Code archives/Algorithms/GetWord() & CountWords()

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GetWord() & CountWords() by misth2013
Get the word from string with index number and separator. Count how many words your input has, split with separator too.

Original CoolBasic version by KilledWhale
; ***************
; ** Functions **

; GetWord$()
;  in$ = Input text where you want your word from
;  pos% = Position, or index number which word you want
;  sep$ = Separator. Can be anything. Input text is split with this. (Default = space)
Function GetWord$(in$, pos%, sep$ = " ")
	Local i%, sepPos%
	Local l% = Len(sep) ; Separators length
	For i = 2 To pos ; Go through every unwanted words
		sepPos = Instr(in, sep) ; Is separator found?
		If sepPos Then ;  Yes, it is.
			in = Mid(in, sepPos + l) ; Remove unwanted text all the way to first separator
	sepPos = Instr(in, sep) ;  Let's see again if we find separator
	If sepPos Then ; If found...
		Return Mid(in, 1, sepPos - 1) ; ...Return text without the next separator
	Else ; If not found...
		Return Mid(in, 1) ; Return the remainder
End Function

; CountWords$()
;  in$ = Input text where you want to count the words from
;  sep$ = Separator. Can be anything. Input text is split with this. (Default = space)
Function CountWords%(in$, sep$ = " ")
	Local count% = 0, sepPos%
		count = count + 1 ; Increase 'count' for how many words we've found
		sepPos = Instr(in, sep, sepPos + 1) ; Any separators?
		If Not sepPos Then ;  Nope.
			Exit ; Ok, let's just go out
	Return count ; Return the word count
End Function

; *************
; ** EXAMPLE **

Local input_$ = "I am a sentence.|You can split me any way you want."
Local i%

; Split our 'input_' with "|" character
Print GetWord(input_, 1, "|")
Print GetWord(input_, 2, "|")
Print " "

; Split our 'input_' by spaces and print every word.
For i=1 To CountWords(input_," ")
	Print GetWord(input_, i, " ")

End ; BYE!

; ****************
; ** THE OUTPUT **

; I am a sentence.
; You can split me any way you want.
; I
; am
; a
; sentence.|You
; can
; split
; me
; any
; way
; you
; want.



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