Code archives/Graphics/"Marching Ants" Selection Line

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"Marching Ants" Selection Line by sswift2005
This code draws an animated selection line like you might find in Photoshop. To animate it, you need only to keep redrawing the line each frame.

The nice thing about a selection line like this is that it will be visible over any background, and the motion not only makes it more visible, but acts as an inidcator that the line is not part of the image it is drawn over.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function draws a line of "marching ants" to the current buffer.
; This is the same kind of animated line drawn around a selection in Photoshop.
; There is no need to do anything to make the ants animate, other than continuously redrawing the line on the screen.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Line_MarchingAnts(X1#, Y1#, X2#, Y2#)
	Local X#, Y#
	Local XDist#, YDist#
	Local Mv#
	Local StepX#, StepY#
	Local AntSpeed, AntSize, AntCounter
	Local RGB
	; Setup

		XDist# = X1# - X2#
		YDist# = Y1# - Y2#
		If XDist# < 0 Then XDist# = -XDist#
		If YDist# < 0 Then YDist# = -YDist#
		Select (YDist# > XDist#)
			Case True  Mv# = YDist# 
			Case False Mv# = XDist#
		End Select
		StepX# = XDist# / Mv#
		If (X1# > X2#) Then StepX# = -StepX#
		StepY# = YDist# / Mv#
		If (Y1# > Y2#) Then StepY# = -StepY#

		X# = X1#
		Y# = Y1#
	; This is the clever bit that makes the ants move. 
		; The starting value is determined by the current time.
		; AntSpeed is the amount of time in milliseconds it takes for an ant to move one ant length.
		; AntSize is the size of each ant, plus the space between them.
		AntSpeed = 50
		AntSize  = 8
		AntCounter = Abs((MilliSecs()/AntSpeed) Mod AntSize)
	LockBuffer GraphicsBuffer()
	For nc = 0 To Floor(mv#)

		Select (Abs(AntCounter) Mod AntSize) < (AntSize/2) 
			Case True  WritePixelFast X#, Y#, $00000000
			Case False WritePixelFast X#, Y#, $FFFFFFFF
		End Select
		X# = X# + StepX#
		Y# = Y# + StepY#

		AntCounter = AntCounter - 1

	UnlockBuffer GraphicsBuffer()

End Function



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