Code archives/Algorithms/Push/Pop Data Functions 2

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Push/Pop Data Functions 2 by N2004
These functions are a revised version of my previous push/pop stack functions. Instead of using banks, they now use types so that you can push and pop to and from the front and the back of the stacks without worrying about memory access violations.
	;; Stack sub-system used for organization of objects
;#End Region

;#Region CLASSES
	Type Stack
		Field F.StackObject
		Field L.StackObject
		Field Objects%
	End Type
	Type StackObject
		Field Content$
		Field Class$
		Field N.StackObject
		Field P.StackObject

		Field Parent.Stack
		Field z
	End Type
	Global STACK_Class$
	Global STACK_Content$
;#End Region

	Function CreateStack( )
		Local s.Stack = New Stack
		Return Handle( s )
	End Function
	Function PushObject( Stack , Content$ , Class$="", ToFront = 0 )
		Local s.Stack = Object.Stack (Stack )
		If s = Null Then Return 0
		Local Index = s\Objects
		Local i.StackObject = New StackObject
		i\Content = Content
		i\Class = Class
		i\Parent = s
		If ToFront <= 0 Then
			Local l.StackObject = s\L
			If l <> Null Then
				l\N = i
				i\P = l
			s\L = i
			If s\F = Null Then s\F = i
			Local f.StackObject = s\F
			If f <> Null Then
				f\P = i
				i\N = f
			s\F = i
			If s\L = Null Then s\L = i
		i\Z = s\Objects
		s\Objects = s\Objects + 1
		If DEVELOP And LOG_STACK Then DebugLog "Push "+Stack +" "+ Index +" "+ Content
		Return Index
	End Function
	Function PopObject$( Stack , FromFront = 0 )
		Local s.Stack = Object.Stack( Stack )
		Local Content$ = "",Class$ = ""
		If s = Null Then Return Content
		If FromFront <= 0 Then
			If s\L = Null Then Return Content
			Local l.StackObject = s\L
			If l\P <> Null Then
				l\P\N = Null
				s\L = l\P
			If s\L = Null Then s\L = s\F
			Content = l\Content
			Class = l\Class
			Delete l
			If s\F = Null Then Return Content
			Local f.StackObject = s\F
			If f\P <> Null Then
				f\N\P = Null
				s\F = f\N
			If s\F = Null Then s\F = s\L
			Content = f\Content
			Class = f\Class
			Delete f
		If DEVELOP And LOG_STACK Then DebugLog "Pop "+Stack+" "+Content
		STACK_Content = Content
		STACK_Class = Class
		Return Content
	End Function
	Function GetObject$( Stack, Index, RemoveData=0 )
		Local Content$ = "",Class$ = ""
		Local s.Stack = Object.Stack( Stack )
		If s = Null Then Return Content
		Local i
		Local f.StackObject = s\F
		If f = Null Then Return Contents
		For i = 0 To Index-1
			If f\N = Null Then Exit
			f = f\N
		Content = f\Content
		Class = f\Class
		If RemoveData > 0 Then
			If f\N <> Null Then f\N\P = f\P
			If f\P <> Null Then f\P\N = f\N
			If s\L = f Then s\L = f\P
			If s\F = f Then s\F = f\N
			s\Objects = s\Objects - 1
			Delete f
		If DEVELOP And LOG_STACK Then DebugLog "Get "+Stack+" "+Index+" "+Content+" "+RemoveData
		STACK_Class = Class
		STACK_Content = Content
		Return Content
	End Function
	Function GetObjectF#( Stack, Index, RemoveData=0 )
		Return Float(GetObject(Stack,Index,RemoveData))
	End Function
	Function GetObjectI%( Stack, Index, RemoveData=0 )
		Return Int(GetObject(Stack,Index,RemoveData))
	End Function
	Function InsertObject( Stack, At, Content$, Class$="" )
		Local s.Stack = Object.Stack( Stack )
		If s = Null Then Return -1
		Local i
		Local f.StackObject = s\F
		If f = Null Then Return PushObject( Stack, Content)
		For i = 0 To At-1
			If f\N = Null Then Exit
			f = f\N
		Local n.StackObject = New StackObject
		n\Content = Content
		n\Class = Class
		n\Parent = s
		If f <> Null Then
			n\N = f\N
			n\P = f
			f\N = n
		s\Objects = s\Objects + 1
		If DEVELOP And LOG_STACK Then DebugLog "Insert "+Stack+" "+At+" "+Content
		Return i
	End Function
	Function MoveObject( Stack, TakeFrom, MoveTo )
		Local cont$ = GetObject(Stack,TakeFrom,1)
		Return InsertObject(Stack, MoveTo-1,cont$,STACK_Class)
	End Function
	Function MoveObjectToFront( Stack, Index )
		Local cont$ = GetObject(Stack,Index,1)
		Return PushObject(Stack,cont$,1)
	End Function
	Function MoveObjectToBack( Stack, Index )
		Local cont$ = GetObject(Stack,Index,1)
		Return PushObject(Stack,cont$,0)
	End Function
	Function Objects( Stack )
		Local s.Stack = Object.Stack( Stack )
		If s = Null Then Return -1
		Return s\Objects
	End Function
	Function FreeStack( Stack )
		Local s.Stack = Object.Stack( Stack )
		If s = Null Then Return 0
		Delete s
		Local i.StackObject = Null
		For i = Each StackObject
			If i\Parent = Null Then
				Delete i
		If DEVELOP And LOG_STACK Then DebugLog "Free "+Stack
		Return 1
	End Function
	Function Debug_StackContents(stack)
		For i = 0 To Objects(stack)-1
			s$ = s$+" | "+GetObject(stack,i)
;		If Right(s$,2) = "| " Then s$ = Left(s$,Len(s)-3)
		DebugLog s$
	End Function
;#End Region


hey, it's intersesting u made this. I'm making something similiar too. I'm calling it a DataTree. I started it about a month ago before i read this. It works off banks inside types.

Tell me how u handle your stack system exactly. Y did u make it? I have my reasons for the DataTree. i want to see if we had similar reasons.

Well, how do you mean 'handle it', as in how I push/pop/insert data? Basically, it's the same concept behind a linked list (you may want to look up some 'simple linked list' examples on Google).

As for my reasons, I use it for a lot of stuff. First thing I wrote it for was my GL engine for Blitz, in which I used it to store vertices, polygons, and textures in a large pseudo-dynamic array. Now I use it for my scripting engines, GUI systems, shader system, and general organization and storing (for easy retrieval at a later time) of any data.

Well, maybe datatree system is something similar. I'll let u check it out sometime. It more like a network now, but that's ok. It's extremely flexible and easy for scripting too. One could access any variable. Also with it's search doesn't search, it just gets direct by the name instead. So it process only takes as long as how many characters are in the name. Basicly, it's used to replace types too. The only type ever used is the branch type, which is the tree. U create your own types and properities through it's branches.

The reason i ask "how u handle it" is because i was thining about testing it out myself. but i was looking at it an i wasn't sure how the whole system work for inputting data and such. that's all. Maybe u should have an example in your code.

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