Code archives/Algorithms/Point in Triangle

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Point in Triangle by Rob Farley2007


(x0,y0) is the point you are checking

(x1,y1) (x2,y2) and (x3,y3) are the points of the triangle.

Returns True or False

You only need the function at the bottom, the stuff at the top is simply a demo.
Graphics 640,480,32,2
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

	x1 = Rand(100,540)
	y1 = Rand(100,380)
	x2 = Rand(100,540)
	y2 = Rand(100,380)
	x3 = Rand(100,540)
	y3 = Rand(100,380)
	Color 255,0,0
	For x=0 To 639
	For y=0 To 479
		If intriangle (x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3) Then Plot x,y
	Color 255,255,255
	Line x1,y1,x2,y2
	Line x2,y2,x3,y3
	Line x3,y3,x1,y1

Until KeyHit(1)

Function InTriangle(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)

	b0# =  (x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1) - (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
	b1# = ((x2 - x0) * (y3 - y0) - (x3 - x0) * (y2 - y0)) / b0 
	b2# = ((x3 - x0) * (y1 - y0) - (x1 - x0) * (y3 - y0)) / b0
	b3# = ((x1 - x0) * (y2 - y0) - (x2 - x0) * (y1 - y0)) / b0 
	If b1>0 And b2>0 And b3>0 Then Return True Else Return False

End Function


Here's a small optimization. The function returns True only if several tests succeed. You can return False as soon as one of them fails.

Function InTriangle(x0,y0,x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3)

	b0# =  (x2 - x1) * (y3 - y1) - (x3 - x1) * (y2 - y1)
	b1# = ((x2 - x0) * (y3 - y0) - (x3 - x0) * (y2 - y0)) / b0 
	If b1 <= 0 Then Return False
	b2# = ((x3 - x0) * (y1 - y0) - (x1 - x0) * (y3 - y0)) / b0
	If b2 <= 0 Then Return False

	b3# = ((x1 - x0) * (y2 - y0) - (x2 - x0) * (y1 - y0)) / b0 
	If b3 <= 0 Then Return False
	Return True

End Function

Given that you only care about the sign of b1/b2/b3, couldn't you multiply by b0 instead of dividing? If we're being pedantic about optimization, it might be a teensy bit quicker, and less likely to give NaN.

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