Code archives/Algorithms/Binary Heaps

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Binary Heaps by pexe2011 V1.0
Matheus Cansian

This LIB provide tools to create Binary Heaps ordered lists. It
can handle more than one simultaneous list and ascending and
descending order.

HOW-TO: Create a list with New(), use one of the sorting
constants to select with each sorting order your list will
operate. Then use the functions Add(), Remove() and Modify(), to
manipulate the data within the list.
If you need a debug tool, you can use Draw() to show all your
list elements.


BinID% = BinaryHeap_New%(BinaryHeap_SORT_BIGGEST) ;Create a new list
BinaryHeap_Add%(BinID,32,"First") ;Add a value
BinaryHeap_Add%(BinID,68,"Second") ;Add a value
BinaryHeap_Add%(BinID,15,"Third") ;Add a value

;Get the biggest value
print BinaryHeap_Remove%(BinID) ;Output: Second
;;;;           V1.0
;;;;                      Matheus Cansian
;;;; This LIB provide tools to create Binary Heaps ordered lists. It
;;;; can handle more than one simultaneous list and ascending and 
;;;; descending order.
;;;; HOW-TO: Create a list with New(), use one of the sorting 
;;;; constants to select with each sorting order your list will 
;;;; operate. Then use the functions Add(), Remove() and Modify(), to
;;;; manipulate the data within the list.
;;;; If you need a debug tool, you can use Draw() to show all your 
;;;; list elements.

Const BinaryHeap_MaxElements% = 1000   ;Max of elements each list can store
Const BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous% = 5  ;Max simultaneous list you can have

;Note: Memory storage is calculated by multiplying MaxElements with MaxSimoultaneous.
;      eg: MaxElements = 1000 and MaxSimultaneous = 5
;          1000 * 5 = 5000 bytes or approx. 5 KB 

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; LIB ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;;;;;;;;;;; Probably there's nothing you need to change down there! ;;;;;;;;;;;;

Const BinaryHeap_Version$ = "1.0"
Const BinaryHeap_SORT_SMALLEST = 1
Const BinaryHeap_SORT_BIGGEST  = 2

Dim BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%) ;What kind of sorting method?
Dim BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%) ;Count the number of elements
Dim BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%, BinaryHeap_MaxElements%)
Dim BinaryHeap_Data% (BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%, BinaryHeap_MaxElements%)

;;; <summary>Create a list ordered list</summary>
;;; <param name="SortMethod">How the list will be sorted? Use the constants above</param>
;;; <remarks></remarks>
;;; <returns></returns>
;;; <subsystem></subsystem>
;;; <example></example>
Function BinaryHeap_New%(SortMethod%)
	For Cont% = 1 To BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%
		If BinaryHeap_Sort%(Cont%) = 0 Then
			BinaryHeap_Sort%(Cont%) = SortMethod%
			Return Cont%
			DebugLog Cont
	Return 0
End Function

;;; <summary>Delete a binary heap thread</summary>
;;; <param name="BinaryHeapThread">BinaryHeap Thread ID</param>
;;; <remarks></remarks>
;;; <returns>1 if the thread was deleted, 0 if the thread dont exists</returns>
;;; <subsystem></subsystem>
;;; <example></example>
Function BinaryHeap_Delete%(BinaryHeapThread%)
	If (BinaryHeapThread% <= 0) Or (BinaryHeapThread% > BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%) Then Return 0
	If BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeapThread%) = 0 Then Return 0
	;Clear Sort and Elements variables
	BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeapThread%) = 0
	BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%) = 0
	;Clear Value and Data variables
	For Cont% = 1 To BinaryHeap_MaxElements%
		BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, Cont%) = 0
		BinaryHeap_Data% (BinaryHeapThread%, Cont%) = 0
	Return 1
End Function

Function BinaryHeap_Add%(BinaryHeapThread%, Value%, HeapData%)
	;Check HeapThread
	If (BinaryHeapThread% <= 0) Or (BinaryHeapThread% > BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%) Then Return 0
	If BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeapThread%) = 0 Then Return 0 ;Thread dont exists
	;Check if max elements reached
	If BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%) >= BinaryHeap_MaxElements% Then Return 0 ;Max elements reached
	;Add Elements counter
	BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%) = BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%) + 1
	;Get the last element position
	Local MyElement% = BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%)
	;Add element to the end of the list
	BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, MyElement)  = Value%
	BinaryHeap_Data%(BinaryHeapThread%, MyElement)   = HeapData%
	;Get sorting method
	Local Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeapThread%)
	Local MyValue%, ParentValue%, ParentElement%
		;Get parent position
		ParentElement% = Floor(MyElement%/2)
		If ParentElement% <= 0 Then Exit
		;Get elements values
		MyValue% = BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, MyElement)
		ParentValue% = BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, ParentElement)
		;Compare data
		If (MyValue% >= ParentValue% And Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_SORT_SMALLEST) Or (MyValue% <= ParentValue% And Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_SORT_BIGGEST) Then
			;Leave it alone
			;Swap elements
			BinaryHeap_Private_Swap(BinaryHeapThread%, MyElement, ParentElement)
			 ;Get new element position
			 MyElement = ParentElement
	Return 1
End Function

;;; <summary>Get the first heap element</summary>
;;; <param name="BinaryHeapThread"></param>
;;; <remarks></remarks>
;;; <returns></returns>
;;; <subsystem></subsystem>
;;; <example></example>
Function BinaryHeap_Remove%(BinaryHeapThread%)
	;Check HeapThread
	If (BinaryHeapThread% <= 0) Or (BinaryHeapThread% > BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%) Then Return 0
	If BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeapThread%) = 0 Then Return 0 ;Thread dont exists
	;Check if the are elements
	If BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%) <= 0 Then Return 0 ;No elements
	;Decrease Elements counter
	BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%) = BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%) - 1
	;Save first element data
	Local FirstData% = BinaryHeap_Data% (BinaryHeapThread%, 1)
	;Delete first element
	BinaryHeap_Value% (BinaryHeapThread%, 1) = 0
	BinaryHeap_Data%  (BinaryHeapThread%, 1) = 0
	;Swap last element with first
	BinaryHeap_Private_Swap(BinaryHeapThread%, 1, BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%)+1)
	;Get sorting method
	Local Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeapThread%)
	Local MyValue%, Child1Value%, Child2Value%, Child1Active%, Child2Active%, Child1Element%, Child2Element%, MyElement% = 1
		;Get element child
		Child1Element% = Floor(MyElement%*2)
		Child2Element% = Floor(MyElement%*2)+1
		;Get elements value
		MyValue% = BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, MyElement%)
		If (Child1Element%<=BinaryHeap_MaxElements%) Then Child1Value% = BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, Child1Element%):Else:Child1Value% = 0
		If (Child2Element%<=BinaryHeap_MaxElements%) Then Child2Value% = BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, Child2Element%):Else:Child2Value% = 0
		;Get elements status
		If (Child1Element%<=BinaryHeap_MaxElements%) Then Child1Active% = (BinaryHeap_Data%(BinaryHeapThread%, Child1Element%)<>0):Else:Child1Active% = 0
		If (Child2Element%<=BinaryHeap_MaxElements%) Then Child2Active% = (BinaryHeap_Data%(BinaryHeapThread%, Child2Element%)<>0):Else:Child2Active% = 0
		;Compare data
		If (Child1Active% And ((MyValue% >= Child1Value% And Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_SORT_SMALLEST) Or (MyValue% <= Child1Value% And Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_SORT_BIGGEST))) Or (Child2Active% And ((MyValue% >= Child2Value% And Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_SORT_SMALLEST) Or (MyValue% <= Child2Value% And Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_SORT_BIGGEST))) Then
			If Child1Active% And ((Child1Value% <= Child2Value% And Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_SORT_SMALLEST) Or (Child1Value% >= Child2Value% And Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_SORT_BIGGEST))
				;Swap with child 1
				BinaryHeap_Private_Swap(BinaryHeapThread%, MyElement, Child1Element)
				;Get new element position
				MyElement = Child1Element
				;Swap with child 2
				BinaryHeap_Private_Swap(BinaryHeapThread%, MyElement, Child2Element)
				;Get new element position
				MyElement = Child2Element
			;Leave it alone
	Return FirstData%
End Function

;;; <summary>Change an element value</summary>
;;; <param name="BinaryHeapThread"></param>
;;; <param name="Value"></param>
;;; <param name="HeapData"></param>
;;; <param name="NewValue"></param>
;;; <remarks></remarks>
;;; <returns>1 if succeed, 0 if fail</returns>
;;; <subsystem></subsystem>
;;; <example></example>
Function BinaryHeap_Modify%(BinaryHeapThread%, Value%, HeapData%, NewValue%)
	;Check HeapThread
	If (BinaryHeapThread% <= 0) Or (BinaryHeapThread% > BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%) Then Return 0
	If BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeapThread%) = 0 Then Return 0 ;Thread dont exists
	;Store number of elements
	TotalElements% = BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%)
	;Search for the element
	For Cont% = 1 To TotalElements%
		If BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, Cont) = Value% And BinaryHeap_Data%(BinaryHeapThread%, Cont) = HeapData% Then
			MyElement% = Cont%
	;Change element data
	BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, MyElement%) = NewValue%
	;Get sorting method
	Local Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeapThread%)
	Local MyValue%, ParentValue%, ParentElement%
		;Get parent position
		ParentElement% = Floor(MyElement%/2)
		If ParentElement% <= 0 Then Exit
		;Get elements values
		MyValue% = BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, MyElement)
		ParentValue% = BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, ParentElement)
		;Compare data
		If (MyValue% >= ParentValue% And Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_SORT_SMALLEST) Or (MyValue% <= ParentValue% And Sort_Method% = BinaryHeap_SORT_BIGGEST) Then
			;Leave it alone
			;Swap elements
			BinaryHeap_Private_Swap(BinaryHeapThread%, MyElement, ParentElement)
			 ;Get new element position
			 MyElement = ParentElement
	Return 1
End Function

;;; <summary>Draw the BinaryHeaps structure in the screen</summary>
;;; <param name="BinaryHeapThread"></param>
;;; <param name="SkipKey">Keycode to exit, or 0 to exit automatically</param>
;;; <param name="Levels">Number of levels to draw, or 0 to draw all</param>
;;; <remarks></remarks>
;;; <returns>Level drawn or 0 for failure</returns>
;;; <subsystem></subsystem>
;;; <example></example>
Function BinaryHeap_Draw%(BinaryHeapThread%, SkipKey%=0, Levels%=0)
	;Check HeapThread
	If (BinaryHeapThread% <= 0) Or (BinaryHeapThread% > BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%) Then Return 0
	If BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeapThread%) = 0 Then Return 0 ;Thread dont exists

	;Get graphics size
	Local Width% = GraphicsWidth()
	Local Height% = GraphicsHeight()
	;Clear screen
	SetBuffer BackBuffer():ClsColor 200,200,200
	;Get total os elements
	Local MaxElements% = BinaryHeap_Elements%(BinaryHeapThread%)
	;Get number of levels
	Local Elements% = 0, MaxLevels%
		Elements% = Elements% * 2
		Elements% = Elements% + 1
		MaxLevels% = MaxLevels% + 1
		If Elements% >= MaxElements% Then Exit
	If Levels% =  0 Then Levels% = MaxLevels%
	If MaxElements% <=  1 Then Levels% = 2
	Local FirstPosition%, LevelSpacing%, LevelElements%, LevelSpacingSteps%, LastLevelSize%
	Local OffsetX%, OffsetY%, Value%, HeapActive%
		;Get input keys
		If KeyDown(200) Then OffsetY = OffsetY + 10
		If KeyDown(208) Then OffsetY = OffsetY - 10
		If KeyDown(205) Then OffsetX = OffsetX - 10
		If KeyDown(203) Then OffsetX = OffsetX + 10
		If KeyHit(201) And Levels% < MaxLevels% Then Levels% = Levels% + 1
		If KeyHit(209) And Levels% > 1 Then Levels% = Levels% - 1
		;Draw header
		Color 0,0,0
		Text OffsetX+Width%/2, OffsetY+5,"Exploring BinaryHeap: "+BinaryHeapThread%+" | TotalElements: "+MaxElements%,1,0
		Text OffsetX+Width%/2, OffsetY+25,"Use PAGEUP/DOWN to change the number of levels and keyboard arrows to move",1,0
		;Draw Elements
		LastLevelSize% = ((2^Levels%)/2)*StringWidth(" 100 ")*2
		For Level% = 1 To Levels%
			FirstPosition% = 2^(Level%-1)
			LevelSpacing% = LastLevelSize% / 2^Level%
			LevelElements% = (2^Level%)/2
			LevelSpacingSteps% = -(LevelElements%-1)
			For Pos% = 0 To LevelElements%-1			
				;Check if maximum reached
				If FirstPosition%+Pos% > BinaryHeap_MaxElements% Then Exit
				;Get element value and data%
				Value% = BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, FirstPosition%+Pos%)
				HeapActive% = (BinaryHeap_Data%(BinaryHeapThread%, FirstPosition%+Pos%)<>0)
				;Draw child lines
				If Level% < Levels%
					Color 180,180,180
					;These lines are a total mess!!
					Line OffsetX+(Width%/2)+LevelSpacing%*(LevelSpacingSteps%+2*Pos%), OffsetY+Level%*20+40, OffsetX+(Width%/2)+(LastLevelSize% / 2^(Level%+1))*((-((2^(Level%+1))/2-1))+2*Pos%*2), OffsetY+(Level%+1)*20+40
					Line OffsetX+(Width%/2)+LevelSpacing%*(LevelSpacingSteps%+2*Pos%), OffsetY+Level%*20+40, OffsetX+(Width%/2)+(LastLevelSize% / 2^(Level%+1))*((-((2^(Level%+1))/2-1))+2*((Pos%*2)+1)), OffsetY+(Level%+1)*20+40
				;Draw element value
				If HeapActive% <> 0 Then Color 0,0,0:Else:Color 230,100,100
				Text OffsetX+(Width%/2)+LevelSpacing%*(LevelSpacingSteps%+2*Pos%), OffsetY+Level%*20+40,Value%,1,1
	Until (KeyHit(SkipKey)) Or SkipKey%=0
	Return Levels%
End Function

;;; <summary>Swap two elements</summary>
;;; <param name="BinaryHeapThread">BinaryHeap thread ID</param>
;;; <param name="Position1">Position of the first element</param>
;;; <param name="Position2">Position of the second element</param>
;;; <remarks></remarks>
;;; <returns>1 for successful 0 for failure</returns>
;;; <subsystem></subsystem>
;;; <example></example>
Function BinaryHeap_Private_Swap(BinaryHeapThread%, Position1%, Position2%)
	;Check HeapThread
	If (BinaryHeapThread% <= 0) Or (BinaryHeapThread% > BinaryHeap_MaxSimultaneous%) Then Return 0
	If BinaryHeap_Sort%(BinaryHeapThread%) = 0 Then Return 0 ;Thread dont exists

	;Store temp variables
	Local TempValue%  = BinaryHeap_Value% (BinaryHeapThread%, Position1%)
	Local TempData%   = BinaryHeap_Data%  (BinaryHeapThread%, Position1%)
	;Change first
	BinaryHeap_Value% (BinaryHeapThread%, Position1%) = BinaryHeap_Value% (BinaryHeapThread%, Position2%)
	BinaryHeap_Data%  (BinaryHeapThread%, Position1%) = BinaryHeap_Data%  (BinaryHeapThread%, Position2%)
	BinaryHeap_Value%(BinaryHeapThread%, Position2%) = TempValue%
	BinaryHeap_Data% (BinaryHeapThread%, Position2%) = TempData%
	Return 1
End Function



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