Code archives/Algorithms/Neural Net Engine

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Neural Net Engine by AntonyWells2004
A feedforward true Neural network engine.
Based on the standard sigmond activation.

It's impossible to list what it can be used for...anything from ir to to speech reconigtion. It's upto you to put it to use.

Feel free to upload improved versions.
Global debug ; Blitz will not compile any constant expressions if they're false. Or so I'v heard...


Const C_maxInputs = 5000,C_maxNPL = 500,C_maxLayers = 5
Const C_maxNet = 50000 ;Max number of neurons any single neruon can be linked to(On a per neuron basis, so 2 neurons is limit*2 and so on, up to n(Inifinity)
Const nBias# = - 1 ;Do not change!(cue everyone changing it, crashing their machines..;->
Const C_sypAct# = 1 ;Activation value. Change to suit your needs.
Const V_maxVec = 500 
Global vTmp.vector = New vector;IO vector used by neural nets
Const c_maxHis = 500
Dim nFire.neuron(c_maxHis)
Dim nNull.neuron(c_maxHis) ;For the learning, history of a cycles, null and fired neurons.

Type vector
    Field size
    Field v#[V_maxVec]  
End Type

Type neuron
    Field numNet
    Field weight#[C_maxNet+1]
    Field net.neuron[C_maxNet]
End Type

Type nLayer
    Field neuron.neuron[C_maxNPL]
    Field numNeurons,numIn
End Type

Type neuralNet 
	Field numInputs,numOutputs
	Field numLayers,numNPL
	Field nLayer.nLayer[C_maxLayers]
End Type


Function initFFnet() 
    vTmp = New vector
End Function

Function nLayer.nLayer(numNeurons,numIn)
	nLayer.nLayer = New nLayer
	nLayer\numNeurons = numNeurons
	nLayer\numIn = numIn
	For n=1 To numNeurons
		nLayer\neuron[n] = neuron(numIn)
	Return nLayer
End Function

Function neuron.neuron(numNet)
	neuron.neuron = New neuron 
	For i = 1 To numNet + 1
		neuron\weight[i] = Rnd(0.4)
	neuron\weight[C_maxNet+1] = Rnd(0.6)
	Return neuron
End Function

Function neuralNet.neuralNet(numInputs,numHidden,numOutputs,populate = True,initVecTmp = True)
	out.neuralNet = New neuralNet
	out\numInputs = numInputs
	out\numOutputs = numOutputs
	out\numLayers = numHidden
	If populate 
		out\nLayer[1] = nLayer(numInputs,numInputs)
		out\nLayer[2] = nLayer(numHidden,numInputs)
		out\nLayer[3] = nLayer(numOutputs,numHidden)
	End If
	Return out
End Function

Function linkLayers(l1.nLayer,l2.nLayer,chain = False,preserve = True) ;1> 2<> 3<
	For n = 1 To l1\numNeurons
		If Not preserve
	For t = 1 To l2\numNeurons
	l1\neuron[n]\net[t+l1\neuron[n]\numNet] = l2\neuron[t]
	l1\neuron[n]\numNet = l1\neuron[n]\numNet+l2\numNeurons
	If chain linkLayers(l2,l1,False,preserve)
End Function ;To double chain two layers, set chain to true

;--Force feedforward net cycle. If you add differant cycles please share them!

;Learning modules (Use history look ups, don't fuck with them))

Function punishNet()
	If Not c_maxHis End
	For j = 1 To c_maxHis
		If Not nFire(j) = Null
			For n = 1 To c_maxNet
				nFire(j)\weight[n] = nFire(j)\weight[n] - 0.05
End Function

Function rewardNet()
	If Not c_maxHis End
	For j = 1 To c_maxHis
		If Not nFire(j) = Null
			;nFire(j)\weight[c_maxNet+1] = nFire(j)\weight[c_maxNet+1] - 0.2
			For n = 1 To c_maxNet
				nFire(j)\weight[n] = nFire(j)\weight[n] + 0.05
End Function

;fin learn

Function FFnetCycle(in.neuralNet) ; input->[?> hidden ?> output >]->user/GA
Local tWeight#
	For layer = 1 To 3
		For i = 1 To in\nLayer[layer]\numNeurons
		tWeight = 0
		For n = 1 To in\nLayer[layer]\numIn
			;tWeight = tWeight + (in\nLayer[layer]\neuron[i]\weight[n] * vTmp\v[n])
			tWeight = tWeight + (vTmp\v[n] * in\nLayer[layer]\neuron[i]\weight[n])
			If debug
				If n = 1
					DebugLog "-------------------"
					DebugLog "Layer >"+layer 
					DebugLog "Input Neuron>"+i
					DebugLog "Threashold>"+in\nLayer[layer]\neuron[i]\weight[C_maxNet+1]
				DebugLog "Weight "+n+">"+in\nLayer[layer]\neuron[i]\weight[n]

		tWeight = tWeight + (in\nLayer[layer]\neuron[i]\weight[c_maxNet+1]) * nBias
		If vTmp\v[1] > in\nLayer[layer]\neuron[i]\weight[C_maxNet+1]
			For j = 1 To c_maxHis
				If nFire(j) = Null
					nFire(j) = in\nLayer[layer]\neuron[i]
					;in\nLayer[layer]\neuron[i]\weight[c_maxNet+1] = 0
			If debug
				DebugLog "Neuron "+i+" on layer "+layer+" fired"
			For j = 1 To c_maxHis
				If nNull(j) = Null
					nNull(j) = in\nLayer[layer]\neuron[i]
		If debug
			DebugLog "Activation > " + vTmp\v[1]
End Function

Function clearHistory()
	For j = 1 To c_maxHis
		nFire(j) = Null
		nNull(j) = Null
End Function

Function debugHistory()
	If debug
		For j = 1 To c_maxHis
			If Not nFire(j) = Null fCount = fCount + 1
			If Not nNull(j) = Null nCount = nCount + 1 
		DebugLog "History Debug_____"
		DebugLog "1 Cycle"
		DebugLog fCount+" Neurons fired"
		DebugLog nCount+" Inhibited neurons"
End Function

Function sigmoid#(in#,round#)
	Return ( 1. / (1. + Exp(-in / round)))
End Function

Function setInput(i,v#) 
	If i>vTmp\size vTmp\size = i
	vTmp\v[i] = v
End Function

Function getInput#(i)
	Return vTmp\v[i] 
End Function

Function clearNetIO() ;needed after every cycle's results/inputs are not needed.
	vTmp\size = 0
	vTmp\v[1] = 0
End Function

;Input related (to do with the input layer. (In plain english, manually set the input layers neuron's)

;Note, this isn't used any longer. But would be useful for things like IR

Function injectI(net.neuralNet,l,o1,val#=0,o2 = 1,dW=1)
	aN = ((dW * o2) - dW) + o1
	net\nLayer[l]\neuron[aN]\weight[C_maxNet+1] = val
End Function 


Function getOutput(net.neuralNet,n,sum = False)
	If Not sum Return net\nLayer[3]\neuron[n]\weight[C_maxNet+1]
End Function

;--vector lib(if you can call a couple of functions a lib...)

Function vector.vector()
	out.vector = New vector
	out\size = 1
    Return out
End Function 

Function setVector(in.vector,i,v#)
End Function

Function getVector#(in.vector,i)
	Return in\v[i]
End Function

Function scaleVector(in.vector,sf#)
	For v = 1 To in\size
		in\v[v]=in\v[v] * sf#
End Function

Function projectVector(in.vector,offSet = 1)
	If offset+2 > in\size Return 
	For v = offSet To offSet + 1
		in\v[v]=in\v[v] / in\v[offSet+2]
End Function

Function pushVector(in.vector,v#) 
	If in\size < V_maxVec in\size=in\size+1 Else Return 
	If in\Size > 1
		For i=in\size-1 To 1 Step - 1
	in\v[1] = v
End Function

;Havn't tried this function yet, should work but isn't to do with anything above. yet.

Function vectorDistance#(v1.vector,v2.vector,dimensions = -1)
Local sV#,sT# 
	If dimensions = -1 dimensions = v1\size 
	For dimensions = dimensions To 1 Step -1
		sT = (v2\v[d] - v1\v[d]) 
		sV=Sv + (sT * sT)
Return Sqr(sv)
End Function


If it can cook, I'll marry it.

Well it can order a take away. Gotta be better than the healty crap a woman would force feed ya anyway.

Regular K2004
Sounds neat but I dont understand how it would work.
An example might help?

Tbh I wrote this over two years ago, found it on blitzcoder again tucked away in the ai forum...So other than that it is, I can't be of much help.

Generally speaking though, the process involves first training, then use. I.e, you randomnize a net, let it run, and whenever the outputs it produce(Depending on the inputs) are 'good', you reward the net. If it's bad, you punish the net...
over time(And i suggest automating this) logic pathways begin to form, like our brain, and then it'll adapt.

Think of the inputs as sensors. Our brain's inputs would be SIGHT, SOUND, TOUCH etc.

Now imagine you have an AI character. One input could be say, a vector to the nearest enemy, That other input a vector to the nearest health pack, and the other being the direction it's facing.

Now, it's outputs are what trigger responses by you..Think of it's outputs as the brain deciding to do something.
i.e me moving my left finger..that's the result of an output from brain..(of sorts.)
Now in ann, it's the same. Except you define the roles of the outputs. You could make one output the direction it faces next frame. And another one could be 'run'.
So with two outputs, this brain can now make the man turn, and run.
Given it has inputs telling him where food is..well, you could reward the net whenever it gets closer to the food...

After a few hundred generations..It could find it everytime.

A good subject to know in relation to this is genetic coding. You can then after a set period of cycles, take two brains and then like nature does, mutate them and bore an off-spring..

Thus, evolution...

Now throw in some kind of negative food, that can kill..and you have in place a virtual eco-system of sorts..the good evolving, and the stupid being removed, ending their influence on the gene pool. Survival of the fittest in full flow ;)

Actual uses of ANN are image reconigtion, speech reconigtion, pattern matching..Hell, there's even a ann based file compressor out there that is 3x better than any standard method..takes longer though, so it's not too popular with those without any patience(I.e 99.9% of everyone of the 'net)

Regular K2004
ooh sounds interesting!!!!

im gonna try to make something out of it

OK ive not really looked at the code but I know generally what you do with a neural net.

lets say you have 4 shapes that you want to recognise, star, circle, square, triangle

if each shape is portrayed on a 64x64 image then you need, gulp, 64*64 input nodes.

and probably 4 output nodes, one for each image type

now you need data. lots and lots and lots of data. say ohh 1000 images of each type all slightly different.. shapes offcenter, blurred, irreglar rotated etc

you use 80-90% of the data as training data (this is called an epoch)

then you feed the images to the net 1 at a time. if you feed it a star and it says its a star you reward it and if it says its anything else then you punish it. as you progress with training the net will adjust its weightings on various neurons automatically (hopefully) by a process called back propogation and will gradually get more and more accurate. thankfully you can just write a few more lines of code to feed the images to the net and tell it if it got it right or not while you go and have lunch and the afternoon off (possibly)

now, supposedly your net is nicely trained.
You then use the remaining data to test the accuracy of the net. if it manages to get 9/10 right you are doing really really well. this is because the net is forming a concept of if you will of what the shapes are. if its getting 50% right then it needs more training (or you have over trained it)

this is just image recognition. hand writing recognition programs use it. they come pretrained and then use further training to adopt themselves to your style. I would imagine voice recognition like IBM's via voice also uses a similar system combined with a semantic analyser to determine the correct word when words sound very similar (whir and were or where and wear or we're and wier)

I believe Black and White also used a small net in its creatures so they could learn certain activities.

Neural Networks is one of the most high level reasearch areas in the field of Artificial Intelligence.

The most famous image recongising program is part of a robot called cog which can recognise its programmers/creators via twin cameras mounted on its head and interact with them via a robotic arm (it may have 2 arms now) it also looks suspiciously like johnny 5

Can anyone post a simple code that uses this "engine"?
(for ex. learn arithmetic operations giving a '.txt' file with a long list of 2 inputs and 1 output)

Does anybody used it for image recognition?
I need small example how to recognise symbols drawn by user, e.g. star.
Something like mouse gestures recognised in browsers.

looks good, an example would go well with it. i've tried to put it to use but can't figure out which funcs to use.

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