Code archives/Graphics/Display_IsWindowed

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Display_IsWindowed by Entity2001
This function is part of a module I'm writing which involves doing fullscreen<->window screenmode switches on the fly.
I noticed that there is no command that tells me if i'm running in windowed mode or not, so I had to put on my thinking cap and see whether it could be done in some other way.
Here's the result. It appears to work flawlessly and think it might be useful for other people.
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
; Display_IsWindowed()
; Invented by Jamie "Entity" van den Berge 
;   Determines whether Blitz is currently in windowed or full screen mode.
;   True if running in windowed mode, otherwise False
Function Display_IsWindowed()
	Local x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2
	Local w = GraphicsWidth(), h = GraphicsHeight()

	; store old coords so we can set the mouse back to its old position
	; after the check
	x = MouseX(): y = MouseY()

	; now set the mouse at coordinates that can only be set in windowed mode
	; and see where we were ACTUALLY put.
	MoveMouse -1,-1: x1 = MouseX(): y1 = MouseY()
	MoveMouse  w, h: x2 = MouseX(): y2 = MouseY()

	; before we verify the coordinates, we fool blitz into thinking nothing
	; ever happened
	MoveMouse omx,omy: MouseXSpeed(): MouseYSpeed()

	; ok, now, if the pointer was placed where we set it, we MUST be in
	; windowed mode
	If (x1 = -1) Or (x2 = w) Then Return True
	If (y1 = -1) Or (y2 = h) Then Return True
	; if the mouse coordinates were clipped to the display size, we MUST be
	; in full screen mode, so ...
	If x1 = 0 And y1 = 0 And (x2 = w-1) And (y2 = h-1) Then Return False

	; in any other case we got bogus coords, usually when the window is positioned
	; partly outside the desktop, which obviously means we're in windowed mode
	Return True
End Function



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