Code archives/Graphics/Large 2D Image Object

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Large 2D Image Object by tesuji2005
Some Graphics cards have a problem displaying large textures. This object splits the textures into manageble sizes but still lets you rotate and scale the image as a single entity.
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Large Image made up of multiple fixed size textures.  
' o - handles rotation and scaling
' o - displays large images irrespective of graphic card limitations.
' tesuji 2005
' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Const FRAGSIZE = 256 ' maximum image fragment size

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' example usage
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Graphics 800,600,0

Local imageUrl:String = "/Users/sean/Pictures/1280x1024_starwars.jpg"   ' <----- edit image file path
Local pixmap:TPixmap = LoadPixmap(imageUrl) 
Local img:BigImage = BigImage.Create(pixmap)

Local scaleinc:Float = .01

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)

    img.rotation :+ 1
    img.scale :+ scaleinc
    If img.scale < 0 Or img.scale > 2 scaleinc = -scaleinc


' =============================
' Image Fragment
' =============================

Type ImageFragment

    Field img:TImage
    Field x,y
    Field rotation:Float = 0
    Field angle:Double
    Field distance:Double

    ' ----------------------------------
    ' constructor
    ' ----------------------------------
    Function create:ImageFragment(pmap:TPixmap,x:Float,y:Float,w,h)
        Local frag:ImageFragment = New ImageFragment
        frag.img = LoadImage(PixmapWindow(pmap,x,y,w,h),0|FILTEREDIMAGE)
        x = (pmap.width*.5) - x
        y = (pmap.height*.5) - y
        frag.x = x
        frag.y = y
        frag.angle = ATan2(y,x)-180
        frag.distance = Sqr(x*x + y*y)

        Return frag
    End Function

    ' --------------------
    ' Draw individual tile
    ' --------------------
    Method render(scale:Float,xoff:Float=0,yoff:Float=0,rot:Float=0)

        SetRotation rot
        Local d:Float = Self.distance*scale
        DrawImage(Self.img,(Cos(rot+Self.angle)*d)+xoff,(Sin(rot+Self.angle)*d)+yoff )

    End Method

End Type

' ==================================
' Big Image
' ==================================

Type BigImage 

    Field pixmap:TPixmap
    Field px,py
    Field fragments:TList
    Field scale:Float = 1
    Field width
    Field height
    Field x:Float = 0
    Field y:Float = 0
    Field rotation:Float = 0

    ' ----------------------------------
    ' constructor
    ' ----------------------------------
    Function create:BigImage(p:TPixmap)

        Local bi:BigImage = New BigImage
        bi.pixmap = p
        bi.width = p.width
        bi.height = p.height
        bi.fragments = CreateList()

        Return bi

    End Function

    ' -------------------------------------
    ' convert pixmap into image fragments
    ' -------------------------------------
    Method load()

        Local px = 0
        Local py = 0
        Local loading = True

        While (loading)

            Local w = FRAGSIZE
            If Self.pixmap.width - px < FRAGSIZE w = Self.pixmap.width - px
            Local h = FRAGSIZE
            If Self.pixmap.height - py < FRAGSIZE h = Self.pixmap.height - py
            Local f1:ImageFragment = ImageFragment.create(Self.pixmap,px,py,w,h)
            ListAddLast Self.fragments,f1
            If px >= Self.pixmap.width
                px = 0
                If py >= Self.pixmap.height loading = False
            End If

    End Method

    ' -----------------
    ' Draw entire image
    ' -----------------
    Method render()

        For Local f:ImageFragment = EachIn Self.fragments

    End Method

End Type


I can definitely see thsi coming in handy somewhere down the road! Thanks for the code!

Really nice, thanks.The Large 2D Image Object example zooms in and out , is there any way to modify it to scroll left to right ?

The Large 2D Image Object example zooms in and out , is there any way to modify it to scroll left to right ?

The fields X and Y in the BigImage type controls the offset as far as I can tell.

Need to remove flushmem from the code of course.

Yes, img.x,img.y can be used for positioning,img.scale for size and img.rotation to rotate the image :).

Have commented out the Flushmem so it'll compile ok now.

Miss Blitz2006
I Love this code! God Bless your generous heart!

I get "Unhandled Exception:Attempt to access field or method of Null object"


Works for me once I "edit image file path".

Ah yes.

Here's a question... Can you use regular collision detection using this method if you have a transparent background? This seems like it could be a pretty handy "level". Would the size make that difficult?

This looks really great, but I'm thinking that possibly you could optimize it even more by only render ImageFragments that are actually in the viewport. Perhaps you're already doing this and I'm missing it, but it seems like each time in your render() loop you iterate through each fragment, regardless of if its on the screen or not.

(Though perhaps blitzmax is already optimized to handle this for you, in which case, nm)

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