Code archives/Algorithms/Zooming In/Out

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Zooming In/Out by Cruis.In2005
Cool for space games, zoom in out of the action.
All you do is apply +newscale to any setscale command.
For example.

setscale(1.0 + newscale, 1.0 + newscale)
drawimage (image, x,y)

setting 1.0 always ensures the image loads at its normal scale, and only applies newscale based on how much you zoom in or out with the mouse wheel.
1.0 could even by a variable. like DefaultScale.
Default_Scale = 1.0

setscale (default_scale + newscale, default_scale + newscale)

so you could have different variables for different images if you want them loaded bigger or smaller by default.

The zoom has a little catch up, if you scroll the wheel like 5 clicks fast, it zoom as you do that, and continue on a little after you stopped. Makes it smooth and cool

1500@... if any questions.
Graphics 800,600,0

Global newscale:Float

While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
	SetScale(1.0 + newscale,1.0 + newscale)
	'handle cube by the centre
	'call function


Function ZoomCamera()
	Local MaxZoom:Float  =  3.0
	Local minzoom:Float  = -0.8
	Local speed:Float    = 0.03
	Local set_Zoom:Float
	Local zoom			
	'mouse wheel value = to variable zoom
	zoom = MouseZ()
    'so that it doesn't zoom in whole numbers( which wouldn't be smooth)

	set_Zoom = 0.2 * zoom 

	'limit max zoom in		
	If set_Zoom > maxZoom
		Set_Zoom = maxZoom
	End If 
	'zooms to the set zoom value(determined by how much you scroll)		
	If KeyDown(KEY_Z) = 0 And set_Zoom > newScale
		newscale :+ speed 
	End If
	'same as above 	
	If KeyDown(KEY_X) = 0 And set_Zoom < newScale
		newscale :- speed 		
	End If
	'limit zoom out		
	If newscale < minZoom
		newscale = minZoom
	End If
	DrawText("Newscale: "+newscale,100,100)
End Function


sorry this is .bmx i forgot to switch it to .bmx before,...

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