Code archives/Algorithms/Path following system

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Path following system by Charrua2010
The hard part of Bezier curves aren't the 3D point them selves. Appart of them, we need 2 more control points, this system precalculates them, so we only have to define at least 3 3d points in space (or as many as you need) and define how many steps we want to do between the current wayPoint to the next. Late with simple commands we can go forward or reverse through the curve. The Next/Previous functions returns a pivot with the interpolated position and orientation, you may get coords and/or orientation from it or use it as parent of the entity you need to move.
This code is self cointained, no media needed and executable, see the Example function at the end.
Global Path_x#, Path_y#, Path_z#

Type tWayPoint

	Field PathId	; with path it belongs
	Field Entity	; a pivot with position and orientation
	Field cp1		; control point1
	Field cp2		; control point2
	Field nSteps	; number of interpolated steps to the next waypoint
	Field CurrStep	; current step interpolated (from 1 to nSteps)
	Field Pitch#, Yaw#, Roll#

End Type

Type tPath

	Field PathId		;id 
	Field pFirst		;handle to the first on this list
	Field pLast			;same for last

	Field WPCount		;quantity of waypoints on this path
	Field CurrentWP		;handlw of the current waypoint, in whic we are
	Field CurrPos		;pivot wiht pos and orientation of the step in the path
						;acrodingly with CurrentStep of the CurrentWP

End Type

;wp functions

Function NextWP.tWayPoint(wp.tWayPoint)
	wpTemp.tWayPoint = After wp
	If wpTemp = Null
		wpTemp = FirstWP()
	Return wpTemp
End Function

Function PrevWP.tWayPoint(wp.tWayPoint)
	wpTemp.tWayPoint = Before wp
	If wpTemp = Null
		wpTemp = LastWP()
	Return wpTemp
End Function

Function FirstWP.tWayPoint()
	Return First tWayPoint
End Function

Function LastWP.tWayPoint()
	Return Last tWayPoint
End Function

Function NewWP.tWayPoint(Path.tPath, x#, y#, z#, nSteps=100, pitch#=0, yaw#=0, roll#=0)

	wp.tWayPoint = New tWayPoint

	wp\PathID = Path\PathID
	Path\WPCount = Path\WPCount+1
	If Path\pFirst=0 Then
		Path\pFirst = Handle(wp)
		Path\CurrentWP = Path\pFirst
		PositionEntity Path\CurrPos,x,y,z
		RotateEntity Path\CurrPos,pitch,yaw,roll
	End If
	Path\pLast = Handle(wp)
	wp\Entity = CreatePivot()
	wp\cp1 = CreatePivot(wp\Entity)
	wp\cp2 = CreatePivot(wp\Entity)
	PositionEntity wp\Entity,x,y,z
	wp\nSteps = nSteps
	wp\CurrStep = 0
	wp\pitch = pitch
	wp\yaw = yaw
	wp\roll = roll
	Return wp

End Function

;path functions

Function PathNextWP.tWayPoint(Path.tPath)
	Local wp.tWayPoint
	If Path\CurrentWP = Path\pLast Then
		Path\CurrentWP = Path\pFirst
		wp = After PathCurrWP(Path)
		Path\CurrentWP = Handle(wp)
	End If
	Return PathCurrWP(Path)
End Function

Function PathPrevWP.tWayPoint(Path.tPath)
	Local wp.tWayPoint
	If Path\CurrentWP = Path\pFirst Then
		Path\CurrentWP = Path\pLast
		wp = Before PathCurrWP(Path)
		Path\CurrentWP = Handle(wp)
	End If
	Return PathCurrWP(Path)
End Function

Function PathFirstWP.tWayPoint(Path.tPath)
	Path\CurrentWP = Path\pFirst
	Return PathCurrWP(Path)
End Function

Function PathLastWP.tWayPoint(Path.tPath)
	Path\CurrentWP = Path\pLast
	Return PathCurrWP(Path)
End Function

Function PathCurrWP.tWayPoint(Path.tPath)
	Return Object.tWayPoint(Path\CurrentWP)
End Function

Function NewPath.tPath()

	Path.tPath = New tPath
	Path\PathId = Handle(Path)
	Path\CurrPos = CreatePivot()
	Return Path
End Function

Function InitPath(Path.tPath, Save=False)

	;precalculates 2 control points for each WayPoint
	;they are needed for the InterpolatePos function based on a Bezier curve
	If Save Then
		CurrentWP = Path\CurrentWP
	End If

	CurrWP.tWayPoint = PathFirstWP(Path)

	For i=1 To Path\WPCount+1
		PrevWP.tWayPoint = PathPrevWP(Path)	;previous	-1
		CurrWP.tWayPoint = PathNextWP(Path)	;actual		 0
		NextWP.tWayPoint = PathNextWP(Path)	;next		+1, so in each loop advance one element

		If save Then
			If Handle(CurrWP)<>Path\CurrentWP Then CurrWP\CurrStep=0
			CurrWP\CurrStep = 0
		End If

		NextAux = CopyEntity(NextWP\Entity)
		PrevAux = CopyEntity(PrevWP\Entity)
		PointEntity CurrWP\Entity,NextAux
		PointEntity PrevAux,NextAux
		RotateEntity CurrWP\cp1, EntityPitch(PrevAux,True), EntityYaw(PrevAux,True), EntityRoll(PrevAux,True),True
		Dist# = D3D(CurrWP\Entity,NextAux)
		PositionEntity CurrWP\cp1,0,0,0
		MoveEntity CurrWP\cp1,0,0,-Dist/3.0
		PositionEntity PrevWp\cp2, EntityX(CurrWP\cp1,True), EntityY(CurrWP\cp1,True), EntityZ(CurrWP\cp1,True), True
		MoveEntity CurrWP\cp1,0,0,2*Dist/3
		FreeEntity NextAux
		FreeEntity PrevAux

	If Save Then
		Path\CurrentWP = CurrentWP
		wp.tWayPoint = PathFirstWP(Path)
		PositionEntity Path\CurrPos, EntityX(wp\Entity,True), EntityY(wp\Entity,True), EntityY(wp\Entity,True)
	End If

End Function

Function InitPaths(Save=True)

	For Path.tPath = Each tPath
End Function

Function PathNextPos(Path.tPath, SignalEnd=False)

	Local CurrWP.tWayPoint, NextWP.tWayPoint
	CurrWP = PathCurrWP(Path)

	If CurrWP\CurrStep=CurrWP\nSteps Then
		CurrWP = PathNextWP(Path)
		If Path\CurrentWP = Path\pFirst Then
			If SignalEnd Then Stop=True
		End If
	End If

	If Not(Stop) Then
		NextWP = PathNextWP(Path)
		CurrWP = PathPrevWP(Path)
		t# = (1.0*(Float(CurrWP\CurrStep))) / (Float(CurrWP\nSteps))
		InterpolatePos( t, CurrWP\Entity, CurrWP\cp1, CurrWP\cp2, NextWP\Entity)
		Pitch# = Interpolate(t,CurrWP\Pitch,NextWP\Pitch)
		Yaw#   = Interpolate(t,CurrWP\Yaw  ,NextWP\Yaw  )
		Roll#  = Interpolate(t,CurrWP\Roll ,NextWP\Roll )
		PositionEntity Path\CurrPos, Path_x, Path_y, Path_z
		RotateEntity Path\CurrPos, Pitch, Yaw, Roll
		CurrWP\CurrStep = CurrWP\CurrStep + 1
		Return Path\CurrPos
		Return -1
	End If

End Function

Function PathCurrPos(Path.tPath)
	Return Path\CurrPos
End Function

Function PathsNextPos(SignalEnd=False)
	For Path.tPath = Each tPath
End Function

Function Interpolate#(t#, v1#, v2#)
	Return v1 + (v2-v1)*t
End Function

Function InterpolatePos( t#, p1, p2, p3, p4)

	x1# = EntityX(p1,True)
	y1# = EntityY(p1,True)
	z1# = EntityZ(p1,True)
	x2# = EntityX(p2,True)
	y2# = EntityY(p2,True)
	z2# = EntityZ(p2,True)

	x3# = EntityX(p3,True)
	y3# = EntityY(p3,True)
	z3# = EntityZ(p3,True)
	x4# = EntityX(p4,True)
	y4# = EntityY(p4,True)
	z4# = EntityZ(p4,True)
	Path_x = x1 * (1-t)^3 + 3 * x2 * (1-t)^2 * t + 3 * x3 * (1-t) * t^2 + x4 * t^3 
	Path_y = y1 * (1-t)^3 + 3 * y2 * (1-t)^2 * t + 3 * y3 * (1-t) * t^2 + y4 * t^3 
	Path_z = z1 * (1-t)^3 + 3 * z2 * (1-t)^2 * t + 3 * z3 * (1-t) * t^2 + z4 * t^3 

End Function

Function PlotPath(camera, Path.tPath)

	SaveCurrent = Path\CurrentWP

	Color 200,200,200
	CurrWP.tWayPoint = PathFirstWP(Path)
	For wp=1 To Path\WPCount
		CurrWP.tWayPoint = PathCurrWP(Path)
		NextWP.tWayPoint = PathNextWP(Path)
		t# = 1.0 / CurrWP\nSteps
		tinc# = t	
		For i=1 To CurrWP\nSteps
			InterpolatePos( t, CurrWP\Entity, CurrWP\cp1, CurrWP\cp2, NextWP\Entity)
			CameraProject( camera, Path_x, Path_y, Path_z)
			If x>0 And x<GraphicsWidth() And y>0 And y<GraphicsHeight()
				WritePixelFast ProjectedX(), ProjectedY(), $FFFFFFFF
			End If
			t = t + tinc


	Path\CurrentWP = SaveCurrent

End Function

Function PlotPaths(Camera)
	For Path.tPath = Each tPath
		PlotPath(Camera, Path)
End Function

Function D3D#(obj1, obj2)
	x# = EntityX(obj1) - EntityX(obj2)
	y# = EntityY(obj1) - EntityY(obj2)
	z# = EntityZ(obj1) - EntityZ(obj2)
	Return Sqr(x*x + y*y + z*z)
End Function

Function Example()
	;	Path following system
	Graphics3D 800,600,0,6
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()
	camera = CreateCamera(pivotcam)
	light = CreateLight(2)
	PositionEntity light,20,10,-10
	LightRange light,50
	PositionEntity camera,0,0,-10
	Viajero = CreateCone()	;viajero : voyager
	RotateMesh Viajero,90,0,0
	EntityColor Viajero,255,255,0
	Temp = CreateCube()
	ScaleEntity Temp,2,.2,.5
	EntityColor Temp,255,0,0
	EntityParent Temp,Viajero
	; Usage
	;Create some paths	: 
	;						Path_N.tPaht = NewPath()
	;Add WayPoints 		:
	;						WP.tWayPoint = NewWP(Path_n.tPath, x#, y#, z#, steps, pitch#, yaw#, roll#)	
	; define at least 3 points: 
	;		x,y,z, pitch, yaw, roll	(position and orientation of the waypoint)
	;		Steps are the number of interpolations the system will do to reach the next WayPoint
	;Initialize the path:
	;					InitPath(Path_n.tPath), or InitPaths() for init all defined path's
	;InitPath precalculate 2 control points for each waypoint defined on the path, they are needed for the InterpolatePos function
	;wich is based on a Bezier curve.
	;To move to the next position: PathNextPos(Path_N), or PathsNextPos() for all
	;this function returns the handle to a pivot that has the newly calculated position and orientation
	;in this demo:
	;Path1 and Path2 are identical: defined by the same waypoints
	;Path3 and Path4 are identical
	;in the demo, i use Path1 and Path2 for the same object. Path2 is one step ahead Path1 so, we know the next position
	;and force the object to point to the next step.
	;Path3 and Path4 has associated diferent objects and one of them is automatically stepped, the other is stepped under
	;user control (pressing the "A" key)
	Restore WayPointDefinition
		Path1.tPath = NewPath()		;create Path1
		EntityParent viajero,Path1\CurrPos
		For nPoint = 1 To 4			;define some waypoints
			Read  x# 
			Read  y# 
			Read  z#
			Read Steps
			Read Pitch#
			Read yaw#
			Read roll
			wp.tWayPoint = NewWP(Path1, x,y,z, steps, pitch, yaw, roll)
			;create a visible cube for each way point
			temp = CreateCube(wp\entity)
			PositionEntity temp,0,0,0
			RotateEntity temp,0,0,0
			ScaleEntity temp,.1,.1,.1
			EntityColor temp,255,255,0
		Path3.tPath = NewPath()		;create Path3 from a diferent set of points
		temp = CreateCube(Path3\CurrPos)
		ScaleEntity temp,.3,.3,.3
		EntityColor temp,0,0,255
		For nPoint = 1 To 4
			Read  x# 
			Read  y# 
			Read  z# 
			Read Pasos
			Read Pitch#
			Read yaw#
			Read roll
			wp.tWayPoint = NewWP(Path3, x,y,z, pasos, pitch, yaw, roll)
			;create a visible cube for each way point
			temp = CreateCube(wp\entity)
			PositionEntity temp,0,0,0
			RotateEntity temp,0,0,0
			ScaleEntity temp,.1,.1,.1
			EntityColor temp,0, 255,255
	Restore WayPointDefinition	;create 2 aditional path from the same set of points
		Path2.tPath = NewPath()
		For nPoint = 1 To 4
			Read  x# 
			Read  y# 
			Read  z# 
			Read Pasos
			Read Pitch#
			Read yaw#
			Read roll
			wp.tWayPoint = NewWP(Path2, x,y,z, pasos, pitch, yaw, roll)
		Path4.tPath = NewPath()
		temp = CreateCube(Path4\CurrPos)
		ScaleEntity temp,.3,.3,.3
		EntityColor temp,0,255,0
		For nPoint = 1 To 4
			Read  x# 
			Read  y# 
			Read  z# 
			Read Pasos
			Read Pitch#
			Read yaw#
			Read roll
			wp.tWayPoint = NewWP(Path4, x,y,z, pasos, pitch, yaw, roll)
	;at this moment, we have 4 paths, Path1 and Path2 are clones of each other and se same for Path3 and Path4
	;Initialize each path
	InitPaths()	;after initialization all paths are on The first waypoint and in the step 0
	Piv1 = PathCurrPos(Path1)	;fist position of Path1
	Piv2 = PathNextPos(Path2)	;second position of Path2
	PointEntity Piv1,Piv2,EntityRoll(piv1)	;point the Voyager to the next step in the path
	ShowPaths = True	;controls the plot of the interpolated steps
		If KeyDown(203) Then TurnEntity pivotCam, 0,+.5,0
		If KeyDown(205) Then TurnEntity pivotCam, 0,-.5,0
		If KeyDown(30)	Then PathNextPos(Path4)	;only stepped if A key is held down
		If KeyHit(57) Then
			ShowPaths = Not(ShowPaths)
		End If
		If ShowPaths Then
		End If
		;the path system not only interpolate position from one way point to the next via a bezier curve
		;plus, it interpolate pitch, yaw and roll from WayPoint form the next lineary.
		;in this demo, i use the Roll interpolated by the system but i prefere to do the voyager to point to the next waypoint.
		Piv1 = PathNextPos(Path1)	;both path are equal but, Path2 is one step ahead of Path1
		Piv2 = PathNextPos(Path2)	;used to force the entity to Point to the next step
		R# = EntityRoll(Piv1)		;the calculated roll is saved and used to stablish the en roll of the object
		PointEntity Piv1,Piv2
		RotateEntity Piv1, EntityPitch(Piv1), EntityYaw(Piv1), R
		;for the boxes, the system use the pitch, yaw and roll interpolated by the system		
		temp = PathNextPos(Path3,True)
		If temp=-1 Then
			DebugLog "end of Path3"
		End If
		Text 10,10,"Space to show/hide paths"
		Text 10,30,"<- -> tu turn camera"
		Text 10,50,"A to step Path4"
		Text 10,70,TrisRendered()
	Until KeyHit(1)

End Function



;Path 1
	Data -3, 0, 0, 100, 0, 0,  0
	Data -1, 2,-5, 150, 0, 0, 50
	Data  1, 1, 0, 100, 0, 0,  0
	Data  3,-2,+4, 100, 0, 0,-30
;Path 2
	Data -3, 0, 4,  50,  60,   0,   0
	Data -1, 3, 5, 100,   0,   0,  60
	Data  1, 1, 6,  50,   0, -50,   0
	Data  3,-3, 2, 100, -20,   0, -60


Oiduts Studios2010
If only Rez could see this. :D

Woa. That is beautiful! You should label this more clearly. You should say in the description that it's 3D and that the interpolation is all spliney. :P I almost missed this wonder!


i'll edit the original post.


Not only is this really clear and understable (even for me!) but it's very neat and seems to be nicely optimised, of course, there'd be much more going on between the steps in a typical game, but pathfinding/following can be a big resource drain so any way to cut it down to size is an advantage :)
Great stuff, Charrua!

This is truly cool Charrua, fantastic stuff, the possibilities are quite something else.

first, thank's for your coments

if you see it deeply, here we have some fundamentals (next/previous, first, last) to manage lists of objects of the same type, something not nativelly implemented on blitz types. And not only aplicable for some path's based in groups of wayponts.
Change Path for List, change waypoint for Object, we can have many "Lists" of the same type of "objects" and step forward/backward on them...


Nice work. Again ;)


Nate the Great2010
nice work, I like the biezers, they cut down on the amound of waypoints to make more cureved paths.

Guy Fawkes2011
i did see this. LMAO

Thanks again! :)

Guy Fawkes2013
Can someone please make the speed variable so that it stays at a constant speed? Thank You very much, and Happy New Year! :)

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