Code archives/Algorithms/Coral Snake

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Coral Snake by Jesse2008
this code shows how to create a linklist as a substitue to using Tlist. shows how to traverse backwards and forward in a linklist. It also shows how to use Recursion. Really beginner stuff nothing fancy.
The snake movement is really neat, I think, but its just my opinion (use arrows to move it).
Type TSnake
	Field 	x		:Double
	Field 	y		:Double
	Field	dx		:Double
	Field	dy		:Double
	Field 	speed	:Double
	Field	spacing 	:Double
	Field	angle	:Double
	Field 	r		:Int
	Field 	g		:Int
	Field	b		:Int
	Field 	head		:TSnake
	Field 	tail		:TSnake
	Field 	last		:tsnake
'		a recursive function that links all of the parts together
'		the first time it is called must be called with the "first" 
'		flag set to true.
	Function Create(segment:Tsnake,x:Float,y:Float,parts:Int,first:Int = True)
		If parts = 0 
			segment = Null ' first segemnt must bee created outside with "new TSnake"
						' before calling create function the first time.
		If first = True
			segment = segment
			segment.x = x
			segment.y = y
			segment.dx = 1.0
			segment.dy = 0.0
			segment.speed = 15.0
			segment.spacing = 5.0
			segment.r = Rand(255)
			segment.g = Rand(255)
			segment.b = Rand(255)
		Local s:Tsnake = New Tsnake 'create the next segment 
		'assign values
		s.x = x 				
		s.y = y 
		s.dx = segment.dx
		s.dy = segment.dy
		s.spacing = segment.spacing
		s.speed = segment.speed
		s.r = Rand(255)
		s.g = Rand(255)
		s.b = Rand(255)
		segment.tail = s ' connect the new segment to the tail of previous segment.
		s.head = segment ' connect the previous segment  to the head of new segment.
		Create(s, s.x, s.y,parts-1, False) ' call it self(recurse) until all segments created.
									' False signifies it is not the first time called.
	End Function
	Method move(prev:TSnake) 'calculate new semgnet position.
		Local sx:Double = prev.x - x
		Local sy:Double = prev.y - y
		angle:Double = ATan2(sy,sx)
		Local dist:Double = Sqr(sx*sx+sy*sy)
		If  dist > spacing Then
			x :+Cos(angle)*speed
			y :+Sin(angle)*speed
			speed = prev.speed
			speed = prev.speed
	End Method
	Method update()
		Local n:tsnake = Self
		If last = Null 		' if tail (or last object not found)
			Repeat			' find it
				n = n.tail 	' get next segment(object)
				last = n  	' save it
			Until  n.tail = Null' if found the last segment exit. 
		n = last ' set n to last segment
		Repeat 'traverst through linklist n from last to first
			If n = Self 'if found the first object(head)
				'calculate movement of the head
				n.dx = Cos(n.angle) 
				n.dy = Sin(n.angle)
				'check for collition ugainst the walls
				If (n.x +n.dx*n.speed) < GraphicsWidth() And (n.x +n.dx*n.speed) > 0 
					n.x = n.x + n.dx * n.speed 
				If (n.y +n.dy*n.speed) < GraphicsHeight() And (n.y+n.dy*n.speed) > 0
					n.y = n.y + n.dy * n.speed
				n.move(n.head) 'move previous segment 
			n = n.head 'jump to the previous object(segment)
		Until n = Null ' exit if found head(first object).  n has a null head pointer
	End Method
	Method draw()
		Local n:TSnake = last
			SetColor n.r,n.g,n.b
			DrawOval n.x-10,n.y-10,20,20
			n = n.head
		Until n.head = Null
	End Method
	Method control()
		Local dir:Int = KeyDown(key_Right)-KeyDown(key_left)
		Local spd:Int = KeyHit(key_up)-KeyHit(key_down)
		angle = (angle+dir*10)Mod 360
		speed :+ spd
		If speed > 5 Then speed = 5
		If speed < 0 Then speed = 0 
	End Method

End Type

SetGraphicsDriver GLMax2DDriver()
Graphics 800,600
Local snake:tsnake = New tsnake
SetBlend alphablend

snake.speed = 2
Until KeyDown(key_escape)


TList is a linked list, isn't it?

yes, true but this exposes the pricipal behind it. it also shows how to traverse forward and backwards. which is not possible with Tlist as it is. It can be extended to include it though. I believe direct access is just a bit faster too.

it is possible to traverse a TList, Jesse - try using the TLink methods associated with a TList, i.e.

l:TLink = list.FirstLink()


there is my ignorance! Thanks. Anyway, direct access is faster.

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