Code archives/Algorithms/Curve#() - Apply a curve to a value based on a minimum and maxiumum and curve amplitude

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Curve#() - Apply a curve to a value based on a minimum and maxiumum and curve amplitude by Streaksy2010
This is kinda hard to explain but there's been many times I've needed this... for smoothly flowing movements etc.

Syntax: Curve#(val#,min#,max#,typ=3,amp#=1)

val# - point beteen minimum and maximum
min# - minimum value (floor) which acts as point A
max# - maximum value (floor) which acts as point B
typ - curve type (1=smooth in, 2=smooth out, 3=smooth both)
amp# - curve amplituted. best left as default (1)

I hope that makes sense...

My second contribution to the code archives. Hope it's useful to someone. The code's kinda rough, as usual.
Graphics 1024,768,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

MoveMouse 300,0
	If KeyHit(2) Then typ=1
	If KeyHit(3) Then typ=2
	If KeyHit(4) Then typ=3
	Color 255,255,255
	Text 0,0,"1-Smooth out"
	Text 0,20,"2-Smooth in"
	Text 0,40,"3-Smooth in and out"
		For x=1 To GraphicsWidth()
		Color 0,0,255
		Plot x,y
		Color 255,0,0
		Plot x,y2
Until KeyHit(1)

;value, value min, value max, curve type (1=smooth out, 2=smooth in, 3=smooth both (default)), curve amplitute
Function Curve#(val#,min#,max#,typ=3,amp#=1)
If amp<>1 Then olval#=val
If typ=<1 Then cos1#=Cos(tween-90):val=cos1*max					;smooth out
If typ=2 Then cos1#=1-Cos((tween)):val=cos1*max					;smooth in
If typ=3 Then cos1#=Cos(tween-90)*Sin(tween):val=cos1*max		;smooth in and out
If amp<>1 Then dif#=olval-val:val#=olval-(dif*amp) ;amplify
Return val+min
End Function


Good code for smooth movement. I'm assuming that in your example you've effectively created a diagram for time (x axis) versus distance moved (y axis). The code works very well. One thing that from what I can see you would have to look out for when using this code is that the amplitude parameter isn't too high. From what I can see in this example, it results in a bounce effect which wouldn't be what people want most of the time. Everything works out smoothly anyway - good job.

thanks serpent. yeh... the amplitude is more intended for values between 0 and 1. I can't think of a reason someone would want higher, but the options there ;D

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