Code archives/Graphics/DrawLineRect()

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DrawLineRect() by drnmr2006
Can't rotate. Does any one know how to either make this into
a module or let it rotate?
Function DrawLineRect(x:Int,y:Int,length:Int,height:Int)
	lowerlefty = y+height
	lowerrightx = x+length
	lowerrighty = y+height
	upperrightx = x+length
	DrawLine x,y,x,lowerlefty
	DrawLine x,lowerlefty,lowerrightx,lowerrighty
	DrawLine lowerrightx,lowerrighty,upperrightx,y
	DrawLine upperrightx,y,x,y


Check out my DrawPoly() function. It can easily be used to draw a rectangle, triangle or whatever you need and can also be rotated and scaled the same as the standard functions.

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