Code archives/Algorithms/Look for duplication

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Look for duplication by Nicstt2005
handles any number of numbers, code has been designed so changing the constants will change the list of numbers searched through

TILES_Pos and TILES_Neg are the two constants added together to give total quantity of numbers to check, could be altered to make 1

mult# - works out the number of iterations through the code to get a clean run

howManyTilesX(0) howManyTilesY(0) are the arrays that store numbers to be checked for duplication - the zero array of each stores the length of each array

random = Rnd(0,16) when it finds a duplicate number = chooses a new one
Until random > 0 And random < 16 - it seems that the first and last number are picked less frequently than others, or at least this used to be the case. Ive not checked if that is still the case.

c = Rnd(0,1) - as it doesnt matter if one of the arrays is equal, randomly picks one to change
check = 0
multiplier# = ((Float(TILES_Pos) + Float(TILES_Neg)) / 2.0) - 0.5
mult# = multiplier# * Float(howManyTilesX(0))
     For a = 1 To howManyTilesX(0)
	For b = a+1 To howManyTilesX(0)
		If howManyTilesX(a)	= howManyTilesX(b) And howManyTilesY(a) = howManyTilesY(b) 
				random = Rnd(0,16)
			Until random > 0 And random < 16
			c = Rnd(0,1)
			If c = 1
				howManyTilesX(b) = random
				howManyTilesY(b) = random
			check = check + 1
     If check <> Int mult# Then check = 0
Until check = Int mult#



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