Code archives/Graphics/Control Brightness and Contrast

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Control Brightness and Contrast by Howitzer2005
When you make a level in a program such as Maplet or Cartography Shop, you will either have a washed out level or a dim level. Here is one way to fix it.

This can be used in both 2d and 3d as long as it is set to full screen.
Print "             Low------High"
Print "Brightness < 0   50   100 (high # =high brightness"
Print "                          low # =low brightness)  "
Print "Contrast   > 8   4    2   (low # =high contrast   "
Print "                          high # =low contrast)   "

brit=Input("Brightness(0<100)   =") 
cont=Input("Contrast  (8>2)     =")
If cont=0 Then cont=255; cannot divide by zero- sets contrast to default
level$=Input$("Load Level (level.b3d)=")

; Starting 3d
Graphics3D 800,600,0,1 
SetBuffer BackBuffer() 

; ******************** *******************************************************
; * Gamma Controller * * cont=Contrast brit=Brightness (cont scale reversed) *
; ******************** *******************************************************
For x=0 To 255                                                              ;*
SetGamma x,x,x,(x+x/cont)+brit,(x+x/cont)+brit,(x+x/cont)+brit              ;*
Next                                                                        ;*
UpdateGamma                                                                 ;*
; ****************************************************************************

; Enviroment
PositionEntity camera,0,0,0
CameraRange camera,0.01,10000

LoadMesh level$

While Not KeyDown( 1 ) 

If KeyDown( 205 )=True Then TurnEntity camera,0,-1,0 
If KeyDown( 203 )=True Then TurnEntity camera,0,1,0
If KeyDown( 200 )=True Then MoveEntity camera,0,0.05,0
If KeyDown( 208 )=True Then MoveEntity camera,0,-0.05,0
If KeyDown( 17 )=True Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,0.05 
If KeyDown( 31 )=True Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-0.05
If KeyDown( 32 )=True Then MoveEntity camera,0.05,0,0
If KeyDown( 30 )=True Then MoveEntity camera,-0.05,0,0






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