Code archives/Algorithms/Binary Search

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Binary Search by dirkduck2002
A binary search is a faster method of searching a sorted array than directly checking each element for a value. Binary searches simply check the value of the middle element in an array, check if its value is higher or lower than the target
value, then cut the array in half again. The search keeps cutting the "tree" in half, resulting in a very fast search for a value in an array with a large number of elements. Enjoy!

Chris Rowland
Graphics 640,480,16,2 

high=0 ;high element of search
low=0 ;low element of search
middle=0 ;middle value of search
oldmiddle=0 ;used to check if the value couldn't be found
value=0 ;the value to search for
asize=0 ;the size of the array
done=0 ;flag to see if we have finished the search

;gather info
asize=Input("How many elements would you like in the array?: ")

value=Input("What value would you like to search for in the array?: ")

Dim array(asize) ;dim the array to be searched

For i=0 To asize-1
	array(i)=i*(2+i)   ;fill each element with a strange number, change it to whatever you want 
	Print "value of array("+Str$(i)+") is: "+Str$(array(i)) ;list all the values

Print "Searching for "+Str$(value)

	middle=(high - low)/2 + low ;find the middle value
	Print "middle is "+Str$(array(middle))  ;print the value of middle for 'debug' purposes 
 	If(oldmiddle=middle) ;If oldmiddle has equaled middle For more Then 1 loop Then we know that the element couldn't be found
		Print "The value is not stored in any element in this array"
		done=1  ;tell the loop that we are done and to leave

	oldmiddle=middle ;store a value for oldmiddle, used to see if we couldn't find the value
	If(array(middle)=value) Print "found it in element "+Str$(middle) ;found the value 
	If(value<array(middle)) Then high=middle ;if the middle is too high Then reset high to middle 
	If(value>array(middle)) Then low=middle ;or if the middle is too low then reset low to middle 

Until ((array(middle)=value)Or(done=1)) ;loop until the middle value is equal to the value we specified or done is true 




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