Code archives/Graphics/AnimImage Creator

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AnimImage Creator by n8r2k2005
This handy little programe will put any number of pre-drawn frames together to make a new AnimImage. Title your frames with the same name as your imagename$ variable value except add a number to the end. eg:

If you have imagename$ set to "spiderman",

Your first frame should be titled "spiderman1.bmp"

Your second frame should be titled "spederman2.bmp"

Your third frame should be titled "spederman3.bmp"

and so on...

Just remember to save the source code into the same folder as your AnimImages frames.

Click here to download current versions of all my codes and games including this one:
;>>>AnimImage Creator>>>
;>>>>>>By n8r2k>>>>>>>>>

Graphics 800,600,0,2
AppTitle "AnimImage Creator","AnimImage Creator Exiting"

numofframes = 3 ;change this to the number of frames in your new AnimImage
framelength = 100 ;change to the length of the frames in your new AnimImage
framewidth = 100 ;change to the width of the frames in your new AnimImage
imagename$ = "image" ;change to the name you would like your new AnimImage to have (without file extension)
imagenum = 1
imagenum1 = 0
newimage = CreateImage(framewidth*numofframes,framelength)
SetBuffer ImageBuffer(newimage)
imageframe = LoadImage(imagename$+imagenum+".bmp")
DrawImage imageframe,framewidth*imagenum1,0
imagenum = imagenum + 1
imagenum1 = imagenum1 + 1
Until imagenum = numofframes + 1
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
Text 0,0,imagename$+".bmp, "+"your new AnimImage looks like this:"
DrawImage newimage,0,20
SaveImage (newimage,imagename$+".bmp")
Until 2 + 2 = 5


I was just searching through the code archives and i found that Russel had already done this. My code might be a little less confusing but you should try his first probably.

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