Code archives/Algorithms/Lambda Calculus

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Lambda Calculus by Yasha2011
Lambda calculus "is a formal system for function definition, function application and recursion" (Wikipedia).

This little parser/evaluator (hopefully) allows you to define programs in strings, using a fairly simple notation, and then evaluate them for a result. The interpreter is completely untyped, and uses a form of memoised lazy evaluation (so no expression is evaluated until it's actually needed, as opposed to languages like Blitz, where all arguments to a function are always evaluated before the function is applied).

The syntax is pretty straightforward: \ (backslash) stands in for the lambda character. Function parameters can have multi-character names, so if you want to define a function with more than one parameter (really, nested one-parameter functions, as is correct), the names must be separated by spaces. Within a body expression, parentheses group values into subexpressions. The parameters are separated from the body of a function definition by a dot.

For the sake of readability, there are also a couple of syntactic extensions:

- strings (or block literals) can be defined within nested braces: {foo} . I haven't done anything with this but it provides a simple way to define structured data in literal form.
- numbers, or at least any character sequence starting with a number, are interpreted as value literals. Because this lambda calculus is completely untyped, values are stored in long, double and string formats within Value objects (how you use these is up to you).
- applying a value to an argument ignores the argument and returns the value, as if using the function \x.K . Is this correct? I don't know but it certainly simplifies things, and removes an area where otherwise type could have inadvertently appeared. (EDIT: That is to say, values are treated as functions that discard their argument and return a constant, so the expression (1 2) returns 1 and ignores the 2)
- local variables can be defined using let-syntax, to make expressions a bit cleaner. A let definition is strictly equivalent to wrapping the expression in a lambda and applying it, but much easier to read. Let-syntax has two forms: you can either make a "let" definition a closed subexpression at the start of the expression where you want the binding to apply, or you can use "in" after the definition to make it slightly clearer.
- newline ends an expression at the outermost scope, but has no effect within parentheses. Thus "let" definitions in the outermost scope can have their own lines, which looks nice.
- anything between a semicolon and a newline is a comment.

Here's an example program written three different ways to demonstrate the different let-syntaxes:
let t=\x y.x    ;let as separate statements
let f=\x y.y
let not=\p.p f t
not f

(let t=\x y.x) (let f=\x y.y) (let not=\p.p f t) not f   ;Identical but on one line

let t=\x y.x in let f=\x y.y in let not=\p.p f t in not f   ;using "in" to end a definition

;... all three are converted to this after parsing:
(\t.(\f.(\not.not f) \p.p f t) \x y.y) \x y.x

You can mix and match these and they should have pretty much the same effect (adding or removing parentheses might change the structure very slightly, of course).

Note that 1) let definitions are not recursive and can only refer to those that came before, not themselves or later definitions; and 2) "let" statements may not appear in any expression, including the outermost scope, after any kind of value expression.

Finally, it's also possible to define built-in functions, using the mechanism at the bottom of the file, which can make some things a lot easier - although it's possible to define basic logic and the natural numbers and so on in terms of the lambda calculus (some examples given), it's not very easy to read or efficient. Built-in functions also provide the ability to do I/O, and in the case of the "do" expression, execute command lists like in an imperative (Blitz) programming language. Builtin functions can be eager or lazy, but must have a particular signature.

Several tiny example programs are listed, but they're kinda hard to read on one line using escaped ~n, so here's one to illustrate syntax ("prog.txt"):
let Y = \G.(\g.G(g g))(\g.G(g g))    ; Y combinator (allow recursion)

; Fibonacci function and simple printing wrapper
let fib = \f.\n i a b.if (eq? i n) a (f n (+ i 1) (+ a b) a)
let showfib = \n.print (Y fib n 1 1 0)

; Reverse loop function - repeat f(n) while decrementing n
let loop = \l.\n f.if (eq? n 1) (f n) (do (l (- n 1) f) (f n))

; Print the first ten Fibonacci numbers
Y loop 10 showfib

Within an expression, operators and functions are always written prefix (like in Lisp, which was inspired by this). Pretty much anything can be a variable name, as long as it's not "let", "in", "\", "=" or ".", which are special syntax. Variable names are case-sensitive.

Apologies for the incredible mess that is the code, but in my defence this is my first BlitzMax program (I just wrote it to take a break from boring stuff, nothing practical).
'Lazy Lambda Calculus Interpreter

Framework brl.StandardIO
Import brl.Retro


Local code:String = LoadText("prog.txt")		'Your code here

'	Working example programs, increasing complexity:
'"let y = 7 ~n let x = 8 in x y"
'"(\x.(\y.x y))5 7"
'"if (- 1 1) (* 2 3) (- 9 2)"
'"do (print 1) (print 2) (print 3)"
'"(\f.f(f 9))((\x.x)(\x.x))"
'"let true = \x y.x in let false = \x y.y in true (false 6(true 1 3)) 8"
'"let true = \x y.x~nlet false = \x y.y~nlet if = \p a b.p a b~nif false (false 1 2) (true 3 4)"
'"let true = \x y.x~nlet false = \x y.y~nlet and = \p q.p q p~nand true false"
'"let t=\x y.x~nlet f=\x y.y~nlet not=\p.p f t~nnot f"
'"let t=\x y.x~nlet f=\x y.y~nlet or=\p q.p p q~nlet and=\p q.p q p~nor (and t f) (and t t)"
'"let t=\x y.x~nlet f=\x y.y~nlet if=\p a b.p a b~nlet not=\p.p f t~n(\p.if p (f p (not p)) p) t"
'"let t=\x y.x~nlet f=\x y.y~nlet zero=\f x.x~nlet succ=\n f x.f(n f x)~nlet is0=\n.n(\x.f)t~nis0 (succ zero)"
'"let t=\x y.x~nlet f=\x y.y~nlet if=\p a b.p a b~nlet not=\p.p f t~nlet Y = \G.(\g.G(g g))(\g.G(g g))~nY (\f p.if p (f (not p)) p) t"
'"let Y = \G.(\g.G(g g))(\g.G(g g))~nY (\f p.if p (f (- p 1)) p) 2"
'"let Y = \G.(\g.G(g g))(\g.G(g g))~nlet F = \f.\n. if(eq? n 0) 1 (* n (f(- n 1)))~nY F 10"

Print code + "~n"

Local e:Expression = Parse(code, Print, GlobalEnv())
If e <> Null
	PrintParseTree e
	Print "~nResult:"
	Print Evaluate(e, DebugLog).ToString()

Print "~n...done!"

Function Parse:Expression(code:String, errFunc(e:String), gEnv:Variable)		'Parse an input string into a tree
	Local e:Expression = Null
		Local s:Source, t:Expression, defs:TList = New TList
		code = Trim(code)
		If code.Length
			s = Source.Make(code)	'Appends one ~n, to ensure we can end easily
			e = Expression.Make(gEnv, False)
			While s.c < s.code.Length
				t = ParseExpression(s, "~n", gEnv, False)	'Note gEnv - updates if vars are defined
				If t <> Null	'Ignore null expressions... they're just blank lines
					If t.isDef
						If e.body.Count() Then LambdaError.Error "Cannot define variable after expression has begun", s.getLine()
						defs.AddFirst(t) ; gEnv = t.env		'Shuffle the environments back round
						e.AddTerm(t)	'Add as expression term
					End If
			If e.body.Count() = 0 Then LambdaError.Error "No expression to evaluate!"
			For t = EachIn defs		'If any local variables were defined, wrap the expression in their lambda forms
				e.env = t.env ; t.env = t.env.env		'We know that e isn't a lambda, here
				t.body.AddFirst(e) ; e.ttype = Term.isLAM ; e = t
	Catch err:LambdaError
		If err.line
			errFunc "Error on line " + err.line + ": " + err.MSG
			errFunc "Error: " + err.MSG
		e = Null
	End Try
	Return e
	Function ParseExpression:Expression(s:Source, terminator:String, env:Variable, isDef:Int)
		Local e:Expression, c:String, braceLevel:Int = 0, token:String = "", defs:TList = New TList, d:Expression
		e = Expression.Make(env, isDef)
		While s.c < s.code.Length
			c = s.getChr()
			If braceLevel = 0
				Select c
					Case ";"	'Comment
						While s.c < s.code.Length
							c = s.getChr() ; If c = "~n" Then s.c:-1; Exit	'Backup, the newline might be important
					Case terminator
						If token.Length Then e.AddToken(token, s.getLine()) ; token = ""	'Don't forget a token if there was no separator
						If e.body.Count() = 0
							If terminator = "~n" Then Return Null Else LambdaError.Error "Expression must have content", s.getLine()
					Case ")"	'If terminator wasn't )
						LambdaError.Error "Mismatched parentheses", s.getLine()
					Case "="
						LambdaError.Error "Unexpected character: ~q=~q", s.getLine()
					Case "{"
						If token.Length Then e.AddToken(token, s.getLine()) ; token = ""
						braceLevel = 1
					Case "}"
						LambdaError.Error "Mismatched braces", s.getLine()
					Case "("
						If token.Length Then e.AddToken(token, s.getLine()) ; token = ""
						d = ParseExpression(s, ")", e.env, False)		'e.env not env
						If d.isDef
							If e.body.Count() Then LambdaError.Error "Cannot define local variable after expression has begun", s.getLine()
							defs.AddFirst(d) ; e.env = d.env	'Shuffle the environments back round
							e.AddTerm(d)	'Add as expression term
						End If
					Case "\"
						If token.Length Then e.AddToken(token, s.getLine()) ; token = ""
						If e.body.Count()
							e.AddTerm ParseLambda(s, terminator, e.env, isDef)	'e.env not env
							e = ParseLambda(s, terminator, env, isDef)		'Simplify...
						Exit	'The expression has to end with the end of the lambda - lambda body already ate the terminator
						If c[0] > 32			'Build token
						ElseIf token.Length		'Whitespace
							If token = "let"		'Name definition
								If e.body.Count() Then LambdaError.Error "Cannot define variable in middle of expression", s.getLine()
								d = ParseLet(s, terminator, e.env) ; token = ""		'Note: e.env not env
								If d.isDef = 2	'If it's applied to this expression only with "in"
									defs.AddFirst(d) ; e.env = d.env	'Don't exit - doesn't escape
									e = d ; Exit
							ElseIf token = "in"		'End of name definition
								If isDef
									e.isDef = 2	'Mark that we ended on "in"
									If e.body.Count() = 0 Then LambdaError.Error("Empty definition", s.getLine()) Else Exit
									LambdaError.Error "~qin~q without ~qlet~q", s.getLine()
								End If
								e.AddToken(token, s.getLine())	'Unknown term type - check whether it's a value, a variable, or an error
								token = ""
						End If
				End Select
				If c = "{" Then braceLevel:+1 Else If c = "}" Then bracelevel:-1
				If braceLevel
					token:+c		'Don't add the final } if it reached zero
					e.AddTerm(Value.Make(token))', e.env))
					token = ""
		If s.c >= s.code.Length		'Reached the end of input?
			If braceLevel Then LambdaError.Error "Mismatched braces: did not close", s.getLine()
			If terminator[0] > 32 Then LambdaError.Error "Incomplete expression: expecting ~q" + terminator + "~q to close", s.getLine()
		For d = EachIn defs		'If any local variables were defined, wrap the expression in their lambda forms
			If e.ttype = Term.isEXP Then e.env = d.env Else e.env.env = d.env		'Lambdas need special treatment
			d.env = d.env.env
			d.body.AddFirst(e) ; d.isDef = e.isDef
			e.ttype = Term.isLAM ; e = d
		Return e
	End Function
	Function ParseLambda:Expression(s:Source, terminator:String, env:Variable, isDef:Int)
		Local token:String = "", c:String
		While s.c < s.code.Length
			c = s.getChr()
			Select c
				Case ";"	'Comment
					While s.c < s.code.Length
						c = s.getChr() ; If c = "~n" Then s.c:-1; Exit	'Backup, the newline might be important
				Case "(", ")", terminator, "{", "}", "\", "="		'Note that newline is OK if parenthesised
					LambdaError.Error "Expecting parameter name; found control character ~q" + c + "~q", s.getLine()
				Case "."
					If token.Length
						LambdaError.Error "Expecting parameter name; found control character ~q" + c + "~q", s.getLine()
					If c[0] > 32			'Build token
					ElseIf token.Length		'Whitespace
					End If
			End Select
		Local l:Expression = Expression.Make(Variable.Make(token, env), isDef) ; l.ttype = Term.isLAM
		If c <> "."		'If we haven't had the start character yet, skip whitespace
			While s.c < s.code.Length
				c = s.getChr()
				If c[0] > 32
					If c[0] <> 46 Then s.c:-1		'Backup if not dot - the next character is probably important
		If s.c = s.code.Length Then LambdaError.Error "Body of lambda abstraction not found!", s.getLine()
		Local b:Expression
		If c = "."
			b = ParseExpression(s, terminator, l.env, isDef)
			If b.env = l.env		'Only store the whole thing if it's a full lambda
				l.body = b.body ; l.isDef = b.isDef
		Else		'Listing two or more parameters is literally read the same way as nesting the lambdas
			b = ParseLambda(s, terminator, l.env, isDef)
			l.isDef = b.isDef ; l.body.AddFirst b		'Push the lambda as only term
		If l.body = Null Then LambdaError.Error "Expecting body for lambda abstraction", s.getLine()
		Return l
	End Function
	Function ParseLet:Expression(s:Source, terminator:String, env:Variable)
		Local token:String = "", c:String
		While s.c < s.code.Length
			c = s.getChr()
			Select c
				Case ";"	'Comment
					While s.c < s.code.Length
						c = s.getChr() ; If c = "~n" Then s.c:-1; Exit	'Backup, the newline might be important
				Case "(", ")", terminator, "{", "}", "\", "."
					LambdaError.Error "Expecting parameter name; found control character ~q" + c + "~q", s.getLine()
				Case "="
					If token.Length
						LambdaError.Error "Expecting parameter name; found control character ~q" + c + "~q", s.getLine()
					If c[0] > 32			'Build token
					ElseIf token.Length		'Whitespace
					End If
			End Select
		Local n:Variable = Variable.Make(token, env)
		If c <> "="		'If we haven't had the definition character yet, skip whitespace
			While s.c < s.code.Length
				c = s.getChr()
				If c = "=" Then Exit
		If s.c = s.code.Length Then LambdaError.Error "Expecting definition for variable ~q" + token + "~q", s.getLine()
		Local d:Expression = ParseExpression(s, terminator, env, True)	'The var definition - note its env is not v
		If d = Null Then LambdaError.Error "Expecting definition for ~qlet " + + "~q = ..."
'		If isREPL Then n.def = d	'This isn't circular if done right
		Local l:Expression = Expression.Make(n, d.isDef)
		If d.ttype = Term.isEXP And d.body.Count() = 1 Then l.body.AddFirst(d.body.First()) Else l.body.AddFirst(d)
		Return l
	End Function
End Function

Function PrintParseTree(t:Term, indent:Int = 0, nlev:Int = 0)	'Print a parsed expression tree to output
	Local elem:Term
	Select True
		Case Term.isBIN = t.ttype		'Comes before isVAL and isLAM as it has those flags too
			rPrint Builtin(t).name, indent
		Case (Term.isEXP & t.ttype) > 0		'Note that lambdas also have isVal set, so this comes first
			rPrint t.ttype + ": expr " + Expression(t).id + " (level " + nlev + ", " + Expression(t).env.ToString() + "):", indent
			For elem = EachIn Expression(t).body
				PrintParseTree elem, indent + 4, nlev + 1
			rPrint "(~~expr " + Expression(t).id + " level " + nlev + ")", indent
		Case (Term.isVAL & t.ttype) > 0
			rPrint Value(t).sval, indent
		Case (Term.isVAR & t.ttype) > 0
			rPrint Variable(t).name, indent
	End Select
	Function rPrint(txt:String, indent:Int)
		Print RSet("", indent) + txt
	End Function
End Function

Function Evaluate:Term(t:Term, errFunc(e:String))	'Evaluate a parsed expression tree (non-recursive)
		Local eStack:TList = New TList ; eStack.AddFirst(t)		'Use a secondary stack (prevent overflow of call stack)
		While (Term(eStack.Last()).ttype & Term.isVAL) = False	'While the bottom of the stack is a var or expression
			Local e:Expression
			t = Term(eStack.RemoveFirst())	'Pop stack
			If t.ttype & Term.isVAL		'Unapplied lambdas and literal values
				e = Expression(eStack.First())
				If e = Null Or e.ttype <> Term.isEXP Then LambdaError.Error "Unexpected error - missing expression"
			Else		'Expressions
				e = Expression(t) ; If e.mutable = False Then e = e.Copy()	'This one might not fire often
				Local fst:Term = Term(e.body.First()), snd:Term
				If fst = Null Then LambdaError.Error "Unexpected error - empty expression"
				Select fst.ttype
					Case Term.isVAL
						eStack.AddFirst(fst)	'If it's a pure value, just return it
					Case Term.isVAR
						LambdaError.Error "Unexpected error - unsubstituted variable ~q" + fst.ToString() + "~q"
					Case Term.isEXP				'Still arguments to apply?
						If e.body.FirstLink() <> e.body.LastLink() Then e.body.RemoveFirst() ; eStack.AddFirst(e)
					Case Term.isLAM
						Local l:Expression = Expression(fst)
						If e.body.FirstLink() = e.body.LastLink()	'No arguments, so just return the lambda
							If l.mutable = False Then l = l.Copy()
						Else	'Apply the lambda to the argument
							e.body.RemoveFirst() ; snd = Term(e.body.RemoveFirst())
							l = l.Apply(snd)	'Application always creates a copy of the function being applied
							If e.body.First() <> Null		'If there are any other arguments in this expression
								eStack.AddFirst(e)	'Put the expression back
						End If
					Case Term.isBIN
						Local b:Builtin = Builtin(fst)
						If e.body.FirstLink() = e.body.LastLink()	'No arguments, so just return the value
						Else	'Apply the function to the argument
							e.body.RemoveFirst() ; snd = Term(e.body.RemoveFirst())
							snd = b.Apply(snd)	'Store result in snd, which may be a curried copy of itself
							If e.body.First() <> Null		'If there are any other arguments in this expression
								eStack.AddFirst(e)	'Put the expression back
						End If
				End Select
		Return Term(eStack.RemoveLast())	'Eventual expression value
	Catch err:LambdaError
		If errFunc <> Null Then errFunc "Error: " + err.MSG Else Throw err
	End Try
End Function

Type Source
	Field code:String
	Field multiLine:Int
	Field c:Int
	Function Make:Source(code:String)
		Local s:Source = New Source
		s.c = 0; s.multiLine = code.Contains("~n")	'Don't give line numbers for a single-line expression
		s.code = code + "~n"
		Return s
	End Function
	Method getChr:String()
		Return Chr(code[c - 1])
	End Method
	Method getLine:Int()	'Get the line number of the current character
		Local i:Int, l:Int = 1	'Start on line 1
		For i = 0 To c - 1
			If code[i] = 10 Then l:+1	'Count the newline characters before c
		Return l * multiLine
	End Method
End Type

Type Term Abstract
	Const isVAL:Int = 1, isVAR:Int = 2, isEXP:Int = 4, isLAM:Int = 1 + 4, isBIN:Int = 1 + 4 + 8
	Field ttype:Int
	Field env:Variable		'Argument, or evaluation context (depending on code)
End Type

Type Value Extends Term
	Field sval:String, lval:Long, dval:Double
	Function Make:Value(token:String)', env:Variable)	'Make a value literal object
		Local v:Value = New Value
		v.ttype = Term.isVAL
		v.sval = token ; v.lval = token.ToLong() ; v.dval = token.ToDouble()
		'v.env = env		'Err... does this still do anything? I forget
		Return v
	End Function
	Method ToString:String()
		Return sval
	End Method
End Type

Type Variable Extends Term
	Global uIDCount:Long
	Field name:String, uniqueID:Long, def:Term
	Method New()
		ttype = Value.isVAR
	End Method
	Function Make:Variable(name:String, env:Variable)
		Local v:Variable = New Variable = name
		v.env = env
		v.uniqueID = uIDCount		'Do we even need this? Don't think so
		uIDCount:+1		'Honestly I can't be bothered to come up with a "more permanent" solution than this
		Return v
	End Function
	Method ToString:String()
		Return "var ~q" + name + "~q[" + String.FromLong(uniqueID) + "]"
	End Method
	Function GetByName:Variable(name:String, env:Variable)
		While env <> Null
			If = name Then Return env
			env = env.env
		Return Null
	End Function
	Function GetByUID:Variable(uID:Long, env:Variable)
		While env <> Null
			If env.uniqueID = uID Then Return env
			env = env.env
		Return Null
	End Function
End Type

Type Expression Extends Term
	Field body:TList		'List of terms that makes up the expression
	Field isDef:Int			'1|2 if this is a var definition (helpful for rearranging things), 2 if it ended on "in"
	Field mutable:Int		'True if this is safe to evaluate in place
	Field inScope:Int		'True if this expression is in its original location and can have substitutions made
	Field id:Int		'Debug purposes only - provides a recognisable ID, as all functions are nameless
	Global uniquerefid:Int	'Similarly
	Method New()
		ttype = isEXP
		body = New TList
		mutable = False
		inScope = True
	End Method
	Function Make:Expression(env:Variable, isDef:Int)
		Local e:Expression = New Expression
		e.env = env
		e.isDef = isDef
		uniquerefid:+1 ; = uniquerefid		'DEBUG - safe to remove if not desired
		Return e
	End Function
	Method AddToken(t:String, lNo:Int = 0)	'Undetermined token that may be a variable name, a value, or an error
		Local v:Variable = Variable.GetByName(t, env)
		If v = Null
			If t.ToLong() Or t.ToDouble()	'Nonzero number
				AddTerm(Value.Make(t))', env))
			ElseIf t.Contains("0")	'First char is 0, or is $/%/-/. and then 0
				If t[0] = 48 Or ((t[0] = 36 Or t[0] = 37 Or t[0] = 45 Or t[0] = 46) And t[1] = 48)
					AddTerm(Value.Make(t))', env))
					LambdaError.Error "Unrecognised variable name: ~q" + t + "~q", lNo
				LambdaError.Error "Unrecognised variable name: ~q" + t + "~q", lNo
		Else		'Variable, either defined or builtin
			If v.def <> Null And v.def.ttype = Term.isBIN Then AddTerm(v.def) Else AddTerm(v)
		End If
	End Method
	Method AddTerm(t:Term)
	End Method
	Method Copy:Expression()		'Perform a shallow copy of the expression object and term list
		Local c:Expression = New Expression
		c.ttype = ttype ; c.mutable = True ; c.inScope = inScope ; c.isDef = isDef
		c.env = env ; c.body = body.Copy() = id	'Debug line (safe to remove)
		Return c
	End Method
	Method Apply:Expression(arg:Term)		'This is now where substitution happens
		Local l:Expression
		l = Copy()	'l must always be unique at this step or errors could result
		If arg.ttype & Term.isEXP And arg.ttype <> Term.isBIN
			arg = Expression(arg).Copy()	'Make sure it's a copy
			Expression(arg).inScope = False
		l.ttype = Term.isEXP
		l.Subst(l.env, arg)		'Replace all references to l.env with arg within the body and nested expressions
		Return l
	End Method
	Method Subst(v:Variable, t:Term)		'Go through the termlist and replace a variable with an argument
		Local elem:Term, newBody:TList = New TList
		For elem = EachIn body
			If elem.ttype = Term.isVAR
				If Variable(elem).uniqueID = v.uniqueID Then elem = t
			ElseIf elem.ttype & Term.isEXP And elem.ttype <> Term.isBIN
				Local sub:Expression = Expression(elem).Copy()	'Copy every expression term regardless, for safety
				If sub.inScope Then sub.Subst(v, t) ; elem = sub
			newBody.AddLast(elem)	'Building a new list is cleaner than editing the old one in-place
		body = newBody
	End Method
	Method ToString:String()
		If ttype = Term.isLAM Then Return "Lambda " + id + " (" + env.ToString() + ")"	'This is actually enough to ID a lambda
		Return "Expression " + id + " (" + env.ToString() + ")"	'For an expr, not so much, but meh
	End Method
End Type

Type Builtin Extends Term		'Builtin functionality for extra speed or convenience (or IO, side-effects, etc.)
	Field arity:Int, aCount:Int, name:String	'Note that builtin functions may not have optional parameters
	Field applied:Term[], lazy:Int
	Field func:Term(args:Term[])		'The BlitzMax function to call
	Method New()
		ttype = Term.isBIN
		aCount = 0
	End Method
	Function Make:Builtin(func:Term(args:Term[]), arity:Int, name:String = "", lazy:Int = False)
		Local b:Builtin = New Builtin
		b.arity = arity
		b.func = func
		b.applied = New Term[arity] = name		'This is only important for printing the parse tree or similar tasks
		b.lazy = lazy
		Return b
	End Function
	Method Copy:Builtin()
		Local c:Builtin = New Builtin
		c.arity = arity ; c.func = func ; = name
		c.aCount = aCount ; c.lazy = lazy
		c.applied = applied[..]
		Return c
	End Method
	Method Apply:Term(arg:Term)		'Note that this creates a copy every time it's incompletely applied
		If arg.ttype & Term.isEXP Then arg = Expression(arg).Copy()
		If aCount < arity - 1	'Incomplete application
			Local b:Builtin = Copy()
			b.applied[aCount] = arg
			Return b
		Else		'Complete - evaluate instead
			Local args:Term[] = applied[..], i:Int
			args[aCount] = arg
			If lazy = False
				For i = 0 To arity - 1
					args[i] = Evaluate(args[i], Null)
			Return func(args)
	End Method
End Type

Type LambdaError
	Field msg:String
	Field line:Int
	Function Error(msg:String, line:Int = 0)
		Local err:LambdaError = New LambdaError
		err.line = line
		err.msg = msg
		Throw err
	End Function
End Type

Function GlobalEnv:Variable()		'This is the place to add user-defined functions
	Global gEnv:Variable
	If gEnv <> Null Then Return gEnv	'Cache this so we don't rebuild the same list every time
	gEnv = AddBuiltin("*", Multiply, 2, gEnv)		'Names can be pretty much anything - operators are mostly fine
	gEnv = AddBuiltin("-", Subtract, 2, gEnv)
	gEnv = AddBuiltin("eq?", Equality, 2, gEnv)
	gEnv = AddBuiltin("+", lAdd, 2, gEnv)
	gEnv = AddBuiltin("if", lIf, 3, gEnv, True)
	gEnv = AddBuiltin("print", lPrint, 1, gEnv)		'Build a one-way list on gEnv
	gEnv = AddBuiltin("do", lDo, 1, gEnv)
	gEnv = Variable.Make("Global Top Level", gEnv)	'Outermost level
	Return gEnv
	'Use this to add functions - all must have this signature
	Function AddBuiltin:Variable(name:String, func:Term(args:Term[]), arity:Int, env:Variable, lazy:Int = False)
		Local v:Variable = Variable.Make(name, env)
		v.def = Builtin.Make(func, arity, name, lazy)
		Return v
	End Function
	'Some simple ones
	Function Multiply:Term(args:Term[])		'Multiply two integers (for factorial demo)
		Return Value.Make(String.FromLong(Value(args[0]).lval * Value(args[1]).lval))
	End Function
	Function Subtract:Term(args:Term[])		'Difference of two integers (for factorial demo)
		Return Value.Make(String.FromLong(Value(args[0]).lval - Value(args[1]).lval))
	End Function
	Function Equality:Term(args:Term[])		'Compare two integers (for factorial demo)
		Return Value.Make(String.FromLong(Value(args[0]).lval = Value(args[1]).lval))
	End Function
	Function lAdd:Term(args:Term[])			'Sum of two integers (for fibonacci demo)
		Return Value.Make(String.FromLong(Value(args[0]).lval + Value(args[1]).lval))
	End Function
	Function lIf:Term(args:Term[])			'A definition of If that accepts and returns an int like in BlitzMax
		Local pred:Term = Evaluate(args[0], Null)	'Note that If is lazy and therefore evaluates args only now
		If Value(pred).lval
			Return Evaluate(args[1], Null)
			Return Evaluate(args[2], Null)
	End Function
	Function lPrint:Term(args:Term[])		'Print a value to output
		Print Value(args[0]).sval
		Return args[0]	'Just returns itself
	End Function
	Function lDo:Term(args:Term[])		'Execute a a list of expressions imperatively
		Global this:Term
		If this = Null Then this = Builtin.Make(lDo, 1)
		Return this		'Since the argument was already evaluated by Apply, all it has to do is return itself
	End Function		'and it can continue to execute any number of commands
End Function


Very good! I will give this a go later. I'm not totally sure what you mean about applying values to arguments, but if you mean variable substitution then I think you're right.

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