Code archives/Graphics/Bump mapping

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Bump mapping by Andres2005
Here's a little source code to draw a bumpmap of an image. All functions are required.
It's very slow so maybe someone can improve the code to make it faster and unbug it.
Any suggestions are welcome.

Here's an example of a bumpmap that was made with that function:
Function DrawBumpmapImage(image, map, dx, dy, lx, ly, lh, ld) ; image, bumpmap, x, y, LightX, LightY, LightHeight, LightDistance
	Local width = ImageWidth(Image), height = ImageHeight(Image)
	Local mapwidth = ImageWidth(map), mapheight = ImageHeight(map)
	Local imgr, imgg, imgb, mapr, mapg, mapb, mapcol, mapangle
	LockBuffer ImageBuffer(image)
	LockBuffer ImageBuffer(map)
	LockBuffer GraphicsBuffer()
	For y = 0 To height - 1
		For x = 0 To width - 1
			If BumpmapDistance(dx + x, dy + y, lx, ly) < ld
				argb = ReadPixelFast(x, y, ImageBuffer(image))
					imgr = (argb Shr 16) And $FF
					imgg = (argb Shr 8) And $FF
					imgb = argb And $FF
				argb = ReadPixelFast((Float x / width) * mapwidth, (Float y / height) * mapheight, ImageBuffer(map))
					mapcol = (((argb Shr 16) And $FF) + ((argb Shr 8) And $FF) + (argb And $FF)) / 3
				mapangle = BumpmapAngle(dx + x, dy + y, lx, ly)
				;argb = ReadPixel((Float x / width) * mapwidth + Cos(mapangle), (Float y / height) * mapheight + Sin(mapangle), ImageBuffer(map))
				argb = ReadBumpmapPixel((Float x / width) * mapwidth + Cos(mapangle) * 2, (Float y / height) * mapheight + Sin(mapangle) * 2, map)
					mapcol2 = (((argb Shr 16) And $FF) + ((argb Shr 8) And $FF) + (argb And $FF)) / 3
				mapangle = BumpmapAngle(0, mapcol, BumpmapDistance(dx, dy, lx, ly), lh) + BumpmapAngle(0, mapcol2, 2, mapcol)
				mapcol = mapcol * (Sin(mapangle) + 2) / 2 * (ld - BumpmapDistance(dx + x, dy + y, lx, ly)) / ld
				red = imgr * (Float mapcol / 255)
				green = imgg * (Float mapcol / 255)
				blue = imgb * (Float mapcol / 255)
				WritePixelFast dx + x, dy + y, (blue Or (green Shl 8) Or (red Shl 16) Or ($FF000000)), GraphicsBuffer()
	UnlockBuffer GraphicsBuffer()
	UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(map)
	UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(image)
End Function

Function ReadBumpmapPixel%(x#, y#, image)
	Local argb
	Local xf# = (x Mod 1)
	Local yf# = (y Mod 1)
	Local r1#, g1#, b1#, r2#, g2#, b2#, r3#, g3#, b3#, r4#, g4#, b4#
	argb = ReadPixelFast(x, y, ImageBuffer(image))
		r1# = ((argb Shr 16) And $FF) * xf * yf
		g1# = ((argb Shr 8) And $FF) * xf * yf
		b1# = (argb And $FF) * xf * yf
	argb = ReadPixelFast(x + 1, y, ImageBuffer(image))
		r2# = ((argb Shr 16) And $FF) * (1.0 - xf) * yf
		g2# = ((argb Shr 8) And $FF) * (1.0 - xf) * yf
		b2# = (argb And $FF) * (1.0 - xf) * yf
	argb = ReadPixelFast(x + 1, y + 1, ImageBuffer(image))
		r3# = ((argb Shr 16) And $FF) * (1.0 - xf) * (1.0 - yf)
		g3# = ((argb Shr 8) And $FF) * (1.0 - xf) * (1.0 - yf)
		b3# = (argb And $FF) * (1.0 - xf) * (1.0 - yf)
	argb = ReadPixelFast(x, y + 1, ImageBuffer(image))
		r4# = ((argb Shr 16) And $FF) * xf * (1.0 - yf)
		g4# = ((argb Shr 8) And $FF) * xf * (1.0 - yf)
		b4# = (argb And $FF) * xf * (1.0 - yf)
	red = r1 + r2 + r3 + r4
	green = g1 + g2 + g3 + g4
	blue = b1 + b2 + b3 + b4
	Return (blue Or (green Shl 8) Or (red Shl 16) Or ($FF000000))
End Function

Function BumpmapAngle(x, y, targetx, targety)
	If targety < y Then
		If targetx < x Then
			Return Abs(ATan2(targetx - x,targety - y)) + 90
			Return 270+(180-Abs(ATan2(targetx - x,targety - y)))
	Else If targety => y Then
		Return Abs(ATan2(targetx - x,targety - y) - 90)
End Function

Function BumpmapDistance#(x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#)
	Return Sqr((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))
End Function


Excellent !

Looks neat, any chance of instructions / example on how to use it please Anreas dude?

Cheers and all the best,

Graphics 800, 600, 32, 2

image = LoadImage("")
bumpmap = LoadImage("")

While Not KeyHit(1)
	DrawBumpmapImage(image, bumpmap, 10, 10, MouseX(), MouseY(), 100, 128)

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