Code archives/Graphics/Shadow Text

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Shadow Text by Grey Alien2005
Set the Colour outside of the function then call it. It will call the text command twice, once for a black shadow and then once for the colour version on top.

Also try the code that draws a grey rectangle with shadow underneath.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; ccShadowText
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ccShadowText(x%, y%, TheText$, Centre)
	;make a black shadow in the same font behind the text so it shows up on top of images
        Local ShadowTextDepth% = 1

	;first store the current color
	red = ColorRed()
	green = ColorGreen()
	blue = ColorBlue()
	Color 0,0,0
	Text x + ShadowTextDepth, y + ShadowTextDepth, TheText, Centre
	Color red, green, blue
	Text x, y, TheText, Centre	
End Function

Function ccShadowRect(x, y, w, h)	
	;draw a shadow first
	Color 0,0,0
	Rect x+4, y+4, w, h, 1 
	;now a grey rect	
	Color 150,150,150
	Rect x, y, w, h, 1 	
End Function



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