Code archives/Algorithms/timers

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timers by mindstorms2006
Has all the funcitons of blitzplus's timers, except with an underscore so as not to interfere with blitz3d's timers. Use as you wish...
Type timer
	Field milliFrequency#
	Field current
	Field fCurrent#
	Field millis
	Field paused
End Type

Function create_timer.timer(frequency%)
	t.timer = New timer
	t\millifrequency = 1.0/Float(frequency)*1000.0
	t\current = 0
	t\fCurrent = 0.0
	t\millis = MilliSecs()
	t\paused = False
	Return t
End Function

Function update_timers()
cmillis = MilliSecs()
For t.timer = Each timer
	If Not t\paused Then 
		temp# = (cmillis-t\millis)/t\millifrequency
		t\fcurrent = t\fcurrent + temp
		t\current = Floor(t\fcurrent)
		t\millis = cmillis
End Function

Function timer_ticks(t.timer)
	Return t\current
End Function

Function pause_timer(t.timer)
	t\paused = True
End Function

Function resume_timer(t.timer)
	t\paused = False
	t\millis = millisecs()
End Function

Function reset_timer(t.timer)
	t\current = 0
	t\fCurrent = 0.0
	t\millis = MilliSecs()
End Function

Function free_timer(t.timer)
	Delete t
End Function

Function wait_timer(t.timer)
		cmillis = MilliSecs()
		temp# = (cmillis-t\millis)/t\millifrequency
		t\fcurrent = t\fcurrent + temp
		ocurrent = t\current
		t\current = Floor(t\fcurrent)
		t\millis = cmillis
	until t\current > ocurrent
End Function



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