Code archives/Algorithms/Distance between 2 entities in 3D space for collision!

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Distance between 2 entities in 3D space for collision! by SopiSoft2002
This is a very fast 'sort of' collision function!
The function checks if the distance between the two entities provided is smaller or equal to the distance-parameter you provided.

You can use this function as if the 2 entities have collided with each other while they actually didn't.

You can also use it to determine when to execute some sort of action like "making an enemy walk towards you" when you are at a certain distance from the second entity.

Hopefully this is useful to you!

Steve Overmars.
; distance(entity1, entity2, distance#)
; Parameters:
; entity1 - entity1 handle
; entity2 - entity2 handle
; distance# - The distance between entity1 and entity2
; Description:
; Returns True if the distance between entity1 and entity2 is smaller or equals the distance-parameter provided. 

Function distance(entity1,entity2,distance#)
If Sqr#((EntityX#(entity1) - EntityX#(entity2))^2 + (EntityY#(entity1) - EntityY#(entity2))^2 + (EntityZ#(entity1) - EntityZ#(entity2))^2)<= distance#
  Return True
  Return False
End Function


Faster test: (avoid sqr())
(EntityX#(entity1) - EntityX#(entity2))^2 + (EntityY#(entity1) - EntityY#(entity2))^2 + (EntityZ#(entity1) - EntityZ#(entity2))^2<= (distance#)^2

What is wrong with using the built-in EntityDistance() function? It is faster for one thing.

On another note you can speed up both of the above snippets by not using ^2 but multiplying instead:
(EntityX(entity1) - EntityX(entity2))*(EntityX(entity1) - EntityX(entity2)) etc

Or even better:
dx# = EntityX(entity1) - EntityX(entity2)
then... dx*dx

Robert Cummings2005
^2 is a slow operation.

"Beaker" is the daddy.

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