Code archives/Graphics/TextFader()

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TextFader() by n8r2k2005
Not sure if anyones done sometin like this so feel free to use this code anyway you like
Click here to download current versions of all my codes and games including this one:
Graphics 800,600,16,2
Global g = 0
Global r = 155
Global bigfont = LoadFont("Arial",50,0,0,0)

While Not KeyHit(1)
ClsColor 155,0,0
SetFont bigfont
Color r,g,0
Text 100,100,"Press space to fade in again"		;Edit this line
If KeyHit(57) resettext()

Function TextFader()
g = g + 1
r = r - 1
If r < 0
	r = 0
If g > 128
	g = 128
End Function

Function ResetText()
g = 0
r = 155
End Function


In case you were wondering, variables r and g can be messed with and you can even try adding a blue variable

Yo! Wazzup?2007
I cleaned up the code a bit, now it doesn't do any of TextFader if it's already done fading, it doesn't set the font every time you loop, and it doesn't set the ClsColor every time you loop. =D

It also doesn't blink anymore, as far as I'm aware.

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