Code archives/Algorithms/Binary GCD

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Binary GCD by Entity2002
This is a GCD (greatest common divisor) algorithm.
It tells you what the largest number is that evenly divides both given values.
A 'simpler' GCD algorithm exists (the classic Euclidean algorithm), but this version is many, many times faster.

x = GCD( 25, 10 ) ; x = 5
x = GCD( 13, 17 ) ; x = 1
; Binary GCD Algorithm
; Ported from C, original source at:
; This GCD algorithm is considerably faster than the classic Euclidean version
Function gcd( a, b )
	Local t = 0
	If a<=0 Then If a = 0 Then Return b: Else a = -a
	If b<=0 Then If b = 0 Then Return a: Else b = -b

	While( Not( ( a Or b )And 1 ) )
		a = a Shr 1
		b = b Shr 1
		t = t + 1

	While( Not( a And 1 ) ): a = a Shr 1: Wend
	While( Not( b And 1 ) ): b = b Shr 1: Wend
	While a <> b
		If a>b
			a = a - b
			Repeat: a = a Shr 1: Until a And 1
			b = b - a
			Repeat: b = b Shr 1: Until b And 1
	Return a Shl t
End Function



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