Code archives/Graphics/Seamless tile creator

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Seamless tile creator by Rob Farley2005
This is not designed to take a texture and make it seamless.

It creates a texture from a complete image, ie, if you've got a picture of a lawn you load the lawn into this, pick the area you want to turn into a texture and it does the rest.

Once you've picked the area it will save out a BMP file called tile_[yourfilename].bmp

There's a couple of variables to monkey with in this code:
Filename$: The name of the image file you want to create your texture from.
Size: The size of the texture you want to create
QSize: The size of the overhang used to make the texture seamless
Noise: This makes the blend imperfect which can sometimes look better on some textures, 0 is no noise, 1 is 100% noise, you usually get best results around .1 or .2.

Please add to and improve this code!

A few bits need doing to improve this:
* contrast needs to increase on the blendy bits
* Front end
* Able to use images bigger than the screen
; Seamless texture creator.
; 2005 MentalIllusion.
; This is not designed to take a texture and make it seamless. It creates a texture from
; a complete image, ie, if you've got a picture of a lawn you load the lawn into this,
; pick the area you want to turn into a texture and it does the rest.

; Once you've picked the area it will save out a BMP file called tile_[yourfilename].bmp

; Please add to and improve this code!
; A few bits need doing to improve this:
; * contrast needs to increase on the blendy bits
; * Front end
; * Able to use images bigger than the screen

Graphics 1024,768,32,1

font = LoadFont("Arial.ttf",20,True)
SetFont font

filename$="[your image.jpg]"

i = LoadImage(filename)

size = 256
hsize = size/2

; set this to adjust the overhang
qsize = size/4

; set this to make it noiser!
; The noise variable makes the blends imperfect, however, it tends to make it look better
; have a play with this value, a value of 1 will just give a dither pattern which will look crap.
; .1 or .2 on most things looks pretty good, if you're doing grass or something that's almost a
; noise pattern anyway push it up to about .5... basically have a play.
noise# = .2

; RGB Functions
Global gotr#=0
Global gotg#=0
Global gotb#=0

SetBuffer BackBuffer()

	If x-hsize<0 Then x=hsize
	If x+hsize+qsize>ImageWidth(i) Then x = ImageWidth(i)-hsize-qsize
	If y-hsize<0 Then y=hsize
	If y+hsize+qsize>ImageHeight(i) Then y = ImageHeight(i)-hsize-qsize
	Color c,0,0
	c=(c+10) Mod 256
	DrawBlock i,0,0
	Rect x-hsize,y-hsize,size+qsize,size+qsize,False
	Color 0,c,0
	Rect x-hsize,y-hsize,size,size,False
	oText MouseX(),MouseY(),"X",True,True
	oText GraphicsWidth()/2,10,"Select area for tile",True

Until MouseDown(1)

x=x - hsize
y=y - hsize

j = CreateImage(size+qsize,size+qsize)
CopyRect x,y,size+qsize,size+qsize,0,0,ImageBuffer(i),ImageBuffer(j)
k = CreateImage(size,size)

LockBuffer ImageBuffer(i)
LockBuffer ImageBuffer(j)

; sort left hand edge from right hand stuff
For yy=0 To size+qsize
For xx=0 To qsize
	; create a bit of noise to make it imperfect
	disturb# = Rnd(-noise,noise)
	offset# = Float(xx) / Float(qsize) + disturb
	If offset>1 Then offset = 1
	If offset<0 Then offset = 0
	noffset# = 1 - offset
	r1# = gotr * noffset
	g1# = gotg * noffset
	b1# = gotb * noffset
	r2# = gotr * offset
	g2# = gotg * offset
	b2# = gotb * offset
	r# = r1 + r2
	g# = g1 + g2
	b# = b1 + b2

UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(i)
UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(j)

CopyRect 0,0,size,size,0,0,ImageBuffer(j),ImageBuffer(k) 

LockBuffer ImageBuffer(j)
LockBuffer ImageBuffer(k)

; sort top edge from stuff below
For xx=0 To size
For yy=0 To qsize
	; create a bit of noise to make it imperfect
	disturb# = Rnd(-noise,noise)
	offset# = Float(yy) / Float(qsize) + disturb
	If offset>1 Then offset = 1
	If offset<0 Then offset = 0
	noffset# = 1 - offset
	r1# = gotr * noffset
	g1# = gotg * noffset
	b1# = gotb * noffset
	r2# = gotr * offset
	g2# = gotg * offset
	b2# = gotb * offset
	r# = r1 + r2
	g# = g1 + g2
	b# = b1 + b2

UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(j)
UnlockBuffer ImageBuffer(k)


For x=0 To (GraphicsWidth()/size)+1
For y=0 To (GraphicsHeight()/size)+1
DrawBlock k,x*size,y*size
oText GraphicsWidth()/2+x,GraphicsHeight()/2+y,"Tile saved, Press any Key",True


Function Otext(xp,yp,t$,xcen=False,ycen=False)

Color 0,0,0
For x=-2 To 2
For y=-2 To 2
	Text xp+x,yp+y,t$,xcen,ycen
Color 255,255,255
Text xp,yp,t$,xcen,ycen

End Function

Function WriteRGB(image_name,x,y,red,green,blue)
; Writes a pixel to an image.
; The imagebuffer needs to be locked as it does a write pixel fast.
argb=(blue Or (green Shl 8) Or (red Shl 16) Or ($ff000000))
WritePixelFast x,y,argb,ImageBuffer(image_name)
End Function

Function GetRGB(image_name,x,y)
; Gets the RGB components from an image.
; The imagebuffer needs to be locked as it does a read pixel fast.
; The components are put into the global varibles gotr, gotg and gotb
	gotr=(ARGB Shr 16) And $ff 
	gotg=(ARGB Shr 8) And $ff 
	gotb=ARGB And $ff
End Function



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