Code archives/Algorithms/2D math functions

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2D math functions by Jasu2008
Gathered from the net and translated to Blitz.
Except for function NearestPointInLine, which is my doing.
Global IntersectX#, IntersectY#

Function Intersect%(x1#, y1#, x2#, y2#, x3#, y3#, x4#, y4#)
	; This function returns True if lines x1,y1,x2,y2 and x3,y3,x4,y4 intersect at some point.
	Return (Orientation(x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3) <> Orientation(x1, y1, x2, y2, x4, y4)) And (Orientation(x3, y3, x4, y4, x1, y1) <> Orientation(x3, y3, x4, y4, x2, y2))

End Function

Function Orientation% ( x1#,y1#, x2#,y2#, Px#,Py# )
	; Linear determinant of the 3 points.
	; This function returns the orientation of px,py on line x1,y1,x2,y2.
	; Look from x2,y2 to the direction of x1,y1.
	; If px,py is on the right, function returns +1
	; If px,py is on the left, function returns -1
	; If px,py is directly ahead or behind, function returns 0
	Return Sgn((x2 - x1) * (Py - y1) - (Px - x1) * (y2 - y1))
End Function

Function IntersectPoint ( x1#,y1#, x2#,y2#, x3#,y3#, x4#,y4# )
	;Function returns the X,Y position of the two intersecting lines.
	;IntersectX and IntersectY are global variables of the main program.
	;The lines are infinite, is line1 goes through x1,y1,x2,y2 and line2 goes through x3,y3,x4,y4.
	;For line segments you must check if the lines truly intersect with the function Intersect% before you use this.
	Local dx1# = x2 - x1
	Local dx2# = x4 - x3
	Local dx3# = x1 - x3
	Local dy1# = y2 - y1
	Local dy2# = y1 - y3
	Local dy3# = y4 - y3
	Local R# = dx1 * dy3 - dy1 * dx2
	If R <> 0 Then
		R  = (dy2 * (x4 - x3) - dx3 * dy3) / R
		IntersectX = x1 + R * dx1
		IntersectY = y1 + R * dy1
		If (((x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1) - (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1)) = 0) Then
			IntersectX = x3 
			IntersectY = y3
			IntersectX = x4
			IntersectY = y4
End Function

Function NormalDistance# ( lx1#,ly1#, lx2#,ly2#, x#,y# )
	; This function calculates the lenght of the normal from point to line.
	; The line is infinite, so the points lx1,ly1 and lx2,ly2 only determine that the line passes through them.
	; So the 'line' does not start from lx1,ly1 and end to lx2,ly2.
	; For a line segment, use function DistanceToLineSegment#

	Local dx#=lx2-lx1
	Local dy#=ly2-ly1
	Local d#=Sqr(dx*dx+dy*dy)
	;dist#=(dx*py-px*dy) / d
	Return Abs((dx*(ly1-y)-(lx1-x)*dy) / d)
End Function

Function DistanceToLineSegment# ( x1#,y1#, x2#,y2#, Px#,Py# )
	; This function calculates the distance between a line segment and a point.
	; So this function is useful to determine if line intersects a circle.
	; To also determine the point on the line x1,y1,x2,y2 which is the closest to px,py , use function NearestPointInLine#
	Local Dx#, Dy#, Ratio#
	If (x1 = x2) And (y1 = y2) Then
		Return Sqr( (Px-x1)*(Px-x1)+(Py-y1)*(Py-y1) )
		Dx#    = x2 - x1
		Dy#    = y2 - y1
		Ratio# = ((Px - x1) * Dx + (Py - y1) * Dy) / (Dx * Dx + Dy * Dy)
		If Ratio < 0 Then
			Return Sqr( (Px-x1)*(Px-x1)+(Py-y1)*(Py-y1) )
		ElseIf Ratio > 1 Then
			Return Sqr( (Px-x2)*(Px-x2)+(Py-y2)*(Py-y2) )
			Return Sqr ((Px - ((1 - Ratio) * x1 + Ratio * x2))*(Px - ((1 - Ratio) * x1 + Ratio * x2))+(Py - ((1 - Ratio) * y1 + Ratio * y2))*(Py - ((1 - Ratio) * y1 + Ratio * y2)))
End Function

Function NearestPointInLine# ( lx1#,ly1#, lx2#,ly2#, x#,y# )
	; This function calculates the point between lx1,ly1 and lx2,ly2 which is the nearest to x,y.
	; Result is put in global variables IntersectX,IntersectY
	; Function also returns the distance between x,y and the calculated point.
	Local dx#=lx2-lx1
	Local dy#=ly2-ly1
	;d# = Sqr(dx*dx+dy*dy)
	;ux# = dx/d
	;uy# = dy/d
	Local Ori1% = Orientation(lx1,ly1, (lx1+dy),(ly1-dx), x,y)
	Local Ori2% = Orientation(lx2,ly2, (lx2+dy),(ly2-dx), x,y)
	If (Ori1 = 1 And Ori2 = 1) Or Ori2 = 0 Then
		IntersectX = lx2
		IntersectY = ly2
	ElseIf (Ori1 = -1 And Ori2 = -1) Or Ori1 = 0 Then
		IntersectX = lx1
		IntersectY = ly1
		IntersectPoint( lx1,ly1, lx2,ly2, x,y, x+dy,y-dx )
	Return Sqr((x-IntersectX)*(x-IntersectX)+(y-IntersectY)*(y-IntersectY))
End Function

Function TwoLineDistance#( x1#,y1#, x2#,y2#, x3#,y3#, x4#,y4# )
	; This function returns the distance between two line segments
	Local Dt#
	Local sc#
	Local sN#
	Local sD#
	Local tc#
	Local tN#
	Local tD#
	Local dx#
	Local dy#
	Local ux# = x2 - x1
	Local uy# = y2 - y1
	Local vx# = x4 - x3
	Local vy# = y4 - y3
	Local wx# = x1 - x3
	Local wy# = y1 - y3
	Local a# = (ux * ux + uy * uy)
	Local b# = (ux * vx + uy * vy)
	Local c# = (vx * vx + vy * vy)
	Local d# = (ux * wx + uy * wy)
	Local e# = (vx * wx + vy * wy)
	Dt = a * c - b * b
	sD = Dt
	tD = Dt
	If Abs(Dt)<0.0001 Then
		sN = 0.0
		sD = 1.0
		tN = e
		tD = c
		sN = (b * e - c * d)
		tN = (a * e - b * d)
		If sN < 0.0 Then
			sN = 0.0
			tN = e
			tD = c
		ElseIf sN > sD Then
			sN = sD
			tN = e + b
			tD = c
	If tN < 0.0 Then
		tN = 0.0
		If -d < 0.0 Then
			sN = 0.0
		ElseIf -d > a Then
			sN = sD
			sN = -d
			sD = a
	ElseIf tN > tD Then
		tN = tD
		If (-d + b) < 0.0 Then
			sN = 0
		Else If (-d + b) > a Then
			sN = sD
			sN = (-d + b)
			sD = a
	If Abs(sN) < 0.0001 Then sc = 0.0 Else sc = sN / sD
	If Abs(tN) < 0.0001 Then tc = 0.0 Else tc = tN / tD
	dx = wx + (sc * ux) - (tc * vx)
	dy = wy + (sc * uy) - (tc * vy)
	Return Sqr(dx * dx + dy * dy)
End Function


This looks good.

Shame it is 2D - nobody does 2D anymore.

I think puki means "I'm stealing this" ;)

Nobody does 2D? I hope you're not serious. 3D graphics maybe rule over 2D, but these are not graphic functions. Games with 2D logic aren't going anywhere.

Ross C2009
Thank you very much for this! Works a charm. Much appreciated, for my 3D project!

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