Code archives/Graphics/Image to ASCII

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Image to ASCII by Andres2006
This function will redraw an image in ASCII symbols.

Function ImageToChars(source%, target%, colors% = True)
	Local chars$ = " .,:`;'^" + Chr(34) + "<>\-/_!~=?)(|t+i7{j}lv]%[1cf32Jr$CuIyz9o6wTna5sk&VY40LO8mG*hexSgApqbZdUPQFDXKW#RNEHBM@"
	Local w% = 0, char$ = "", argb%, red%, green%, blue%
	For i = 1 To Len(chars$)
		If StringWidth(Mid$(chars$, i, 1)) > w% Then w% = StringWidth(Mid$(chars$, i, 1))
	LockBuffer ImageBuffer(source%)
	Local buffer% = GraphicsBuffer()
	SetBuffer ImageBuffer(target%)
	For y = 0 To (ImageHeight(source%) / FontHeight()) - 1
		For x = 0 To (ImageWidth(source%) / w%) - 1
			argb% = ReadPixel(x * w%, y * FontHeight(), ImageBuffer(source%))
				red% = (argb Shr 16) And $FF
				green% = (argb Shr 8) And $FF
				blue% = argb And $FF
			col# = (Float red + green + blue) / (3 * 255)
			If colors% Then Color red, green, blue
			char$ = Mid$(chars$, (Len(chars$) - 1) * col# + 1, 1)
			Text x% * w%, y% * FontHeight(), char$
	SetBuffer buffer%
	UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(source%)
End Function


Interesting... Very creative. I don't know what I might use it for, but I like it.

i can't get it to work.

nice effect! but it didn't work until i took out the lockbuffers.

Definitely going to use this in my next game, thanks!

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