Code archives/Audio/Binary rhythms (32)

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Binary rhythms (32) by Nebula2007
runtimeerror bin(number); 1 = notetrigger

after 32 add other 32

Loads a instrument and creates a rithm of a binary string. In this case a block 32 drumrithm.
Chord line (frequency numbers not added yet)

f=frequency ( a piano on its side for example. liniaal x)
n=note (0)

The code can be used to create keyboard rhythms or even keyboard songs.

Still needs a Root (wortel) for the frequency ; root music.

If computer speech is connected. Each note trigger could be a voice(x). X beeing one of the voice actors(esses) or singer(s/esses). (Socially switch Rithms and placements)
x1 = person 1 (Setting male 40+)
x2 = person 2 (Setting female 28+)
x3 = person 3 (Setting male (30+)
x4 = drum
x5 = hat
x6 = snare
x7 = guitar
With a logicaly set dictionary the conversations can be very entertaining. (See : Artificial intelligence.)
;root music
;note lines (chords) not inserted yet.

Graphics 640,48,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global snd = LoadSound("standard.wav")

	cnt = 1

Global abc

Global timer = CreateTimer(5)

a$ = Bin(123)

While KeyDown( 1 ) = False
	If KeyDown(200) = True Then q2 = q2 + 1 : aa$ = Bin(q2)
	If KeyDown(205) = True Then q = q + 1 : a$ = Bin(q)
	If KeyDown(203) = True Then q = q - 1 : a$ = Bin(q)
	If KeyDown(200) = True Then q = Rand(19826422221) : a$ = Bin(q)
	Text 0,0,a$
	Text 0,15,"Cursor up random"
	Text 0,25,"Curs left and curs right"
	b$ = Mid(a$,cnt,1)
	DebugLog b$
	If b$="1" Then 
		If ( Int ( Mid( aa$,cnt,1 ) ) * 100 ) = 1 Then ozz = ozz + 123 Else ozz = ozz - 123
		ChannelVolume abc,.4				
		ChannelPitch abc,zz
		abc = PlaySound( snd ) : ClsColor Rand( 200 ),0,0 : Cls
	End If
	StopChannel abc
	cnt = cnt + 1
	If cnt>31 Then cnt= 1



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