Code archives/Graphics/Multisided geometric shapes

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Multisided geometric shapes by TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)2005
This little snippit of code allows you to draw a geometric shape of any size with any amount of sides, well more than 2 sides would be a good start.
; Written by Tim Fisher of Indiepath 2005.

; *******************************************************************************
; DrawGeom - Will draw a polygon of n Sides.
; x#,y# = Screen Co-ordinates
; Sides# = Number of sides on Polygon
; Length# = Length of Side
; Angle# = Angle of Rotation
; *******************************************************************************

Function DrawGeom(x#,y#,sides#,length#,angle#)

	Local aStep# = 360 / sides
	Length# = (length/2)/Sin(aStep#/2) ;Calculate the correct length of a side 			
	For a = 0 To sides-1
		x1# = x# - (Sin(angle + (aStep * a))*length)
		y1# = y# - (Cos(angle + (aStep * a))*length)
		x2# = x# - (Sin(angle + (aStep * (a+1)))*length)
		y2# = y# - (Cos(angle + (aStep * (a+1)))*length)
		Color 150,150,150
		Oval x1-5,y1-5,11,11,False							; Draw Circle at Vertex
		Color 255,255,255		
		Line x1,y1,x2,y2									; Draw Connecting Lines
End Function


TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)2005
UPdated with new Length Calculation.

Ian Thompson2005
Very nice, very nice indeed. Well done and thankyou. :)

Good one

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