Code archives/Graphics/Line Overlap Circle

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Line Overlap Circle by nawi2005
Check if line is overlapping circle. Code translated from google to BlitzBasic by Nawi and touched by Beaker.
Function LineOverlapCircle(x1#,y1#,x2#,y2#,cx#,cy#,Radius#)
	;'Calc Closest Point To circle center
	Local dx31#=cx#-x1#
	Local dx21#=x2#-x1#
	Local dy31#=cy#-y1#
	Local dy21#=y2#-y1#
	Local d#=((dx21#*dx21#)+(dy21#*dy21#))
	If d#<>0 Then d#=((dx31#*dx21#)+(dy31#*dy21#))/d#
	;'Clip To the line segments legal bounds
	If d#<0.0 Then d#=0
	If d#>1.0 Then d#=1
	Local dx#=cx#-(x1#+(dx21#*d#))
	Local dy#=cy#-(y1#+(dy21#*d#))
	If Radius# => Sqr((dx#*dx#)+(dy#*dy#))
		;'Line intersects circle
		Return 1 
	Return 0
End Function


very slight optimization,... since you don't need to know the actual distance, just check it you can avoid using Sqr

change this line:
If Radius# => Sqr((dx#*dx#)+(dy#*dy#))

to this:
If Radius# * Radius# => (dx#*dx#)+(dy#*dy#)

in my quick tests it came out slightly faster, and I don't think I broke the function.

Ross C2009
Thank you for this!

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