Code archives/Algorithms/Creating circles with a certain amount of corners

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Creating circles with a certain amount of corners by Phoenix2006
This function will create a circle with a variable amount of corners
;Circles with variable corners
;Written 5th January 2006 by Phoenix

Function Circle(x,y,radius,corners)
	If corners = 0 Then Return 0 ;Check so that we don't divide by 0

	For i = 0 To corners
		Line radius*Sin(360/corners*i)+x,radius*Cos(360/corners*i)+y,radius*Sin(360/corners*(i+1))+x,radius*Cos(360/corners*(i+1))+y
End Function


Damien Sturdy2006
oh, you mean a polygon with (x) Sides? Cool :)

For completeness, since you divide by 'corners' .. better have a check on 'corners' being <>0 :P

@Cygnus: Not necessarily a polygon, if you change corners to 32 it becomes a circle.

@CS_TBL: Ok, forgot that.

If it's got any 'corners' at all, it's a polygon. 'polygon' means 'many sided'. A true circle doesn't have sides.

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