Code archives/Graphics/Option Window - Messages and request user response

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Option Window - Messages and request user response by Nicstt2006
I wanted a window that would display messages I wanted to advise user of.

This developed - message only window, 1 button 'ok' window also a 2 button yes/no and a 3 button yes/no/cancel.

Specifying Number selects the type of message - 0 no buttons, 1 = 1, 2 = 2 and (surprisingly) 3 = 3.

Enter text required - no other details need to be passed, although the font defaults to ariel.

Can pass an image that requires buttons drawing, or even a fully drawn window with buttons, although the buttons have to be placed specifically to be used correctly.

Sorry about the lack of comments.

I wrote it using 1024x768, however I have tested it using 800x600 and seems to be fine.

I have included a small program to test its use.

To ensure custom drawn window is correct I would enter details required then screen print and copy and paste into a drawing package.

Hope some find it useful.

Edit: ewww thought I'd found a bug, just a mistake on boolean I'd forgotten to change when testing - just changed it. :D
Function AdviceWindowOption(number, gfxGeneric, custom_width, custom_hight, fntGeneric, btnTextColor, message$, boolean)
	; ********************************************************************************************************************************
	; AdviceWindowOption(number, gfxGeneric, custom_width, custom_hight, fntGeneric, message$, boolean)
	; number			0, 1, 2 or 3 - determines how many buttons each window will have
	;					a number out of range defaults to 0 with a message
	; gfxGeneric		set it to 0 will let function draw window and buttons when required using defaults
	; custom_width		0 when happy with defaults or if passing a predrawn graphic - default is 300 or when window has 3 buttons 450
	; custom_hight		0 when happy with defaults or if passing a predrawn graphic - default is 120
	;					custom size won't allow a control larger than screen size
	; fntGeneric		0 when happy with defaults - which is unlikely
	; btnTextColor		black or white - does not affect fntGeneric
	; message$			text to be displayed - will be split up into three lines by function
	;					- pass empty if predrawn window has the message displayed
	;					- if string is too long outputs a default message.
	; boolean			set to false unless predrawn window (or image/texture) needs buttons adding
	;					- if image is smaller than default size it will be resized - no warning is given
	;					- however, a copy of the image is used preserving the original
	; ********************************************************************************************************************************
	; Returns			reply = 1, 2, 3 or 4 - | 1 = ok button | 2 = yes button | 3 = no button | 4 = cancel button
	;					- also returns Null when no button is displayed if a Null return is required
	; ********************************************************************************************************************************
	; Button Size 		Default is 127 x 32 - no option to change the size
	; ********************************************************************************************************************************
	; example code of use	

	;answer = AdviceWindowOption(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Test", False) ;  one button 'ok'
	;Select answer
	;	Case 1
			; code here would be for what to do with answer (return)
	;	Case 2
			; code here would be for what to do with answer (return)
	;	Case 3
			; code here would be for what to do with answer (return)
	;	Case 4
			; code here would be for what to do with answer (return)
	;End Select
	; ********************************************************************************************************************************
	; text displayed on drawn buttons
	btntextOk$ = "OK" : btntextYes$ = "Yes" : btntextNo$ = "No" : btntextCancel$ = "Cancel"

	imagefree = False : fontfree = False : fontfreelarge = False
	gfxFullScreen = CreateImage(GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight())

	; draws button to use to show button 'activated' 127 x 32
	gfxActiveBtn = CreateImage (127, 32)
	SetBuffer (ImageBuffer(gfxActiveBtn))
	ClsColor 0, 0, 0 : Cls ; cls with color that will be masked
	x1 = 0 : y1 = 0 : x2 = 126 : y2 = 31 ; top left and bottom right coords
	Color 32, 32, 32
	Line x1, y1, x2, y1 : Line x1, y1 + 1, x2 - 1, y1 + 1
	Line x1, y1 + 2, x1, y2 : Line x1 + 1, y1 + 2, x1 + 1, y2 - 1
	Color 255, 255, 255
	Line x1 + 2, y2 - 1, x2, y2 - 1 : Line x1 + 1, y2, x2, y2
	Line x2 - 1, y1 + 2, x2 - 1, y2 - 2 : Line x2, y1 + 1, x2, y2 - 2
	SetBuffer (BackBuffer())
	MaskImage gfxActiveBtn, 0, 0, 0
	If fntGeneric = 0
		fntGeneric = LoadFont("Ariel",16, False, False, False) ; default font
		fontfree = True 
		; makes a copy of imported image as any changes will affect original
	If gfxGeneric <> 0
		gfxTemp = gfxGeneric
		gfxGeneric = CopyImage(gfxTemp)
		gfxTemp = 0
	If gfxGeneric = 0 Or (gfxGeneric <> 0 And boolean = True) ; no graphics passed, or graphic needs buttons adding
		If boolean = True	; need to test passing a gfx for window that is being used as background
			custom_width = ImageWidth(gfxGeneric)
			custom_hight = ImageHeight(gfxGeneric)
			resize = False
			If ImageWidth(gfxGeneric) < 300 And number <> 3 
				custom_width = 300 : resize = True
			ElseIf ImageWidth(gfxGeneric) < 450 And number = 3
				custom_width = 450 : resize = True
			If ImageHeight(gfxGeneric) < 120
				custom_hight = 120 : resize = True
			If resize = True Then ResizeImage gfxGeneric, custom_width, custom_hight
		If custom_width < 300 And number <> 3 Then custom_width = 300
		If custom_width < 450 And number = 3 Then custom_width = 450
		If custom_hight < 120 Then custom_hight = 120
		If custom_width > GraphicsWidth() Then custom_width = GraphicsWidth() : message$ = "custom_width was greater than max allowed!"
		If custom_hight > GraphicsHeight() Then custom_hight = GraphicsHeight() : message$ = "custom_height was greater than max allowed!"
		If boolean = False
			gfxGeneric = CreateImage (custom_width, custom_hight); generic variable to hold gfx data of whatever is passed - 0 will make the default gfx
			imagefree = True
		fntStandardLarge = LoadFont("Comic Sans MS",28, False, False, False) ; used to display text on buttons
		fontfreelarge = True
		SetBuffer (ImageBuffer(gfxGeneric))
		If boolean = False Then ClsColor 180, 180, 210 : Cls
		; window without buttons - draws border on predrawn background or image after cls
		Color 255, 255, 255
		Line 0, 0, custom_width - 1, 0
		Line 0, 1, custom_width - 1, 1
		Line 0, 2, 0, custom_hight - 1
		Line 1, 2, 1, custom_hight - 1
		Color 32, 32, 32
		Line 2, 2, custom_width - 1, 2
		Line 2, 3, custom_width - 1, 3
		Line 2, custom_hight - 1, custom_width - 1, custom_hight - 1
		Line 2, custom_hight - 2, custom_width - 1, custom_hight - 2
		Line 2, 4, 2, custom_hight - 1
		Line 3, 4, 3, custom_hight - 1
		Line custom_width - 1, 4, custom_width - 1, custom_hight - 1
		Line custom_width - 2, 4, custom_width - 2, custom_hight - 1
		; draws what buttons are required with text of specified colour - 0 black, 1 white
		Select number
			Case 1 ; 1 button - ok
				x1_1 = custom_width / 2 - 65 : y1_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x1_2 = x1_1 + ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) - 1 : y1_2 = y1_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
				Color 255, 255, 255
				Line x1_1, y1_1, x1_2, y1_1 : Line x1_1, y1_1 + 1, x1_2 - 1, y1_1 + 1
				Line x1_1, y1_1 + 2, x1_1, y1_2 : Line x1_1 + 1, y1_1 + 2, x1_1 + 1, y1_2 - 1
				Color 32, 32, 32
				Line x1_1 + 2, y1_2 - 1, x1_2, y1_2 - 1 : Line x1_1 + 1, y1_2, x1_2, y1_2
				Line x1_2 - 1, y1_1 + 2, x1_2 - 1, y1_2 - 2 : Line x1_2, y1_1 + 1, x1_2, y1_2 - 2
				SetFont fntStandardLarge 
				If btnTextColor = 0 Then Color 32, 32, 32 Else Color 255, 255, 255
				Text (custom_width / 2) - (StringWidth (btntextOk$) / 2), y1_1, btntextOk$
			Case 2	; 2 buttons - yes, no
				x1_1 = 9 : y1_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x1_2 = x1_1 + ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) - 1 : y1_2 = y1_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
				Color 255, 255, 255
				Line x1_1, y1_1, x1_2, y1_1 : Line x1_1, y1_1 + 1, x1_2 - 1, y1_1 + 1
				Line x1_1, y1_1 + 2, x1_1, y1_2 : Line x1_1 + 1, y1_1 + 2, x1_1 + 1, y1_2 - 1
				Color 32, 32, 32
				Line x1_1 + 2, y1_2 - 1, x1_2, y1_2 - 1 : Line x1_1 + 1, y1_2, x1_2, y1_2
				Line x1_2 - 1, y1_1 + 2, x1_2 - 1, y1_2 - 2 : Line x1_2, y1_1 + 1, x1_2, y1_2 - 2
				SetFont fntStandardLarge 
				If btnTextColor = 0 Then Color 32, 32, 32 Else Color 255, 255, 255
				Text x1_1 + (ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) / 2) - (StringWidth (btntextYes$) / 2), y1_1, btntextYes$
				x2_2 = custom_width - 9 : y2_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x2_1 = x2_2 - ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) + 1 : y2_2 = y2_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
				Color 255, 255, 255
				Line x2_1, y2_1, x2_2, y2_1 : Line x2_1, y2_1 + 1, x2_2 - 1, y2_1 + 1
				Line x2_1, y2_1 + 2, x2_1, y2_2 : Line x2_1 + 1, y2_1 + 2, x2_1 + 1, y2_2 - 1
				Color 32, 32, 32
				Line x2_1 + 2, y2_2 - 1, x2_2, y2_2 - 1 : Line x2_1 + 1, y2_2, x2_2, y2_2
				Line x2_2 - 1, y2_1 + 2, x2_2 - 1, y2_2 - 2 : Line x2_2, y2_1 + 1, x2_2, y2_2 - 2
				SetFont fntStandardLarge 
				If btnTextColor = 0 Then Color 32, 32, 32 Else Color 255, 255, 255
				Text x2_1 + (ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) / 2) - (StringWidth (btntextNo$) / 2), y2_1, btntextNo$
			Case 3 ; 3 buttons - yes, no, cancel
				x1_1 = 9 : y1_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x1_2 = x1_1 + ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) - 1 : y1_2 = y1_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
				Color 255, 255, 255
				Line x1_1, y1_1, x1_2, y1_1 : Line x1_1, y1_1 + 1, x1_2 - 1, y1_1 + 1
				Line x1_1, y1_1 + 2, x1_1, y1_2 : Line x1_1 + 1, y1_1 + 2, x1_1 + 1, y1_2 - 1
				Color 32, 32, 32
				Line x1_1 + 2, y1_2 - 1, x1_2, y1_2 - 1 : Line x1_1 + 1, y1_2, x1_2, y1_2
				Line x1_2 - 1, y1_1 + 2, x1_2 - 1, y1_2 - 2 : Line x1_2, y1_1 + 1, x1_2, y1_2 - 2
				SetFont fntStandardLarge 
				If btnTextColor = 0 Then Color 32, 32, 32 Else Color 255, 255, 255
				Text x1_1 + (ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) / 2) - (StringWidth (btntextYes$) / 2), y1_1, btntextYes$
				x2_1 = custom_width / 2 - 63 : y2_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x2_2 = x2_1 + ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) - 1 : y2_2 = y2_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
				Color 255, 255, 255
				Line x2_1, y2_1, x2_2, y2_1 : Line x2_1, y2_1 + 1, x2_2 - 1, y2_1 + 1
				Line x2_1, y2_1 + 2, x2_1, y2_2 : Line x2_1 + 1, y2_1 + 2, x2_1 + 1, y2_2 - 1
				Color 32, 32, 32
				Line x2_1 + 2, y2_2 - 1, x2_2, y2_2 - 1 : Line x2_1 + 1, y2_2, x2_2, y2_2
				Line x2_2 - 1, y2_1 + 2, x2_2 - 1, y2_2 - 2 : Line x2_2, y2_1 + 1, x2_2, y2_2 - 2
				SetFont fntStandardLarge 
				If btnTextColor = 0 Then Color 32, 32, 32 Else Color 255, 255, 255
				Text x2_1 + (ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) / 2) - (StringWidth (btntextNo$) / 2), y2_1, btntextNo$
				x3_2 = custom_width - 9 : y3_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x3_1 = x3_2 - ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) + 1 : y3_2 = y3_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
				Color 255, 255, 255
				Line x3_1, y3_1, x3_2, y3_1 : Line x3_1, y3_1 + 1, x3_2 - 1, y3_1 + 1
				Line x3_1, y3_1 + 2, x3_1, y3_2 : Line x3_1 + 1, y3_1 + 2, x3_1 + 1, y3_2 - 1
				Color 32, 32, 32
				Line x3_1 + 2, y3_2 - 1, x3_2, y3_2 - 1 : Line x3_1 + 1, y3_2, x3_2, y3_2
				Line x3_2 - 1, y3_1 + 2, x3_2 - 1, y3_2 - 2 : Line x3_2, y3_1 + 1, x3_2, y3_2 - 2
				SetFont fntStandardLarge 
				If btnTextColor = 0 Then Color 32, 32, 32 Else Color 255, 255, 255
				Text x3_1 + (ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) / 2) - (StringWidth (btntextCancel$) / 2), y3_1, btntextCancel$
		End Select
		SetBuffer (BackBuffer())
	ElseIf gfxGeneric <> 0 And boolean = False ; passing in a ready drawn graphic with standard buttons
		custom_width = ImageWidth(gfxGeneric)
		custom_hight = ImageHeight(gfxGeneric)
		Select number	; (standard graphic without buttons dealt with in first part of statement)
			Case 1 ; coords for one button - ok
				x1_1 = custom_width / 2 - 65 : y1_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x1_2 = x1_1 + ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) - 1 : y1_2 = y1_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
			Case 2 ; coords for two buttons 'YES' and 'NO'
				x1_1 = 9 : y1_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x1_2 = x1_1 + ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) - 1 : y1_2 = y1_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
				x2_2 = custom_width - 9 : y2_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x2_1 = x2_2 - ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) + 1 : y2_2 = y2_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
			Case 3 ; coords for three buttons 'YES', 'NO' and 'CANCEL'
				x1_1 = 9 : y1_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x1_2 = x1_1 + ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) - 1 : y1_2 = y1_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
				x2_1 = custom_width / 2 - 63 : y2_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x2_2 = x2_1 + ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) - 1 : y2_2 = y2_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
				x3_2 = custom_width - 9 : y3_1 = custom_hight - 40
				x3_1 = x3_2 - ImageWidth(gfxActiveBtn) + 1 : y3_2 = y3_1 + ImageHeight(gfxActiveBtn) - 1
		End Select
	CopyRect 0, 0, GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight(), 0, 0, FrontBuffer(), ImageBuffer(gfxFullScreen) 
	SetFont fntGeneric	
	If number < 0 And number > 3
		number = 0 : message$ = "'number' passed was outside range - allowed are 0 to 3."
	dly = 5000 ; delay for case 0
	x = ((GraphicsWidth() / 2) - (ImageWidth(gfxGeneric)) / 2)
	xs = GraphicsWidth() / 2
	ys = GraphicsHeight() / 2
	y = ((GraphicsHeight() / 2) - (ImageHeight(gfxGeneric)) / 2)
	sw = StringWidth(message$)
	sh = StringHeight(message$)
	iw = ImageWidth(gfxGeneric) - 6 ; the 6 reduction allows for border
	ih = ImageHeight(gfxGeneric)
	DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
	DrawImage gfxGeneric, x, y 
	If sw <= iw
		Color 255,255,0
		Text xs, ys - sh, message$, True, False
		dly = 3000
		If sw / 2 < iw - 15
			lenth_ok = False
			For a = 1 To Len(message$)
				If Mid$(message$, a, 1) = " " Or Mid$(message$, a, 1) = "," Or Mid$(message$, a, 1) = "." Or Mid$(message$, a, 1) = ":" Or Mid$(message$, a, 1) = ":" Or Mid$(message$, a, 1) = "!"
					message1$ = Left$(message$, a)
					message2$ = Right$(message$, Len(message$) - a)
					If StringWidth(message1$) <= iw And StringWidth(message2$) <= iw
						If Mid$(message$, a, 1) = " "
							message1$ = Left$(message$, a - 1)
						lenth_ok = True
			Color 255,255,0 
			If number > 0
				sw = StringWidth (message1$)
				Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 20, message1$
				sw = StringWidth (message2$)
				Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 50, message2$
				sw = StringWidth (message1$)
				Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 30, message1$
				sw = StringWidth (message2$)
				Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 60, message2$
		ElseIf sw / 3 < iw
			lenth_ok = False : adjust = 25
				For a = adjust To Len(message$)
					If Mid$(message$, a, 1) = " " Or Mid$(message$, a, 1) = "," Or Mid$(message$, a, 1) = "." Or Mid$(message$, a, 1) = ":" Or Mid$(message$, a, 1) = ":" Or Mid$(message$, a, 1) = "!"
						message1$ = Left$(message$, a)
						messagetemp$ = Right$(message$, Len(message$) - a)
						If Mid$(message$, a, 1) = " "
							message1$ = Left$(message$, a - 1)
						If StringWidth(message1$) <= iw 
				For a = 1 To Len(messagetemp$)
					If Mid$(messagetemp$, a, 1) = " " Or Mid$(messagetemp$, a, 1) = "," Or Mid$(messagetemp$, a, 1) = "." Or Mid$(messagetemp$, a, 1) = ":" Or Mid$(messagetemp$, a, 1) = ":" Or Mid$(messagetemp$, a, 1) = "!"
						message2$ = Left$(messagetemp$, a)
						message3$ = Right$(messagetemp$, Len(messagetemp$) - a)
						If StringWidth(message1$) <= iw And StringWidth(message2$) <= iw And StringWidth(message3$) <= iw
							If Mid$(message2$, a, 1) = " "
								message2$ = Left$(messagetemp$, a - 1)
							lenth_ok = True
				adjust = adjust + 1
			Until lenth_ok = True Or adjust > Len(message$)
			Color 255,255,0 
			If adjust > Len(message$)
				sw = StringWidth ("Message Failed!")
				Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 80, "Message Failed!"
				If number > 0
					sw = StringWidth (message1$)
					Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 8, message1$
					sw = StringWidth (message2$)
					Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 30, message2$
					sw = StringWidth (message3$)
					Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 52, message3$
					sw = StringWidth (message1$)
					Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 20, message1$
					sw = StringWidth (message2$)
					Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 50, message2$
					sw = StringWidth (message3$)
					Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 80, message3$
			sw = StringWidth ("Message too Long")
			Text x + ((iw + 6 - sw) / 2), y + 40, "Message too Long"
	reply = 0
	Select number
		Case 0	; requires text to display message - no buttons
			Flip 0: Delay dly
		Case 1	; requires text to display message - one button 'OK'
			CopyRect 0, 0, GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight(), 0, 0, BackBuffer(), ImageBuffer(gfxFullScreen) 
			x1_1 = x1_1 + x : y1_1 = y1_1 + y : x1_2 = x1_2 + x - 1 : y1_2 = y1_2 + y - 1
				ML = MouseHit(1)
				If ML = True And MouseX() > x1_1 And MouseX() < x1_2 And MouseY() > y1_1 And MouseY() < y1_2
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					DrawImage gfxActiveBtn, x1_1, y1_1
					Flip 0 : Delay 200
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					Flip 0 : Delay 100
					reply = 1 ; 1 = ok
				DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
				Flip 0
			Until reply <> 0
		Case 2	; requires text to display message - two buttons 'YES' and 'NO'
			CopyRect 0, 0, GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight(), 0, 0, BackBuffer(), ImageBuffer(gfxFullScreen) 
			x1_1 = x1_1 + x : y1_1 = y1_1 + y : x1_2 = x1_2 + x : y1_2 = y1_2 + y
			x2_1 = x2_1 + x : y2_1 = y2_1 + y : x2_2 = x2_2 + x : y2_2 = y2_2 + y
				ML = MouseHit(1)
				If ML = True And MouseX() > x1_1 And MouseX() < x1_2 And MouseY() > y1_1 And MouseY() < y1_2
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					DrawImage gfxActiveBtn, x1_1, y1_1
					Flip 0 : Delay 200
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					Flip 0 : Delay 100
					reply = 2 : ML = 0 ; 2 = yes
				If ML = True And MouseX() > x2_1 And MouseX() < x2_2 And MouseY() > y2_1 And MouseY() < y2_2
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					DrawImage gfxActiveBtn, x2_1, y2_1
					Flip 0 : Delay 200
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					Flip 0 : Delay 100
					reply = 3 : ML = 0 ; 3 = no
				DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
				Flip 0
			Until reply <> 0
		Case 3	; requires text to display message - three buttons 'YES', 'NO' and 'CANCEL'
			CopyRect 0, 0, GraphicsWidth(), GraphicsHeight(), 0, 0, BackBuffer(), ImageBuffer(gfxFullScreen) 
			x1_1 = x1_1 + x : y1_1 = y1_1 + y : x1_2 = x1_2 + x : y1_2 = y1_2 + y
			x2_1 = x2_1 + x : y2_1 = y2_1 + y : x2_2 = x2_2 + x : y2_2 = y2_2 + y
			x3_1 = x3_1 + x : y3_1 = y3_1 + y : x3_2 = x3_2 + x : y3_2 = y3_2 + y
				ML = MouseHit(1)
				If ML = True And MouseX() > x1_1 And MouseX() < x1_2 And MouseY() > y1_1 And MouseY() < y1_2
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					DrawImage gfxActiveBtn, x1_1, y1_1
					Flip 0 : Delay 200
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					Flip 0 : Delay 100
					reply = 2 : ML = 0 ; 2 = yes
				If ML = True And MouseX() > x2_1 And MouseX() < x2_2 And MouseY() > y2_1 And MouseY() < y2_2
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					DrawImage gfxActiveBtn, x2_1, y2_1
					Flip 0 : Delay 200
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					Flip 0 : Delay 100
					reply = 3 : ML = 0 ; 3 = no
				If ML = True And MouseX() > x3_1 And MouseX() < x3_2 And MouseY() > y3_1 And MouseY() < y3_2
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					DrawImage gfxActiveBtn, x3_1, y3_1
					Flip 0 : Delay 200
					DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
					Flip 0 : Delay 100
					reply = 4 : ML = 0 ; 4 = cancel
				DrawImage gfxFullScreen, 0, 0
				Flip 0
			Until reply <> 0
			Notify "number other than specified in function AdviceWindowOption()!"
	End Select
	FreeImage gfxGeneric
	If fontfree = True Then FreeFont fntGeneric
	If fontfreelarge = True FreeFont fntStandardLarge
	FreeImage gfxActiveBtn
	FreeImage gfxFullScreen
	Return reply
End Function

AppTitle "test of Options Function V0.1"
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Const C_screenWidth		= 800		; width of game screen 
Const C_screenHeight	= 600		; height of game screen 
Const C_screenDepth		= 32		; depth of game screen
Const C_screenType		= 2			; type is windowed or full screen - 1 = full screen, 2 = windowed

Global fntStandard = LoadFont("Comic Sans MS",24, False, False, False)
Global fntSmallB = LoadFont("Comic Sans MS",48, True, False, False)
Global gfxTest = LoadImage ("Advice window test image.bmp") ; change this to test own graphics

Graphics C_screenWidth, C_screenHeight, C_screenDepth, C_screenType
ClsColor 0, 0, 0

	; what the function is passed - (number, gfxGeneric, custom_width, custom_hight, fntGeneric, btnTextColor, message$, boolean)
	SetFont fntSmallB : Color 255, 255, 255
	Text C_screenWidth / 2, C_screenHeight / 6, "Press keys 1 - 4", True, False
	; press a key to select a window
	Select True ; all options used here display as defaults - except text, default text is ""
		Case KeyHit(2) ; '1' key
			answer = AdviceWindowOption(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Default Font", False) ;  no buttons
			mills = MilliSecs() : FlushKeys
		Case KeyHit(3) ; '2' key
			answer = AdviceWindowOption(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Default Font", False) ;  one button 'ok'
			mills = MilliSecs() : FlushKeys
		Case KeyHit(4) ; '3' key
			answer = AdviceWindowOption(2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Default Font", False) ;  two button 'yes' & 'no'
			mills = MilliSecs() : FlushKeys
		Case KeyHit(5) ; '4' key
			answer = AdviceWindowOption(3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Default Font", False) ;  three buttons 'yes', 'no' & 'cancel'
			mills = MilliSecs() : FlushKeys
	End Select
	; outputs what response was given by user
	Select answer
		Case 0 ; no button clicked - normally not required to use return from function
			Text C_screenWidth / 2, C_screenHeight / 2, "No Buttons to 'click'", True, False
		Case 1 ; ok button
			; code here would be for what to do with answer (return)
			Text C_screenWidth / 2, C_screenHeight / 2, "OK Button", True, False
		Case 2 ; yes button
			; code here would be for what to do with answer (return)
			Text C_screenWidth / 2, C_screenHeight / 2, "Yes Button", True, False
		Case 3 ; no button
			; code here would be for what to do with answer (return)
			Text C_screenWidth / 2, C_screenHeight / 2, "No Button", True, False
		Case 4 ; cancel button
			; code here would be for what to do with answer (return)
			Text C_screenWidth / 2, C_screenHeight / 2, "Cancel Button", True, False
	End Select
	; resets variable 'answer' to stop displaying
	If mills + 1000 < MilliSecs()
		answer = 999

Until KeyHit(1)

; font changed from default
answer = AdviceWindowOption(2, 0, 0, 0, fntStandard, 0, "Please confirm you wish to quit program?", False) ;  two button 'yes' & 'no'

If answer = 3 Then Goto again

If answer = 2
	FreeFont fntStandard : FreeFont fntSmallB : FreeImage gfxTest

EndGraphics : End

Include "" ; ensure correct path for include function or copy and paste here instead


Steven Noyce2006
I am confused. What is up with the include at the bottom? Why does this not work if I copy and paste? I admit I did not spend a whole lot of time trying to figure out what was wrong, but I did sped some time and couldn't figure it out.


What is up with the include at the bottom?

The AdviceWindowOption function is already included in the code, so just remove that last line.

Why does this not work if I copy and paste?

Because it's for BlitzPlus. It works for me in Blitz3D, if i remove the "Notify" line, and the "SetFont fntSmallB" line. I don't understand why that second one kept giving me a "Font does not exist" Runtime Error. Maybe someone else can explain that one......

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