Code archives/Algorithms/Interpolation

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Interpolation by Klaas2003
nothing new but all in one code to see the difference between the interpolation methodes.

Took the Framework from Vertex's Cosin Interpolation and added Cubic and Hermite Interpolation.
THX to Vertex

Take a closer look at the tension and bias control for hermite interpolation ... pretty cool

remember to use this function in 3d space just do the interpolation to z
like this (linear):
Y = Cosine_Interpolate(y0,y1,MU#)
X = Cosine_Interpolate(x0,x1,MU#)
Z = Cosine_Interpolate(z0,z1,MU#)

Cubic and Hermite Interpolation do need some extra information to do the interpolation. Both methodes need
4 points to make the curves smooth. PLay around with the controlpoints and you see why.
; Set the screensize
Graphics 640,480,32,2 
SetBuffer BackBuffer() 

; Dimension the pointarray and set startvalues
Dim DataPoint(6,1) 
DataPoint(0,0) = 50 : DataPoint(0,1) = 090 
DataPoint(1,0) = 150 : DataPoint(1,1) = 160 
DataPoint(2,0) = 250 : DataPoint(2,1) = 300 
DataPoint(3,0) = 350 : DataPoint(3,1) = 210 
DataPoint(4,0) = 450 : DataPoint(4,1) = 100 
DataPoint(5,0) = 550 : DataPoint(5,1) = 300 

; Set the clearcolor to red, and select point 0 
ClsColor 0,0,0 : Global Selected = 0 
Global linear_draw,cosin_draw,cubic_draw,hermite_draw,tension#,bias#
; Mainloop
While Not KeyDown(1) 
   Cls ; Clear screen

   ; Userinput (Use [Q] and [W] to select a point,
   ; and Arrowkeys to position the selected point)
   If KeyHit(16) And Selected > 0 Then Selected = Selected - 1
   If KeyHit(17) And Selected < 5 Then Selected = Selected + 1

   If KeyHit(30) And tension > -1 Then tension = tension - 0.1
   If KeyHit(31) And tension < 1 Then tension = tension + 0.1

   If KeyHit(44) And bias > -1 Then bias = bias - 0.1
   If KeyHit(45) And bias < 1 Then bias = bias + 0.1

   If KeyDown(203) Then DataPoint(Selected,0) = DataPoint(Selected,0) - 1 
   If KeyDown(205) Then DataPoint(Selected,0) = DataPoint(Selected,0) + 1
   If KeyDown(200) Then DataPoint(Selected,1) = DataPoint(Selected,1) - 1
   If KeyDown(208) Then DataPoint(Selected,1) = DataPoint(Selected,1) + 1
	If KeyHit(59) Then linear_draw = Not linear_draw
	If KeyHit(60) Then cosin_draw = Not cosin_draw
	If KeyHit(61) Then cubic_draw = Not cubic_draw
	If KeyHit(62) Then hermite_draw = Not hermite_draw
   DrawLine() ; Draw the interpolated line between point 0 and 4

	Color 250,250,250
	Text 10,10,"F1 - Linear Interpolation" 
	Text 10,25,"F2 - Cosine Interpolation" 
	Text 10,40,"F3 - Cubic Interpolation" 
	Text 10,55,"F4 - Hermite Interpolation" 

	Text 300,10,"Tension(+A,-S) - "+tension 
	Text 300,25,"Bias(+Z,-X) - "+Bias
	Text 10,460,"use W,Q and Cursor to steer the points"
   Flip ; Flip backbuffer to frontbuffer 

End ; End of programm 

Function DrawLine()
   ; Startpoint for the first Line
   X = DataPoint(0,0) : Y = DataPoint(0,1) : 
   ; Draw the interpolated line between point 1 and 4
	If cosin_draw
		f = False
		Color 255,50,50
		For I = 1 To 5
			MX = (DataPoint(I - 1,0) - DataPoint(I,0)) * (-1) 
			For MU# = 0 To 1.0 Step 0.08 
				OX = X : OY = Y
				Y = Cosine_Interpolate(DataPoint(I - 1,1),DataPoint(I,1),MU#)  
				X = Cosine_Interpolate(DataPoint(I - 1,0),DataPoint(I,0),MU#)  
				If Not f
					ox = x
					oy = y
					f = True
				Line OX,OY,X,Y
	If linear_draw
		f = False
		Color 50,255,50
		For I = 1 To 5
			MX = (DataPoint(I - 1,0) - DataPoint(I,0)) * (-1) 
			For MU# = 0 To 1.0 Step 0.08 
				OX = X : OY = Y
				Y = Linear_Interpolate(DataPoint(I - 1,1),DataPoint(I,1),MU#)  
				X = Linear_Interpolate(DataPoint(I - 1,0),DataPoint(I,0),MU#)  
				If Not f
					ox = x
					oy = y
					f = True
				Line OX,OY,X,Y
	If cubic_draw
		f = False
		Color 50,50,255
		For I = 2 To 4
			MX = (DataPoint(I - 1,0) - DataPoint(I,0)) * (-1) 
			For MU# = 0 To 1.0 Step 0.08 
				OX = X : OY = Y
				Y = Cubic_Interpolate(DataPoint(I - 2,1),DataPoint(I-1,1),DataPoint(I,1),DataPoint(I+1,1),MU#)  
				X = Cubic_Interpolate(DataPoint(I - 2,0),DataPoint(I-1,0),DataPoint(I,0),DataPoint(I+1,0),MU#)  
				If Not f
					ox = x
					oy = y
					f = True
				Line OX,OY,X,Y
	If hermite_draw
		f = False
		Color 255,50,255
		For I = 2 To 4
			MX = (DataPoint(I - 1,0) - DataPoint(I,0)) * (-1) 
			For MU# = 0 To 1.0 Step 0.08 
				OX = X : OY = Y
				Y = Hermite_Interpolate(DataPoint(I - 2,1),DataPoint(I-1,1),DataPoint(I,1),DataPoint(I+1,1),MU#,tension,bias)  
				X = Hermite_Interpolate(DataPoint(I - 2,0),DataPoint(I-1,0),DataPoint(I,0),DataPoint(I+1,0),MU#,tension,bias)  
				If Not f
					ox = x
					oy = y
					f = True
				Line OX,OY,X,Y
   ; Dra the anchor points
   Color 255,0,0
   For I = 0 To 5
      If Selected = I Then
         Color 0,0,255
         Color 255,0,0
      Oval DataPoint(I,0) - 2,DataPoint(I,1) - 2,5,5,1
End Function 

Function Cubic_Interpolate(v0#, v1#, v2#, v3#, x#)
	P# = (v3-v2) - (v0-v1)
	Q# = (v0-v1) - P
	R# = v2 - v0
	S# = v1
	Return P * x^3 + Q * x^2 + R * x + S
End Function

;Function For cosineinterpolated Line
Function Cosine_Interpolate(Y1#,Y2#,MU#) 
	Local   MU2#
	MU2 = (1.0 - Cos(MU * 180))/2.0;
	Return (Y1 * (1.0 - MU2) + Y2 * MU2) 
End Function

;Function For normal Line
Function Linear_Interpolate(Y1#,Y2#,MU#) 
	Return Y1 * (1 - MU) + Y2 * MU 
End Function

;Tension: 1 is high, 0 normal, -1 is low
;Bias: 0 is even,
;positive is towards First segment,
;negative towards the other

Function Hermite_Interpolate(y0#,y1#,y2#,y3#,mu#,tension#,bias#)
	Local m0#,m1#,mu2#,mu3#
	Local a0#,a1#,a2#,a3#

	mu2 = mu * mu
	mu3 = mu2 * mu
	m0  = (y1-y0)*(1+bias)*(1-tension)/2
	m0  = m0 + (y2-y1)*(1-bias)*(1-tension)/2
	m1  = (y2-y1)*(1+bias)*(1-tension)/2
	m1 = m1 + (y3-y2)*(1-bias)*(1-tension)/2
	a0 =  2*mu3 - 3*mu2 + 1
	a1 =    mu3 - 2*mu2 + mu
	a2 =    mu3 -   mu2
	a3 = -2*mu3 + 3*mu2

End Function


Bot Builder2004
Nice set of functions there.

I optimized and made hermite better though:
Function Hermite_Interpolate#(y0#,y1#,y2#,y3#,t#,tension#,bias#)

	t2# = t * t
	t3# = t2 * t
	tb# = (1+bias)*(1-tension)/2

	Return (2*t3-3*t2+1)*y1+(((t3-2*t2+t)*(y1-y0+y2-y1))+(t3-t2)*(y2-y1+y3-y2))*tb#+(3*t2-2*t3)*y2
End Function

Yours didn't return a float, and I optimized it since I need it to run fast.

Seems to me the cosine interpolation is wrong. I was expecting to see something similar to changing the line
Return (Y1 * (1 - MU2) + Y2 * MU2)
Return (Y1 * (1 - MU2) + Y2 * MU)

although that is not right either :) Something with a bit more curve anyway.

Well Ok the function is OK. Maybe the trick is to mix cosine interpolation with linear interpolation.
Y = Cosine_Interpolate(DataPoint(I - 1,1),DataPoint(I,1),MU#)
X = Linear_Interpolate(DataPoint(I - 1,0),DataPoint(I,0),MU#)

Rats. Yes. I just found Vertex's code.

It makes more sense if you change line 79:
Line OX,OY,X,Y
Plot X,Y

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