Code archives/Graphics/TBM Images

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TBM Images by Andres2006
First you'll need to create a TBM image file and then you can load and display them. It uses banks so it's faster than just drawing transparent (adjustable transparency) Blitz-loaded images. Supports frames!
Function CreateTBMImage(img$, map$, file$, flag=1) ; flags: 1 - normal, 2 - scaled image, 3 - scaled map
	Local x, y
	Local temp_image = LoadImage(img$)
	Local temp_map = LoadImage(map$)
	If temp_image And temp_map
		Select flag
			Case 2
				ScaleImage temp_image, ImageWidth(temp_map), ImageHeight(temp_map)
			Case 2
				ScaleImage temp_map, ImageWidth(temp_image), ImageHeight(temp_image)
		End Select
		wf = WriteFile(file$)
		If wf
			WriteInt wf, ImageWidth(temp_image) ; Width
			WriteInt wf, ImageHeight(temp_image) ; Height
			LockBuffer ImageBuffer(temp_image)
			LockBuffer ImageBuffer(temp_map)
			For y = 0 To ImageHeight(temp_image) - 1
				For x = 0 To ImageWidth(temp_image) - 1
					argb = ReadPixel(x, y, ImageBuffer(temp_image))
						red = (argb Shr 16) And $FF
						green = (argb Shr 8) And $FF
						blue = argb And $FF
					argb = ReadPixel(x, y, ImageBuffer(temp_map))
						red2 = (argb Shr 16) And $FF
						green2 = (argb Shr 8) And $FF
						blue2 = argb And $FF
					WriteByte wf, red
					WriteByte wf, green
					WriteByte wf, blue
					WriteByte wf, (red2 + green2 + blue2) / 3
			UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(temp_map)
			UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(temp_image)
			FreeImage temp_map
			FreeImage temp_image
			Notify "Unable to write the file!"
		Notify "Unable to open one of the image files!"
End Function

Function LoadTBMImage(file$)
	Local rf = ReadFile(file$)
	Local Width, Height, Bank, argb
	If rf
		Width = ReadInt(rf)
		Height = ReadInt(rf)
		Bank = CreateBank(8 + Width * Height * 4)
		PokeInt Bank, 0, Width
		PokeInt Bank, 4, Height
		i = 8
		For i = 8 To 8 + (Width - 1) * Height * 4
			PokeByte Bank, 8 + i, ReadByte(rf)
		CloseFile rf
		Return Bank
		Notify "Unable to read the file!"
End Function

Function DrawTBMImage(Handler%, x%, y%, strength#=1.0, frame=0, frames= 1) ; Draw the TBM image on the screen
	If Strength > 0
		Local Width = PeekInt(Handler%, 0)
		Local Height = PeekInt(Handler%, 4)
		Local red, green, blue, r, g, b, modifier, xx, yy, argb
		Local FrameWidth = (Width / Frames)
		Local offset = (frame * FrameWidth)
		Local Size = BankSize(handler%)
		ReadPixelFast(-1, -1)
		LockBuffer GraphicsBuffer()
		For yy = 0 To Height - 1
			For xx = 0 To FrameWidth - 1
				If Size < 8 + ((yy * Width) + (xx + offset) + 2) * 4 + 3 Then Exit
				red = PeekByte(Handler%, 8 + ((yy * Width) + (xx + offset) + 2) * 4 + 0)
				green = PeekByte(Handler%, 8 + ((yy * Width) + (xx + offset) + 2) * 4 + 1)
				blue = PeekByte(Handler%, 8 + ((yy * Width) + (xx + offset) + 2) * 4 + 2)
				modifier = PeekByte(Handler%, 8 + ((yy * Width) + (xx + offset) + 2) * 4 + 3)
				If modifier > 0
					If strength < 1.0 Or modifier < 255
						argb = ReadPixelFast(x + xx, y + yy, GraphicsBuffer())
							r = (argb Shr 16) And $FF
							g = (argb Shr 8) And $FF
							b = argb And $FF
						red = r + (red - r) * (Float modifier / 255) * strength#
						green = g + (green - g) * (Float modifier / 255) * strength#
						blue = b + (blue - b) * (Float modifier / 255) * strength#
					WritePixel x + xx, y + yy, (blue Or (green Shl 8) Or (red Shl 16) Or ($FF000000)), GraphicsBuffer()
		UnlockBuffer GraphicsBuffer()
End Function

Function TBMImageWidth%(Handler%) ; Width of the TBM image
	Return PeekInt(Handler%, 0)
End Function

Function TBMImageHeight%(Handler%) ; Height of the TBM image
	Return PeekInt(Handler%, 4)
End Function


Really stupid question. What is a TBM file?

I share the same question made by Kuron...
¿What is a TBM file?


TBM = Transparent bitmap. My own made image file format that can draw each pixel with different alpha value. Soon I will add bumpmaping ability to the image format too.

Actually, BMPs already support alpha. Just nobody has bothered to support this yet.

And how exactly do you propose to add bump mapping to an image format?

You can enable a light and change it's locations and itensity. Also you'll need to add heightmap data to the image.

Damien Sturdy2006

Actually, BMPs already support alpha. Just nobody has bothered to support this yet.

True. That always peed me off too, although a BMP with alpha is going to be even more huge :)

Is there any reason why there is a readpixelfast(-1,-1) in drawTBMimage? I keep getting an error, but when I comment it out it is fine.

double post...

No there isn't. I know there are couple of bugs and stuff, but i'll fix them and add bumpmaping ability.

That's fine with me! I added masking for the tbm images, and am using it with a project I'm working on! Thanks Andres!

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