Code archives/Graphics/Screen Capture Mod

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Screen Capture Mod by TomToad2006
Put this code into (BlitzMAX)\mod\toad.mod\capture.mod directory and build the module.
Function ScreenCapture:TPixMap()

Will capture the screen and return it in a pixmap. If you call this function before calling Graphics, you'll capture the desktop image.

Function GetScreenCapturWidth:int()

will return the width of the captured image

Function GetScreenCaptureHeight:int()

Will get the Height of the captured image

Edit: Don't need all the lines I commented out :)
Module toad.capture

Import BRL.Pixmap
Import pub.Win32
Import BRL.Basic

Extern "Win32"
	Function GetPixel:Int(hdc:Int,x:Int,y:Int)
End Extern

Global Width:Int
Global Height:Int

Function ScreenCapture:TPixmap()
	Local Pixmap:TPixmap
	Local Pixel:Int
	Local hdc:Int = GetDC(Null)
	Width:Int = GetDeviceCaps(hdc,HORZRES)
	Height:Int = getdevicecaps(hdc,VERTRES)
	Pixmap = CreatePixmap(Width,Height,PF_RGBA8888)
	For Local y = 0 To Height - 1
		For Local x = 0 To Width - 1
			Pixel = GetPixel(hdc,x,y)
			WritePixel(PixMap,x,y,$FF000000+(Pixel & $ff)Shl 16+(Pixel & $ff00)+(Pixel & $ff0000)Shr 16)
	Return PixMap

End Function

Function GetScreenCaptureWidth:Int()
	Return Width
End Function

Function GetScreenCaptureHeight:Int()
	Return Height
End Function


Boiled Sweets2006
I use this to draw the desktop in the loop

DrawPixmap( desktopPixMap, 0, 0 )

This causes the screen saver to run rather jerkily, is there a better way?

Try loading the pixmap into a TImage
Local DeskTopImage:TImage = LoadImage(desktopPixMap)

You can capture and load all in one line with
Local DesktopImage:TImage = LoadImage(ScreenCapture())

That's the way I did it in my SpinIt screensaver. One problem though is that some older cards can't handle a TImage as big as the desktop so you might be better off loading as an animation.
Local DeskTopImage:TImage = LoadAnimImage(ScreenCapture(),TileWidth,TileHeight,0,CellWidth*CellHeight)

Where TileWidth and TileHeight are the width and height of the tiles in pixels, and CellWidth and CellHeight are the number of tiles in the X and Y directions.

Who was John Galt?2006
Cheers Tom this one was useful for me.


GetPixel is terribly slow when Aero is enabled in Vista. It's much faster to copy the screen to a different bitmap and then read from that.

This is one way of doing that:
Import pub.win32


Extern "win32"
	Function ReleaseDC:Int(hwnd:Int,hdc:Int)
	Function GetPixel:Int(hdc:Int,x:Int,y:Int)
End Extern

Const SRCCOPY:Int = $CC0020

Function GrabScreen:TPixmap(x:Int=0,y:Int=0,width:Int=0,height:Int=0)
	Local hdc:Int = GetDC(Null)
	If width  <= 0 Then width  = 100000000000
	If height <= 0 Then height = 100000000000
	Local maxWidth:Int	= GetDeviceCaps(hdc,HORZRES)-x
	Local maxHeight:Int = GetDeviceCaps(hdc,VERTRES)-y
	width	= Min(maxWidth,width)
	height	= Min(maxHeight,height)

	Local newHdc:Int = CreateCompatibleDC(hdc)
	If newHdc = 0 Then Return Null
	Local newBmp:Int = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc,width,height)
	If newBmp = 0
		Return Null
	If SelectObject(newHdc, newBmp) = False 
		Return Null
	If BitBlt(newHdc,0,0,width,height,hdc,x,y,SRCCOPY) = False
		Return Null
	Local pixmap:TPixmap = CreatePixmap(width,height,PF_RGBA8888)
	For Local y:Int = 0 Until height
		For Local x:Int = 0 Until width
			Local pixel:Int = GetPixel(newHdc,x,y)
			WritePixel(pixmap,x,y,$FF000000+(pixel & $ff) Shl 16 + (pixel & $ff00) + (pixel & $ff0000) Shr 16)
	Return pixmap

End Function

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