Code archives/Algorithms/Sort Algorithm for positive integers

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Sort Algorithm for positive integers by Matty2009
This is a simple method I often use for sorting lists. I don't know if it has a name, but it is very fast.

To extend it to cater for negative integers you will need to adjust it, perhaps by using a second 'tempbank'.

It will not work for floats but I have an idea on how to extend it to allow them as well.

Comments and improvements are more than welcome.
;Program to demonstrate a sorting method (hopefully) for sorting
;a list of numbers between 0 and 16777215 (24 bit) which are all 4-byte integers
Graphics 800,600,0,2	;Initialise Graphics
SeedRnd 1;MilliSecs()	;Seed Random Number Generator

Const Listcount=1000000	;Set maximum number of elements in list to be sorted -> this can be any number 
Dim List(Listcount) 	;Array to hold our list of unsorted numbers

For i=0 To Listcount	;Set the values for our array to a sequence of random numbers

Delay 1000 				;Give the system time to breathe before beginning..probably not needed

starttime=MilliSecs()	;Initial starting time.

bank=SortList()			;Call our sorting function here and return the sorted list as a bank

totaltime=MilliSecs()-starttime ; Calculate our total time taken here.

Text 0,0,"Time(in milliseconds):"+totaltime	;Display time taken
Flip						;Refresh the screen
WaitKey						;Wait for keypress
If bank<>0 Then FreeBank bank	;Free bank 

Function SortList()
;Sort Function 

bank=CreateBank(4+listcount*4)	;Bank to hold our sorted list // ML19JAN2015 - EDIT - ADDED 4 Bytes...oops! my error - took someone 5 years to find it!

tempbank=CreateBank(4*16777216)	;Temporary bank to hold the count of each list value -> One 4-byte integer element for 16777216 different values.

For i=0 To listcount	;Generate temporary bank data

For i=0 To 16777215		;Populate sorted list based on count of each value stored in 'tempbank'.	
	For j=1 To numcount
		PokeInt bank,offset,i		
FreeBank tempbank		;Free the temporary bank
Return bank				;Return the bank to the main program.
End Function


I get
Runtime Error
Offset Out of Range

Did you change anything? Have you read the instructions? Which line did it fall over on?

Looks like bank is too small by four bytes.

Turn debug on to catch the error.

Yep that's what it was....updated (code marked above as such)

Took someone 5+ years to spot it......

Simple enough error.....

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