Code archives/Graphics/WritePixelFast color

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WritePixelFast color by Subirenihil2006
Call like this:
rgba=ColorInt(red%, green%, blue%, alpha%)

This function has a long history:
The function was originally for data compression, turning integers into a single integer. Also useful for sending integers over the network without worrying about bigendian/littleendian confusion. Yes, the simple way is to send a string.
The original function was a lot longer and slower than this. However, I updated it to this:
Function CompressInts(n1%,n2%,n3%,n4%)
a%=n1+(n2 Shl 8)+(n3 Shl 16)+((n4 Mod 128) Shl 24)
If n4>128 Then a=a-2147483648
Return a
End Function
I found for doing stuff with WritePixelFast, I needed an integer form of a color. This function did that but it did it a little strangly. It had to be sent the colors in this order: blue, green, red, alpha
I updated it for this release to the form found in the code below.
Function ColorInt(r1%,g2%,b3%,a4%)
	c%=b+(g Shl 8)+(r Shl 16)+((a Mod 128) Shl 24)
	If a>128 Then c=c-2147483648
	Return c
End Function



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