Code archives/Algorithms/SoundEx function

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SoundEx function by Perturbatio2005
Function SoundEx:String(val:String, resolution:Int=3)
	Local result:String
	'a bit overboard but what the heck
	Local punctuation:String[] = [" ", ".", ",", "<", ">", ";", ":","~q","'","@","~~"."#"."(",")","{","}","[","]","!","£","$","%","^","&","*"]
	Local FirstReplace:String[] = ["A", "E", "I", "O", "U", "H", "W", "Y"]
	Local ReplaceWithOne:String[] = ["B", "F", "P", "V"]
	Local ReplaceWithTwo:String[] = ["C", "G", "J", "K", "Q", "S", "X", "Z"]
	Local s:String
	Local padding:Int
	val = Trim(val.ToUpper())
	'custom part for english language
	val = val.replace("CHR", "KR") 'CH followed by R in english is always a hard K sound
	val = val.replace("TCH", "CH")
	val = val.replace("CK" , "K")
	val = val.replace("SS", "S")
	val = val.replace("CA", "KA")
	val = val.replace("GH", "H") 'with GH, the G is silent
	'an exception is ghost, could do a check to see if a vowel follows
	val = val.replace("PH" , "F")
	'an exception is in haphazard (only one I can think of)
	For s = EachIn punctuation
		val = val.replace(s, "")
	result = val[0..1]

	For s = EachIn FirstReplace
		val = val.replace(s, "0")

	For s = EachIn ReplaceWithOne
		val = val.replace(s, "1")

	For s = EachIn ReplaceWithTwo
		val = val.replace(s, "2")

	val = val.replace("D", 3)
	val = val.replace("T", 3)
	val = val.replace("L", 4)
	val = val.replace("M", 5)
	val = val.replace("N", 5)
	val = val.replace("R", 6)
	val = val.replace("00", "")
	val = val.replace("11", "")
	val = val.replace("22", "")
	val = val.replace("33", "")
	val = val.replace("44", "")
	val = val.replace("55", "")
	val = val.replace("66", "")
	val = val.replace("0", "")
	padding = resolution - val.length
	If padding > 0 Then 
		For Local i:Int = 0 To padding -1
	Return result+val[..resolution]
End Function

Print SoundEx("Smith")
Print SoundEx("Smyth")
Print SoundEx("Smithe")
Print SoundEx("Smiff")
Print SoundEx("Robertson")
Print SoundEx("Robinson")
Print SoundEx("Davidson")
Print SoundEx("Davison")
Print SoundEx("White")
Print SoundEx("Whyte")
Print SoundEx("Kris Kelly")
Print SoundEx("Chris Kelly")
Print SoundEx("Kriss Kelly")

Print SoundEx("Kelly Robertson")
Print SoundEx("Kayleigh Robinson")

Print SoundEx("Edinburgh")
Print SoundEx("Edinborough") 'bleah!


Sounds useful (I did a search for SoundEx). What version of SoundEx are you using? Is it the original or one of the newer improved ones?

Found this:
Metaphone sounds interesting as well.

Out of interest, what are you using it for? Could be it be used for phonetic animation, or is it purely for database type stuff?

What version of SoundEx are you using? Is it the original or one of the newer improved ones?

I'm using the method exactly as described in that wiki article, but with a few minor additions (CHR -> KR, etc)

Could be it be used for phonetic animation, or is it purely for database type stuff?

I suppose it could be used for either. (Not too sure about how phonetic animation is normally implemented).

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