Return
	Local bckgrnd% = LockedPixels(), bckgrndw% = LockedPitch() / 4
	For i = 0 To BankSize(screen%) - (1 + TGAHeaderSize%) Step 8
		x% = PeekShort(screen%, TGAHeaderSize% + i + 0)
		y% = PeekShort(screen%, TGAHeaderSize% + i + 2)
		If x% + bx% - StartX% => 0 And x% + bx% - StartX% < GWidth% And y% + by% => 0 And y% + by% < GHeight%
			If x% => StartX And x% < StartX% + FrameWidth%
				r% = PeekByte(screen%, TGAHeaderSize% + i + 4)
				g% = PeekByte(screen%, TGAHeaderSize% + i + 5)
				b% = PeekByte(screen%, TGAHeaderSize% + i + 6)
				a# = Float PeekByte(screen%, TGAHeaderSize% + i + 7) / 255.0
				br% = PeekByte(bckgrnd%, ((by% + y%) * bckgrndw% + (bx% + x% - StartX%)) * 4 + 2)
				bg% = PeekByte(bckgrnd%, ((by% + y%) * bckgrndw% + (bx% + x% - StartX%)) * 4 + 1)
				bb% = PeekByte(bckgrnd%, ((by% + y%) * bckgrndw% + (bx% + x% - StartX%)) * 4 + 0)
				r% = Float br% + (r% - br%) * a#
				g% = Float bg% + (g% - bg%) * a#
				b% = Float bb% + (b% - bb%) * a#
				PokeInt bckgrnd%, ((by% + y%) * bckgrndw% + (bx% + x% - StartX%)) * 4 + 0, (b% Or (g% Shl 8) Or (r% Shl 16) Or ($FF000000))
End Function

Function TGAWidth%(screen%)
	Return PeekShort(screen%, 0) / 4
End Function

Function TGAHeight%(screen%)
	Return ImageHeight(PeekInt(screen%, 2))
End Function

Function FreeTGA(screen%)
	If PeekInt(screen%, 2) Then FreeImage PeekInt(screen%, 2)
	FreeBank screen%
End Function


MikeP (Dark Mist Software)2007
This doesn't work, it says "Function LockedPixels() not found"

Which version of Blitz are you using? LockedPixels() is only in BlitzPlus.

I'm hedging my bets on B+ then.

You will need to change the following lines if you are using b3d/blitzbasic as opposed to blitzplus:

;br% = PeekByte(bckgrnd%, ((by% + y%) * bckgrndw% + (bx% + x% - StartX%)) * 4 + 2)
;bg% = PeekByte(bckgrnd%, ((by% + y%) * bckgrndw% + (bx% + x% - StartX%)) * 4 + 1)

;bb% = PeekByte(bckgrnd%, ((by% + y%) * bckgrndw% + (bx% + x% - StartX%)) * 4 + 0)

;to this
br%=(brgb shr 16) and 255
bg%=(brgb shr 8) and 255
bb%=(brgb) and 255

and this line

;PokeInt bckgrnd%, ((by% + y%) * bckgrndw% + (bx% + x% - StartX%)) * 4 + 0, (b% Or (g% Shl 8) Or (r% Shl 16) Or ($FF000000))

;and change that to this:
writepixelfast bx%+x%-startx%,by%+y%,b% or (g% shl 8) or (r% shl 16) 

However I'd imagine in b3d it would be dog slow compared to blitzplus, can't remember what it would be like in blitzbasic,


You will need to change the following lines if you are using b3d/blitzbasic as opposed to blitzplus


You missed a ) off the end in this line


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