Code archives/Algorithms/Cubemap to Spheremap conversion

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Cubemap to Spheremap conversion by Krischan2015
This tool reads a "Cubemap Cross" and converts it to a spheremap (also known as Lat/Lon-Map or Equidistant Rectangular) which can be wrapped around a standard sphere. The conversion is fast but not very optimized, and there is no multisampling, so the cubemap should be larger than the target Lat/Lon map. I needed to code this for my Brushplanet creation algorithm which creates a cubemap for better planet details but I still needed the old 2:1 texture with pinchy poles as a survey map for my game and had to calculate it from the cubemap.

I derived this only from some text I found in the internet: assume the cube is +/- 1 unit around the origin (i.e. 2x2x2 overall size). Once we have the unit vector, we can find the face of the cube it's on by looking at the element with the largest absolute value. For example, if our unit vector was <0.2099, -0.7289, 0.6516>, then the y element has the largest absolute value. It's negative, so the point will be found on the -y face of the cube. Normalize the other two coordinates by dividing by the y magnitude to get the location within that face. So, the point will be at x=0.2879, z=0.8939 on the -y face.

Demo with a ready to use Cubemap: [2.8MB]

EDIT: fixed a horizontal seam issue


Framework brl.glMax2d
Import brl.pixmap
Import brl.PNGloader
Import brl.jpgloader
Import brl.standardio

Local width:Int = 1024
Local Height:Int = width / 2

Graphics width, Height

' load cubemap cross
Local cubemap:TPixmap = LoadPixmap("cubemap1.png")
Local cubesize:Int = cubemap.width / 4

' create output latlon image
Local latlon:TPixmap = CreatePixmap(width, Height, PF_RGB888)

Local ms:Int = MilliSecs()

For Local y:Int = 0 To Height - 1

	For Local x:Int = 0 To width - 1
		If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Then End
		' normalize pixmap to lat/lon angles
		Local lat:Float = Normalize(x, 0, width - 1, 0, -360)
		Local lon:Float = Normalize(y, 0, Height - 1, 0, 180)
		' 3d coordinates
		Local x3d:Float = Cos(lat) * Sin(lon)
		Local y3d:Float = Cos(lon)
		Local z3d:Float = Sin(lat) * Sin(lon)
		' reset help variables
		Local a:Float = 0.0
		Local side:Int = 0
		Local vector:Int = 0

		' which vector is max?
		If Abs(x3d) > a Then a = Abs(x3d) ; vector = 1
		If Abs(y3d) > a Then a = Abs(y3d) ; vector = 2
		If Abs(z3d) > a Then a = Abs(z3d) ; vector = 3
		' check which side to read
		If vector = 1 And x3d > 0 Then side = 0 ' +X
		If vector = 1 And x3d < 0 Then side = 1 ' -X
		If vector = 2 And y3d > 0 Then side = 2 ' +Y
		If vector = 2 And y3d < 0 Then side = 3 ' -Y
		If vector = 3 And z3d > 0 Then side = 4 ' +Z
		If vector = 3 And z3d < 0 Then side = 5 ' -Z
		' normalize and limit coordinates
		Local xx:Int, yy:Int
		Select side
			Case 0
					xx = Normalize(z3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)
					yy = Normalize(y3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)

			Case 1
					xx = Normalize(-z3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)
					yy = Normalize(y3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)

			Case 2
					xx = Normalize(x3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)
					yy = Normalize(z3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)

			Case 3
					xx = Normalize(x3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)
					yy = Normalize(-z3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)

			Case 4
					xx = Normalize(-x3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)
					yy = Normalize(y3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)

			Case 5
					xx = Normalize(x3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)
					yy = Normalize(y3d / a, 1, -1, 0, cubesize - 1, True)
		End Select
		' translate side to cubemap cross position
		Local cx:Int, cy:Int
		If side = 0 Then cx = 0 ; cy = 1		' +X
		If side = 1 Then cx = 2 ; cy = 1		' -X
		If side = 2 Then cx = 1 ; cy = 0		' +Y
		If side = 3 Then cx = 1 ; cy = 2		' -Y
		If side = 4 Then cx = 3 ; cy = 1		' +Z
		If side = 5 Then cx = 1 ; cy = 1		' -Z
		Local px:Int = Wrap(x - (width * 0.75), 0, width)
		' read and write pixel
		WritePixel(latlon, px, y, ReadPixel(cubemap, xx + (cx * cubesize), yy + (cy * cubesize)))

ms = MilliSecs() - ms

SavePixmapPNG(latlon, "latlon.png", 0)

' output
While Not AppTerminate()

	If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Then End
	DrawPixmap(latlon, 0, 0)
	DrawText ms, 0, 0

Function Normalize:Float(value:Float = 128.0, value_min:Float = 0.0, value_max:Float = 255.0, norm_min:Float = 0.0, norm_max:Float = 1.0, limit:Int = False)

	' normalize	
	Local result:Float=((value-value_min)/(value_max-value_min))*(norm_max-norm_min)+norm_min

	' limit
	If Limit Then
		If result > norm_max Then result = norm_max
		If result < norm_min Then result = norm_min
	Return result
End Function

Function Wrap:Float(value:Float, minimum:Float, size:Float)

	If value<minimum Then Return value+size Else If value>minimum+size Then Return value-size Else Return value

End Function


Havent played around with it (very early/on my phone) however is the distortion at the poles noticeable when the object is rendered.

Is this a question Matty?

Because there is only a very, very little distortion at the poles singularity but in general this texture is seamless. I think it is mathematically correct. It is rather a little bit blocky due the missing multisampling, which I don't need in my game.

See it (looking down at the south pole, close and far away):

Yes it was a question. Sorry I was typing on my phone very early.

Looks good. Much less distortion than I'd imagined.

Rick Nasher2015
Fantastic piece of work(as usual).
Where can we see a preview of your game?

Thanks. But not where, when :-D Currently, I've only got a bunch of techdemos and started with a game framework, which is the hardest part like data structures for savegames, media management, ingame resolution switching and stuff like that. This tool here is just a small spinoff of the planet generation algorithm I wanted to share as it solved a 6 year old problem for me: now I can have realistic cubemapped planets and spheremap survey maps of them together calculated very fast (both in less than 1 second).

I'm not quite sure how the planet surface part will look like as I'll have to test some ideas in my blitz laboratories first.

Rick Nasher2015
Good you finally found the solution. Can't wait to see what visual spectacle you'll come up with.

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