Code archives/Algorithms/Diminish ()

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Diminish () by BlitzSupport2001
This code brings a value towards zero by the specified amount, regardless of whether it's less than or greater than zero. Simple, but very useful!
Function Diminish# (value#, amount#)
	If Abs (value) <= Abs (amount) Then Return 0
	value = value - (amount * Sgn (value))
	Return value
End Function

; Example...

speed# = -100 ; 100

    speed = Diminish (speed, 0.1)
    Cls: Locate 10, 10: Print speed: Flip
Until speed = 0


Could anyone give an example of how this would be used in a game?

John Blackledge2007
Well, out of eight trials I see that only 3 exited with a value of zero.
The others (despite the last line of code) exit with a value such as -0.02.
Why is that?

It always exits with a zero, but doesn't display properly.

I think the default behavior of front and back buffers changed some time in the last five years. The example really should be writing to the back buffer and flipping.

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