Code archives/Graphics/Grayscale

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Grayscale by pexe2005
Turn your graphics to grayscale mode.

This is my first script using readpixel and writepixel. Because of this, its very slow.

If somebody have a tip to make it faster, tell me please.

Enjoy. =D
;By pexe

;WARNING: This is my first script using readpixel and writepixel, and its VERY SLOW!

;Function grayscale(Buffer, X Starting Point, Y Starting Point, Width, Height)

Function grayscale(GS_buffer,GS_vx,GS_vy,GS_w,GS_h)
For GS_y = GS_vy To GS_vy+GS_h-1
For GS_x = GS_vx To GS_vx+GS_w-1
GS_pix = ReadPixelFast(GS_x,GS_y,GS_buffer)

GS_r% = (GS_pix Shr 16) And $ff ;\
GS_g% = (GS_pix Shr 8) And $ff  ;  Transform values
GS_b% = GS_pix And $ff          ;/

GS_v% = 0.3*GS_r+0.59*GS_g+0.11*GS_b

GS_pix=(GS_v Or (GS_v Shl 8) Or (GS_v Shl 16) Or ($ff000000)) ;Put values back
WritePixelFast GS_x,GS_y,GS_pix,GS_buffer

End Function


There are two errors in the For-loops:
It should be
"For GS_y = GS_vy To GS_vy+GS_h - 1" and
"For GS_x = GS_vx To GS_vx+GS_w - 1".
Otherwise this function will attempt to read and write outside the specified rectangle.

For example if you want to grayscale the whole buffer in 800 x 600 graphics mode with

grayscale GraphicsBuffer(), 0, 0, 800, 600

GS_y will go from 0 to 600 and GS_x from 0 to 800, but it should go to 599 and 799 respectively.

Another error, every greyscale algorithm don't work like that. I mean, by additioning tree value and divide it by 3.
Usualy, the best way it's to multiply each color component by a specific value: red*0.3(red <0-1>), green*0.59(green <0-1>) and blue*0.11(blue <0-1>).
You can check this values on any website in relation with computer graphic or any 2D softwares(Shake, Digital Fusion)

Living and Learning..

Thanks for the tips.. i will re-make this script soon.. (and trying to make something more fast)

BTW: I've fixed the code

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